OCD at it's best

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I have washed my butt after each BM since I was about 17. I hate going at work because obviously there is no bathtub, however, I will if I have no choice. I have the moist wipes but I think they are gross and not much better than tp. I have always eyeballed the vanity/sink and wondered "Hmm..." So today I decided to try it since I was completely alone and the bathroom door was locked. Of course, there was the task of not having my bare feet touch the floor (OCD) where to put my phone (OCD) and where to put my pants (OCD). Put the phone on top of the hanging wall phone, hung my pants on the door knob but the bottoms touched the floor and that sucked royally. Got up there then got all freaked out because my feet were touching the vanity. Anyway, it worked. When I leaned back to grab the paper towels hanging on the wall, the roll fell off and I almost fell catching them, but I had cat like reflexes and made it. As I'm towling off, still perched on the vanity, the outside door opens and someone comes in which makes me nervous but at the same time I find it funny as hell because I felt like Jim Carey in that movie Me Myself and Irene.

    This instance almost beats the time when I was sick and passing out and tried to get in the tub to wash and couldn't and busted my chin.

    OCD can be funny but it sucks and no shrinks in a 150 miles radius take my insurance.
  2. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member

    Maybe you would be happier as an artificial, non-organic being?
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You really need to sanitize those wipes before you use them... On a 1,000W microwave oven, 20 sec/sheet should do... But you're going to want to have the oven close to the crapper, or you may pick up germs while the sheets are cooling down on your way to the stall...
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's not germs. It's people dirt. I don't like the scum from people getting on me. It's not so much that they are going to make me sick, it's just that I hate people so much that I don't want their dirt getting on me. Dogs can roll all over the yard and I'll hug all over them but if someone came to my house after going to a public place.. like say Walmart, I'd have a really hard time letting them sit on my couch.

    I also have a thing about public chairs. At my old job, I carried around a cushion and put it down before I would sit in my chair. In school I sat on paper. The reason why I do this is because I know no one has the same butt cleaning practices as I do so everyone's asses are dirty and their stink seeps out of their clothes and contaminates all public seating and I hate the thought of sitting in someone's butt stink and carrying it around. So when it comes to public seating, I will always try to sit on plastic or wood because it can be wiped clean better but cloth/foam, eww... I'd rather stand, but I sit on the very edge (where the back of everyone's legs go) to avoid getting my butt where theirs was.

    A few years ago when I did go to a counselor, I quit going because the couch looked like something that you would see on a sidewalk and I knew it was filled with all kinds of sick shit. I didn't even tell her about my OCD. I've been to three shrinks in my life and never told anyone about it. I was too embarrassed. Now I don't give a shit who knows. This part of the OCD doesn't bother me. I have it a lot worse than this with other things.

    And Joe, mites don't bother me. They live in our eyelashes and are all over the bed. I don't care as long as they have spent their life cycle with me. I consider them clean.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Is it consistent, or does it vary with some good days and some bad days?

    Personally I think we all are at some level crazy, OCD, psycho in some way. I catch myself avoiding the sidewalk cracks when I walk things like that for no real reason.

    Oh and did you see those bug pictures? I am going to spend some time researching that butterfly and find out more about it. I have spend four summers here and every Summer it seems there is one that likes to hang out at my place. If I see it fluttering around and choose to stand at the end of my diving board with my arm outstretched it will land on my arm, back, or hand. I generally never have a camera and if I head for the house it flies away. Yesterday my wife just happened to step out and the camera was already out she just had to hand it to me.
  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    We all saw your butterfly now go catch some more.
  8. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    So, you washed your ass where people wash their hands? This is acceptable to you how? This is the stuff that makes me crazy in public bathrooms.
  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    This is what gets me. People wash their hands after taking a leak to wash the dick off their hands. When you turn the water on... you put dick on the faucet. Then you wash the dick off your hands. When you turn the water off.... the dick from the faucet is back on your hands.

    Seems kinda pointless huh?
  10. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member

    It is acceptable to her because it's her crappy ass that gets washed in the sink provided for everyone to wash their hands in. Hopefully there aren't too many people like her, or I myself might develop OCD about washing my hands in a public wash basin and a neurotic hatred for the scummy, inconsiderate behaviour of some people.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's not a public bathroom. It's my work bathroom. We are not open to the public and considering that I am the only female, no is to use it, however, some of the guys have and clogged my toilet and pissed on my seat, so fuck them.
  12. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    Unless you rub your hands all over the basin or swim in it (like I used to, but I will be rethinking this) there would be no reason to develop a phobia (which is what it would be, not OCD) over this.

    Neuroseous, tell everyone to LICK SHITTY NADS. :)
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    With the exception of Cheesedawg I bet these guys complaining would stick their dick right in someones ass guy or girl.

    When I'm done washing my hands I use towels to open the door and often also to turn off the water if its not the type I can use my elbow to shutoff. If there is no trashcan near the door I toss a paper towel on the floor after using ti to open the door. Most establishments have figured this out and put a trashcan near the door.
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    And, if the venue is either without paper towels, or a door that can be opened without pulling on it, I simply do not wash my hands after pissing. I know my dick is clean, can't say the same for all the other people that had to piss while shopping.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    I think I'm in love.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Of course an other idea was to keep alcohol pads around to properly sanitize one nether regions.
  17. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I do the towel thing with the door too, but it really doesn't make a difference. Everything you touch is tainted (haha). You use the bathroom at a restaurant and then come out and touch your menu that contains god knows what on it. As long as it doesn't make you sick, ignorance is bliss.

    I go to really scummy stores sometimes just to build up my immunity. :)
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Pukey, I am being serious. Did you have tubes in your ears as a child? Did you have any serious health complications before age two?
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yes to the tubes and I had croup as a baby. Turned blue, was in the hospital in an oxygen tent... think I was 2 at the time.

    You think I am brain damaged?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010

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