I was driving home and this guy was on my ass. Well I slowed down to turn down my ally and he lays on his horn. So of course I slam om my brakes causing him to swerve around me and I throw it in reverse and back out of the ally and catch him at the stop sign. I ask him what his "f"ing problem is. He says I turn to slow. I say "so that really pisses you off" he says: "Yes it does" I say "so how about when someone does this" *reach in and slap the fuck out of this guy* he replies "you're and @$$hole" and drives off real fast. I jumped in and took off after him cause I wanted to know as much about where he lived as he knew about me. But I cooled off and dropped chase. 1. The week before I was laid off my job. 2. I had recently found my 80+ y.o. neighbor laying face down passed out in the entrance to that ally. (she had cancer and was a few months from dying) 3. I never use my horn for trivial purposes and people who do get really under my skin. True story, I'm damn glad he did not press charges. If he had that would not have been the end of it.
I didn't check but I think this was a repost of one of BM's old threads. If I see topic with a (.) at the end (especially followed by punctuation), I'm thinking bot.
I was thinking there used to be someone named SMS. I had my suspicions but what the hell. What the purpose is for these bots I'll never know.
My memory is so weird. I can't remember why I stand up half of the time but I can remember an old thread.
This true, Joe? I hope you were packin' heat... Unless this is a whole post about these useless forum bots whose purpose I have yet to understand.
I don't think it was edited recently. I would say Jefe did it to be funny a while back. Like how he will edit spam with their contact info? That's just my assumption.
Alzheimer's. You'll remember that thread when you can't even remember where your glasses are (they'll be on your face).
Already did that one once. Colonoscopy drugs. Afterwards I asked where my glasses were as I was touching them and I hear, "On your face." Didn't even occur to me that it was funny. I just said, "Oh." I was so paranoid about someone stealing my glasses that was all I could think about.