We are trillians of dollars in debt. Yet America is three times a bigger contributor than the next biggest into the IMF the second biggest is Japan I believe. If the IMF bails out Greece then it will be your tax dollars bailing out a country so your tax dollars can pay retirement for people who retire at 58 unless you have a high risk job like a hair dresser they get to retire at 50. And more people work for the government than don't. LOL Your tax dollars bailing out more unions. Not even American unions. Stupid asses.
Explain the IMF to me, Joe. I don't know what it is. P.S. - No conservative slants. Just explain what it is and what it does.
OK International Monetary Fund. The idea of the organization is to stabilize the global economy to the benefit of all and supposedly to promote democracy. The Communist have taken over Greece and Socialism like Communist dictators thrive on chaos with the people looking to them for guidance they never get just more rules and more loss of their freedoms and more power to the dictator. The IMF essentially goes around trying to stabilize mostly third world governments. Here I'll look it on on Wiki *Click the link for the whole story*
So Greece is looking to take out a loan from the IMF. Does that mean they have to open their country to foreign investors? Is that really such a bad thing for a broke nation?
I do not think its bad for Greece it pisses me off to be funding yet once again failed socialist policy and unions.
Forget about the unions and the faggot commies The fact is large corporations will find workers in complying countries, i.e cheap labor. That means less jobs for you.
You know BFF the thing that kills me. We have this immigration problem. Just South of our border we have a country on the brink. They have no money or means to make it so they sell drugs to the U.S. who can blame them? If you were one of them and your child were diagnosed to be born with some problem would you not bite scratch and claw your way into America to get needed care for your child? But there is a really simple solution. Why not prop up their government? Why not have all the B.S. we are currently having made in China, Taiwan, or other country requiring it to be shipped in from the other side of the globe. Why not have it made in Mexico? Give them jobs, hope, infrastructure, hospitals. Seems IMF could and would do good to exhort some pressure in Mexico to allow business to operate. To hell with the European countries let the EU help them... as if.
The reason why China and some Asian countries are so popular in manufacturing is because of the shear amount of skilled labour. Mexico has a terrible 57% high-school graduation rate, compare that with China's 78% or Japan's 96%. China will manufacture your goods with the latest technological advancements and do it for less than Mexico. That's exactly why China has taken over manufacturing on a global scale. Say what you want about socialism, but somehow China made it work. Although a shift towards entrepreneurial behaviour in their markets has been noticed. You could say that they are slowly moving towards the right on the economic scale, but still a far cry from a free democracy like the US or Canada.
:biggrin: People are dying to migrate to China. Theirs is a hybrid system. And its not that they have taken over manufacturing as of recent. They have had it all along for 99% of the low tech crap. And they are masters at reverse engineering. They do not come up with much of any new technology but they sure copy a lot. For what they make there is no real need for skilled labor. We can do it in Mexico and the logistics are way better.
Everybody's system is hybrid. There is no such thing as a pure economic system. As far as logistics go you have it all wrong. China manufactures most of the world's steel, they farm most of the world's grain, and they manufacture most of the world's electronics. We're not just talking about crappy plastic toys or key-chains, we're talking about the microchips that go in your cell-phone and your computer, we're talking about chemicals such as fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, and pesticide. They manufacture drugs, pills, vaccines, and medical equipment. China has much changed since the 80's, they are the leaders in the fields of technological developments and medical research. They have the plants, the ports, the fleets, and everything else needed to ship anything around the world. Mexico has a lot to do to catch up. They are nowhere near as competent and able to overthrow China's hold on manufacturing.
Name some please. Leaders in copyright infringement yes I'll grant you that they certainly are. Mexico is geographically positioned in a better location to supply America with low tech manufactured merchandise. Same thing I said before. The benefit to the U.S. is two fold. We propped up China for decades now its time to prop someone else up China can stand on its own two feet. It seems Mexico cannot.
Sigh. You just don't listen do you? American companies are paying to have their shit manufactured in China. It is true that the Chinese have made cheap knock offs (especially in the market of automobiles and wrist-watches), but that's not all they do. Do you think that China only supplies the United-States? They are shipping companies that depend on the interactions between China and North-America. The infrastructure is already in place. Why would a company spend $65 million to build a new smelting plant in Mexico when they already have one in China? That's without counting the finding and training of new employees and the rerouting of the supply chain. That all costs a lot of money. You know nothing of world economics and worst of all, you believe that the whole world should rotate around the United-States. Which it doesn't anymore. Do you think that China would just stand still while the US wrecks their economy? They would come and knock on your door for that trillion you guys owe. And if you can't pay. China will appeal to the IMF and you guys will get black-balled. The best thing for you to do is look at why it hasn't happened yet. There is a reason why the manufacturing doesn't take place in Mexico. If my reasons don't suffice, then nothing can snap you out of your daydream.
Holy fucking shit goddamn it Alabalister I'm not challenging Mexico to China. What I'm trying to say is regardless of whatever the fuck china makes and or how. I'm saying if we had shit manufacture South of our boarder in Mexico. We could give Mexico some of the economy we have been giving China for decades. I'm saying this would help them create an infrastructure and an economy. And a huge benefit to us would be that some would decide not to migrate North if they can support their family there. Damn it your thick as a brick sometimes! :biggrin:
I seriously doubt my car of floors would look any cleaner if I used a Plastic mop bucket from China or from Mexico. Think about it. Nothing to loose everything to gain. I want my neighbors as wealthy as me (Mexico and Canada) fuck the guy in the other neighborhood.
Like I said, there is a reason why Mexico hasn't earned all that manufacturing. We're probably not the first ones to talk about it, so there is something outside of our comprehension that makes it impossible. Personally, if I was a business owner, I wouldn't deal with Mexico. Too unstable, they have wars in their streets and their government is corrupt. They probably hijack the trucks leaving the manufacturing plants to sell the contents in some dirty back alley. The US and China have also signed treaties over the years. Some would probably guarantee a certain minimum amount of trading. The debt owed to China is nearly $2 trillion. It's nothing like your everyday mortgage where you make annuity payments. The Chinese will want hard assets. This could translate into establishing permanent consuls or permanent installations on America soil in southeast Asia or in the Pacific. This is no laughing matter, the debt is all too real and the Chinese are a vicious bunch. They will want their money back. When the day come, you will have to learn how to use chopsticks. :biggrin:
Who knows? I'm just glad that someone takes this shit seriously. All the idiots out there that fantasize on some sort of home-grown reign of terror or 9/11 conspiracy bullshit should take a moment to reflect on what it means to owe $2 trillion (that's $2,000,000,000,000.00) to another country.