Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allan West

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by phatboy, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

  2. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Which liberties have actually been taken away?
    Surely you don't mean the right to privacy that was taken away with the Bush wiretapping program? Or the warrantless detention of prisonners by the Bush administration?

    Or what about that statement made by former attorney general John Ashcroft:
    "To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists. ... They give ammunition to America's enemies, and pause to America's friends."
    -- former attorney general John Ashcroft

    Surely Obama must have done something terribly wrong if all of these people never saw a need to uprise during the Bush white house. Surely it cannot be because of politics. These people are genuinely concerned over liberties being taken away and I'm sure that this speech was not made at a conservative rally. Right? This has nothing to do with partisanship.

    When I look back at the actions that the Bush admin took such as wiretapping without a warrant ,detaining without a warrant, and gagging critics by comparing them to terrorists. These actions obviously did not anger all of these people, so Obama must really be a monster. Nothing to do with politics. Just pure unquestionnable patriotism. Right?

    But in the words of our beloved former attorney general: "To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists. ... They give ammunition to America's enemies, and pause to America's friends."
    If this applied to the Bush critics, surely it must also apply to the Obama critics. Otherwise it's hypocricy, right? Bush was right all the way was he not? So when he said that whoever criticize the white house with "phantoms of lost liberties" is aiding the terrorists he was right. So these people are in fact aiding the terrorists, right?
    Otherwise it's hypocricy. So these people are there because they are concerned and not because of politics. Am I right or what?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Looks like Moot agrees with you Phat. He does not like loss of liberty during Bush or Obama.

    And guess what?

    Bush is not running for election in 2012. :cool:
  4. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Ah yes, good ol' Joe to the rescue. I haven't forgotten the fact that you claim the Albanian genocide was justified and that the Fresh Prince is subliminal liberal propaganda.

    Do me a favor and don't even bother replying or commenting on any of my posts. You're too fucking slimy to have you associated with me.

    I might disagree with Phatboy but he hasn't said anything remotely as crazy as some of the shit you've said.

    Just go on living your life thinking that Slobodan Milosevic was awesome and that the Fresh Prince is a mind-controlling device implemented by an obscure liberal organization. Don't bother associating yourself with me anymore.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Watched the video. Now there is a Soldier this Marine would like to see lead from everything I can tell so far.

    He has a target on his backside now and the liberal daggers will start flying. ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN and their affiliates will be hunting this guy for some dirt.

    If he is for taking the oath seriously and defending it then he has honor in my book. Not like these liberals who's both actions and thinly veiled words indicate they despise the constitution.
  6. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I think what Joe means by his comments on sitcoms is that they sway peoples views and morals through indirect means. For instance, if they "hero" of the show starts out being indifferent to... lets say.. a homeless agenda. By the end of the show he changes his views due to events that happen during the show. Let's say... a homeless man gives his sister a kidney. He then learns that homeless people aren't just lazy bums. They are people who have run into bad fortune. He new atitude is encouraged by a live studio audience clapping and cheering at his new found morality!

    Brain-Wash complete!

    Note that they don't show the hero helping the homeless.... and then one breaks into his house and rapes his mother before cleaning the place out of all their valuables. Then being taken to court where he is sent to a mental hospice instead of prison because his pro-bono attorney claims his father used to molest him. Then our hero forgives him because he says he's sorry. Then you hear the audience clap and cheer that due process has once again won out!

    Again.... Brainwash complete!

    I don't agree with Joe that this a liberal conspiracy. There is just as much conservative propaganda in TV shows as there is liberal. The real problem is not teaching our children to spot this and instead make up their own minds and to what is right and what is wrong after hearing both sides of the issue.

    Most Americans are stupid though. They don't care about anything other than what affects them in the immediate present. They don't care about the past or the future... just the here and now. It's not their fault. They just aren't being educated anymore. And that is the real conspiracy. Coming from liberals and conservatives alike.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well said Cheesedawg.

    And who said Slobodan Milosevic was awesome? Or is Moot lying again?

    It is true that their country was under assault from Albania and the Albanian mafia's genocidal mafia shadow government. Raping, torturing, killing Serbian citizens using mafia tactics to run them out of business and take over Albanian border regions. I'm only saying that America had MUCH MUCH more provocation to go into Iraq than to get involved in the Balking conflict. But I have to ask where all these cry babies protesters were during the American involvement in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Kosovo.

    BTW did Slobodan murder or torture anyone?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Moot should stop changing the subject I mean really

    And he needs to read this Law and orders propaganda is not so thinly veiled is it?

    Point blank you have a network of actors, lawyers, and government sycophants. They despise their own Democracy and try to create an illusionist world for the stupid amongst us to see and take the bait.

    So the dumb-ass thinks if the average wage in America were 80k then there would be no immigration problem?

