Well, I was actually hoping he'd prove me wrong about Canadians being a bunch of dull, humorless windbags, but (embarrassingly!) the stereotype has only been reinforced?
I watched the Nashville Predators play the Red Wings in Tennessee a few years back. It was great I keep meaning to go see the Stars play I hear the Texas fans are pretty serious just like they are in Nashville. I have not watched the Olympics Hockey though. How does it work out with eliminations and all is Canada out of the hunt then for the gold?
I just missed Canada couples figure skating but my wife just said they won. She thought the Americans did better but I mean really how can she judge she has no idea of what moves are more difficult? I think she is influenced by suggestions by the commentators. I did watch the Russians and the Americans and thought the Americans were impressive at least for my non-skating perspective.
I heard that some of the southern teams had trouble staying alive. There are rumours of the Winnipeg Jets coming back to life because some team is moving back up north. As for Canada's chances at the gold, they can still beat Germany, than Russia to have a shot at the US in the finals.
Well.. congrats on the figure skating. Just think of all the millions of shuffling geriatrics and middle aged housewives all around the globe who will have been breathtaken by Canada's performance.
Well... How to express this... How about: F*UCK YEAAAH!!! I will go against my typical Canadian mild-mannered demeanor and say: IN YOUR F*UCKING FACE CHUMWAD! STICK THAT IN YOUR F*UCKING PIPE! Pheww... Much better...
this is an ignorant question... but it is for real. Ok so someone wins a gold in some sport in the Olympics.... do they win money? I am mean I am sure that the big sport winners (ie ice skaters) get some endorsement crap- do commercials and crap... but the other guys... what do they get? I mean you hear people say - " after 12+ hours of practice a day- it did not pay pay off" how do these people pay bills? I mean I take it only people who are " kept" can afford to prepare for olympics... again- sorry if this is a stupid question... also who pays for them to travel to the games, hotel... etc.. is the " Gold " metal really made of gold? I mean how much is it worth? Weight wise ...
Each country has their own Olympic program and fund their athletes. Except the Communist and dictatorships. Iraq awarded their winners with less torture for example.
So mild mannered. Until - GOD FORBID - anyone pokes a bit of fun at you! That's when the BIG STICKS that you keep tightly wedged up your asses are removed... and the bloodthirsty beatings get started...
That's the Mountie! He was a pretty good wrestler back in the 80's. Him and Sgt. Slaughter used to team up to kick the Iron Sheik's a*ss!
You guys don't know sh*it about wrestling then eh? The Iron Sheik used to partner up with Nikolai Volkoff, back in the old days of the "Foreign Legion" stable. It's only natural that Sgt. Slaughter would team up with The Mountie to take 'em down. But anyway, glad to see Bullgod crawling out of his cage for a weak jab in a conversation in which he has no concern. Still haunting the Fugly forums ol' boy? Has for Chumwad, I'm not too sure what you Irish call "chum", but over here it's not a cool thing to call yourself after it. How's that for a sense of humour?
Dire. But keep practising - I'm sure it'll come! In the meantime, we'll all still put up with you. (..sigh..)
I must say that for someone supposedly getting a masters degree, you are a numb fuck. The title of the thread is "Winter Olympics" not "The Canuck Wizards Wisdom" and I believe I have posted in it already, you steaming pile of sled dog dung. Your sense of humor is still non-existent.
Oh dear, looks like I've upset you. As usual you don't hold back on the Ad Hominem jabs. Whatever, I'm a sled dog turd and you're a chronic masturbating teen in his parent's basement. That was funnier wasn't it? Knee-slapping funny is what that is.
How long did you have to search the dictionary to find ad hominem my foolish friend? You'll never be able to upset me with your words, oh great keyboard warrior, oh ruler of the internet, oh wizard of the great white north. I'm terribly sorry if I've hurt your feelings, oh stuffed shirt of the fugly forums. For the record I need not answer your foolish unfunny remarks, it would just encourage you to make an ass of yourself more. You're pretty pathetic in reality and your sense of humor is still non-existent. sleep well, oh frosted fucktard. :biggrin: