Did we lose some threads here? I seem to remember something being posted in here later than a week ago.
The site moved to a new server and some things that have been posted in the last week might have gotten lost in the move. I apologize. We're not deleting anything. We backed up the databases on June 1 or so and then restored them and moved things over on Friday, the 4th so things that were posted in between are over on the old server but there is no way to get them back. What is missing? Can we re-post it?
FUCK! Those porn pics of your sister are gone forever! I was going to make a lot of money off those... Thanks alot!
I will if you ignore this Just a test http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPWaQKuqENU&feature=player_embedded
When I try to go to forums.fugly.com I get directed to the Verizon search engine like the name is not registered on their DNS. I have to go to bing.com and search "forums.fugly.com" to get here. FYI