  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You're right. You are so smart. You should run for Prime Minister, or whatever you have up north. At least the AMERICAN people are willing to FIGHT for something. Its awesome how all these nations around the globe hate American 'interfering' into other countries shit, but let one of them get fucked up then it's "OH WHERE WAS AMERICA, WHY DIDNT THEY STOP THIS".

    You are the simple coddled youth of a nation that has nothing to fight for. The worse thing you have to worry about is a growing meth problem(who doesnt). You dont have to worry about being attacked because you have nothing no one wants. You dont have an economy that affects the world. I understand you lothe your 'brothers' to the south. Its okay, but since you cant vote and cant live here without a visa, just sit there in the snow and bark out your 'conspiracy' plans from the comfort of your PJs while you are smoking your fresh weed and your cubans.

    This post wasnt 'meant' for you, but since you have decided to post your 'unbiased' ideas here we should let you vent. I dont care. Not about what you say, or what you dont say. The liberties being lost is the fact that we are being force fed shit we dont want. Well not all of us dont want, just those of us who WORK for a living and pay taxes. Those of us who dont pop out babies every nine months so the 'gubment' will give them a bigger check.

    That's okay though. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about losing. As long as your funny colored weed shows up and you can get a fresh Molson's Canadian, you dont care.

    So enjoy! Like it has been said so many times before, Ignorance is bliss.
  10. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Why is having nothing to fear such a bad thing? Somehow you make it seem that being paranoid and fearful of the government is a form of heroism. Don't you wonder what it's like to just be able to live without having to worry about a colour coded "threat scale". We did our fighting when it mattered, when the issues were bigger than mere politics. We have been peaceful ever since and there is nothing wrong with that. You think that being at war with your countrymen wether it's to ban slavery or to abolish what you call a tyranny makes you more worthy of your liberties? When do you get to enjoy them when you're always busy finding a dagger for your own government's back?

    You say we don't have to worry about being attacked because we have nothing no one wants. We don't worry because we don't start shit, Sherlock.

    As for the weed, I'm busy going to college and I can't afford rotting my brain before finals. But I will drink a Molson Canadian and think about how you flinch whenever you hear a siren in you neighborhood.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So confident, so very convinced running around like Don Quixoti chasing Capitalist windmills armed with the logic of The Fresh Prince, John Stewart's, and Keith Olberman, Katie Curick, Dan Rather, and MTV. Blissfully ignorant of the fact the Socialist countries do not have an immigration problem from Capitalist countries and why exactly that is. At least he can find solace in the fact that if he reverts back to infantile behavior he will have the government to wipe his ass and change his diaper.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  12. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Socialist countries? Canada is not a socialist country, far from it.

    Let me give an example of Canadian capitalism; in the Canadian world of economics and accounting we have something called GAAP, it stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. These are not laws but rather principles voluntarily endorsed by companies. You read right, there are no laws governing accounting practices in Canada.Instead we rely on the market, if you want to do business with a firm that does not abide by the principles you run a huge risk, the firm could possibly commit fraudulent acts. So the firms that do abide by the principles remain in business while the ones that don't eventually go out of business due to a lack of trust from the consummers. But don't get me wrong, if you commit fraud you still go the jail, but only if your clients decide to sue you. The government won't send you on its own accord, unless you decide to defraud the government.

    This is how we do business in Canada. On the other hand, accounting practices in the US are legislated. I'm studying in economics/accounting and I wouldn't the government breathing on my neck when I join a firm.

    I don't watch MTV and I don't know who Dan Rather is but I do know one thing; all of these people are american.

    It's true that socialist countries do not have an immigration problem from capitalist countries, but I do have to admit that immigration is not an issue in Canada. Well, maybe on the west-coast, lots of pakis over there and it's a little problematic in terms of smuggling.

    I don't like the government wiping anyone's ass and that's why I'm an advocate of responsible welfare. Only the disabled or the elderly should be allowed to eat for free, the rest can go get a job.

    I only fundamentally disagree on how hypocritical your politicians are, you agreed with me that there was a loss of liberties under Bush but no "tea party" was formed. When a democrat comes in and tries to do the same then you see protests about tyranny and "tea parties". These people even talk of revolution, I don't know about the States but in Canada that's called treason. You can't go around forming militias to overthrow the government, you become an ennemy combatant.

    Where was this lieutenant-colonel when Bush was taking liberties away? It's the constant hypocrisy of A) the media always taking a side B) the politicians lying to get themselves elected C) the partisan populace willing to look away when their "guy" is in just to turn around and slam the opponent.
  13. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Slobodan Milosevic had his political opponents killed, tortured protesters, gagged the media and pretty much anyone who disagreed with him. He was a despotic dictator for fuck's sake Joe. Not to mention a communist, a nationalistic communist. When is the last time you heard those two combined? Oh yeah, a potato farmer by the name of Stalin.

