I wanna hear from Canadians

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Cheezedawg, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Ok canucks. I want to know your actual opinions on your health care system. Is the cost low? Are the waits long? Are ER visits on a first come first serve basis.... or most urgent care required first? Tell me. I want to know the truth from actual canadian citizens.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Nothin but crickets.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    They're too busy standing in line to answer silly forum questions... :rolleyes:
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    :p Chuckle.
  5. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Well, there is priority given to emergencies, just like in the states. But you guys are confusing the issues. Health care isn't run by the government in Canada, it's run by individuals operating private clinics and hospitals, and yes, they do earn a profit. Only the insurance part of health care is publicly funded. The government collects taxes from people and put them in a fund, when you're sick and you need hospitalization, the hospital bills the government and they (the government) take the money out of the fund.

    I see the issues that some Americans have with public insurance, you don't want to pay for anyone else and possibly immigrants. But I personally think that it beats having to worry about coverage. I am getting hitched this summer and possibly kids soon too, and I cannot imagine my kids struggling for health insurance.

    Because more people are covered, more people show up at the hospital and possibly clog the system. We avoid this issue by having strict screening measures and tons of clinics spread out everywhere. This way the old folks can go loiter at the clinics and the hospitals remain free for real emergencies.
  6. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Do the hospitals have to call the government to get approval for certain procedures or medicines? Do you ever get denied care because the government says its experimental or "inappropriate"?
  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member


    Not everything is covered. If your wife wants new tits they won't be covered by the insurance. Some stuff is deemed too experimental but it's a little more flexible than in the US. Abortions are covered but trans-gender stuff isn't.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think there should be a public and a private option. With a some major strings attached to the public option. Things like smoking should be strictly prohibited with punishment of jailtime if caught smoking or for that matter any "unhealthy" or "risky" activity.

    Post a "Jackass" type video on Youtube doing a "risky" stunt. = Jail time.

    They should be strictly restricted on what they can eat and for that matter where they can eat. Menus at restaurants should have a special section of tax payer approved foods for the slackers to eat.

    No sports cars for these people they are to prone to injuring the driver and thus causing the tax payer hardship. They can make a special line of practical efficient cars that are not a nuisance to regular citizens with the necessities such as air conditioning regulated to being used when it is physically a necessity not a comfort feature.

    I could go on but you get the idea. Those who wish to opt out of freedom and into a wipe your ass nanny government need to also opt out of the conveniences and luxuries of Capitalism.
  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Why do that at all? Fix the system and people won't need to worry about most of that stuff. People still smoke and eat poorly in France..... they are doing just fine. With meds costing so little.... people could actually afford a few vices.

    Cigarettes are already taxed at about 2 dollars a pack or more. That means by the time I smoke a carton.... I've paid 20 bucks in taxes. At the end of the year, I will have spent about 1000 dollars in cigarette taxes. If I get sick after 40 years of smoking, I've already invested 40,000 in the system.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Less than one forth the cost of cancer treatment we need to raise the tax to eight per pack
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Fix the system right no shit glad you are finally coming along. It just makes sense, first of all we need to break the Democrats stronghold on the legislation process they have done all they can to destroy private healthcare. The Democrats have blocked every common sense proposal by the Republicans.
  12. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Not every smoker will develope cancer. Some will quit and others will die from other complications. When it comes down to it..... 2 dollars a pack is quite a tax to pay. Nobody taxes McDonald's or other fast food joints. They will kill you quicker than smoking. Smoking takes 30 years to kill you. Fast food can do it in under a year.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Oh hell yeah under my idea if you sign on to Socialized medicine you lose your right to choose what and where to eat because what and where you eat effects the tax payers bottom line.

    If you go to McDonalds and are not diabetic *and choose to participate in socialized medicine you can get the fruit cup anything else is majorly taxed for you. If you are diabetic then well you can forget about the fruit cup also what you need is complex carbs and those fries don't cut it to much fat and sodium.

