Obama says it is Bush's fault. I think the misfired Russian rocket explanation is the most likely, though it WAS a tad unsettling to discover the Large Hadron Collider had reached its' fastest speeds yet the day before this bizarre spectacle appeared!
Not certain and to lazy to look it up but I believe the Russians admitted to it. Ironic isn't it that Obama and the Russians would be against America building a missile defense shield. Some how building a missile defense is an aggressive move that could trigger another arms race? But then again this is the same Socialist ideology that awards Obama with a Nobel peace prize.
I thought that the whole "patriot missile" thing was very hard to engineer if not impossible. I recall an engineer saying that it's like trying to hit a baseball thrown by a pitcher with a golfball. Apparently hitting missiles in flight with another missile is a hard thing to do or something. What have you heard about that? Have they found a way to do it?
Well I believe what you saw in those pictures was described as some as a laser guidance jamming technique. Not very stealthy is it? Anywho I believe that quote was from our experiences in the late 80s early 90s. What kind of computer did you have in the late 80s? Was it as powerful almost as it is now?
I think we have to worry about China attacking us before Russia does, although that seems unlikely too, because China already controls us through trade. The spiral light was probably the Russians trying to hypnotize Norway.................
Putin orders Obama To Share Missile Defense Data Putin Says Russia Needs To Build New Weapons, orders Obama To Disclose Its Missile Defense Plans Vlad the Pooter does not think so.
if "they" = USA, then yes they have. we can strike down orbital satellites and you're right it's not easy. You shoot before the satellite is above the horizon. the way I heard it, gulf war era patriot missles had a programming error, very small timing issue that added up over weeks or months of deployment. I'd bet big money that has been fixed.