    Choosing free Healthcare can be a lucrative thing you will just be limited in a whole host of other freedoms also. And I'm sure McDonalds will come around with a veggie dish with stuff like raw broccoli, celery, carrots, and such.
  14. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    These thoughts are hardly libertarian Joe. You can't force people to eat something they don't want and you can't jail someone for smoking. Having a private and public system running parallel (called two-tear system) is wrong. You either have one or the other. Because it becomes unfair to those in the public system, why should a rich guy cut in line to get a heart transplant? Having wealth is not directly proportionate to health. In other words, having money doesn't mean that you deserve to live more than a poor person.

    The two-tear system has been rejected by all provincial governments because people felt the same way I do. People like the public insurance and contrary to your impressions of Canada, we are not being "mind controlled" by our government. We like it that way. My taxes going to health care end up being less than paying monthly premiums to a private firm and I'm guaranteed 100% coverage, Why would I complain? If I wasn't happy I'd be living somewhere else, but not in the US, I don't like apple pie.
  15. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    What about baseball, hotdogs and Chevrolet? Do you like them? We have programs available to force you to like apple pie.......... errr, never mind.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No preference to private insurance in as far as care goes. Its just that if you choose private insurance you choose freedom and Capitalism. On the other hand if you choose the Socialism handout then you get Socialism and that means loss of freedom and the regulations that come along with Socialism. Nothing wrong with that its simply a choice. The Democrats\Socialist\Communist like the hybrid system every election year they can blame peoples troubles on some sort of Capitalism and greed. They always have and always will have radical left wing journalist, Public education and the higher educational institutions infected with and controlled by Socialist to warp the minds of the people. So they get a (make believe) demon to run against and a smoke screen to cover their own guilt.

    Fuck that let people choose either or. Either Socialism or Freedom their choice.

    That is the most Libertarian idea I can think of.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dying Patient Was Refused A Glass Of Water

    After being admitted in the morning, he was given antibiotics and oxygen, but was later forced to ring his wife to tell her that he was not allowed any more water as he had earlier knocked over a cup.

    After ringing the switchboard, a doctor was called to the ward, only for a nurse to tell him that the patient was "overreacting".

    The hospital was unable to comment directly on the case, as it is part of the family's legal proceedings.

    A spokeswoman said: "South London Healthcare NHS Trust would like to apologize to the Sauter family for the failings in care that Derek Sauter received.

    "The trust believes that Mr Sauter did not receive a proper and professional standard of care that he and his family had a right to expect."
  18. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I think that you should give your fellow Americans or Canadians a little more credit than that. Nobody's mind is being "warped". You just disagree with their political beliefs and demonize them for it. In your mind, anyone having a different set of values is either evil or controlled by an invisible socialist agenda. You are just as warped as the 'evil socialists', but in your case it's leaning on the right instead of the left.

    Demanding to live in a country where everyone acts and thinks the same way is demanding totalitarianism. As a libertarian you should value everyone's right to believe in something different. If these values clash with your own, you vote against them during elections, that's the beauty of democracy.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    What I proposed enables the socialist freedom to choose socialism without fully imposing their beliefs on people who dissagree. Freedom to choose don't be afraid freedom is not a radical hairbrained right wing idea its just that it seems that way to someone who's allowed themselves to slowly be fenced in and did not notice it happening. It's called Fabian Socialism it draws strength from the enevitability of slow change.
  20. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I don't know what Fabian Socialism has to do with my post. All I said is that you should drop the whole "hidden socialist agenda" and value other people's opinions. You seem to insinuate that I left myself get "fenced in", which proves my point. Because I disagree with you, I'm "fenced in" or "mind controlled".
    You're a nutjob Joe. You're the kind of guy that will burst into a Jewish kindergarten and shoot everyone.
    You're a right wing extremist and you are being mind controlled by Rush Limbaugh and the crying sissy Glenn Beck.

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