    Maybe your views are distorted because you are either uninfomed or agree with Miolsevic. So here is some information maybe this'll open your eyes.
    A few links detailing the war:

    War and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia
    Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995 200,000 Deaths

    Here is a detailed biography of Milosevic's life, rise to power, and an overview of his crimes against humanity.
    Slobodan Milosevic AKA 'Butcher of the Balkans'

    You might not have the patience to look through this website so I'll mention a few important parts.

    "While attending high school in Pozarevac Milosevic meets his future wife, Mirjana Markovic. A doctrinaire Marxist who comes to be known as the 'Red Witch' and the 'Lady Macbeth of the Balkans', Markovic has family connections to the upper echelons of the Tito government. She will be a driving force behind her husband. The couple marry in 1965. They will have two children, Marija and Marko."

    "1959 - Milosevic joins the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, renamed the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) in 1963. He becomes increasingly politically active while studying for a law degree at the University of Belgrade, earning the nickname 'Little Lenin' during his time as the head of ideology section of the Communist Party branch at the university."

    "1986 - He is elected leader of the League of Communists of Serbia (LCS). Pursuing his nationalist agenda, he calls on the federal government to restore full Serbian control over the Vojvodina and Kosovo and advocates the retention of the centralised federal political and economic system. He is reelected leader of the LCS in 1988.

    Behind the scenes he begins to fill key positions in the LCS and the media with his supporters."

    "1987 - In September Milosevic uses a meeting of the LCS to purge the party of his rivals, including his former mentor and Serbian President Ivan Stambolic. Further purges of dissenting voices in the LCS and the media entrench his control."

    "1988 - Milosevic organises "rallies of solidarity", uses the media to promote his nationalist agenda, and conspires to have the ethnic Albanian leaders of Vojvodina and Kosovo driven from office by violent Serb nationalist protests (in October and November respectively). His popularity climbs."

    1989 - "On 28 June Milosevic returns to Kosovo Polje to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the 1389 battle at Gazimestan. Addressing a crowd of hundreds of thousands of Serbs he says, "Once we were brave and dignified. ... Six centuries later we are again in battles and quarrels. ... They are not armed battles, though such things should not be excluded yet."

    Serbs from minority enclaves throughout Yugoslavia are recruited to push the Milosevic line. The media is muzzled and opponents intimidated. Tensions rise.

    Anti-Serb sentiments begin to grow in the other republics, which accuse Milosevic of plotting to build a "Greater Serbia" encompassing the Serb enclaves. His popularity at home reaches its zenith."

    "1992 - Bosnia-Herzegovina's Muslim and Croatian majority vote to secede from the federation. The country is proclaimed an independent republic on 3 March. The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, now comprised of only Serbia and Montenegro, has effectively come to an end. On 27 April Serbia and Montenegro formally agree to unite as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

    In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Bosnian-Serb minority, who boycotted the secession vote, rebel. With Milosevic's backing and the aid of Yugoslav Army troops, Bosnian-Serb militias, led by Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, begin to forcibly seize territory, eventually taking control of two-thirds of the state. The conflict soon spills into Croatia.

    The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia will last for three years, causing devastation in those countries and deprivation in Serbia, which suffers from trade sanctions applied by the United Nations (UN).

    As the war escalates the Bosnian-Serb militias attempt to expel Bosnia's Muslim and Croat population from the Serb-held territories in an orchestrated program of "ethnic cleansing."

    Muslims and Croats are either forced into exile as refugees, held as hostages for use in prisoner exchanges, or placed in concentration camps. Many are summarily executed. An estimated 20,000 Muslim women and girls are thrown into rape camps.

    In the opening months of the war 100,000 or more people are killed and up to three million are dispossessed."

    There is more but this starting to be a long post. Look the rest of it up and tell me if Slobodan Milosevic did deserve his "bad rap".
  14. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    These Alabanians "mafia tactics" you talk about were indeed used. They happened after the war when the Albanians sought independence by the oppresive Serbs, 200,000 Albanians had died already in the ethnic cleansing. I don't know about you but I would use dirty tactics to overthrow a government that killed many of my countrymen.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So confident, so very convinced running around like Don Quixoti chasing Capitalist windmills armed with the logic of The Fresh Prince, John Stewart's, and Keith Olberman, Katie Curick, Dan Rather, and MTV. Blissfully ignorant of the fact the Socialist countries do not have an immigration problem from Capitalist countries and why exactly that is. At least he can fin splice in the fact that if he reverts back to infantile behaviour he will have the government to wipe his ass and change his diaper.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Or maybe they should have taken notes and learned why the Serbian country standard of living was better then that of Albania and then went peacefully home and lived in more comfort. But I guess it is easier to live like a parasite off of the country that you border than to correct the problems in your own country.

    And to make like the Albanian mafia was a product of the war is far beyond disingenuous it is a bold faced lie. If the Albanians were living peacefully and productively in Serbian society then the Serb would not have given a rats ass about them being there.
  17. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    So you still claim that the Albanian genocide was the right thing to do?
    You're still the same slimy fuck advocating violence.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Nothing to fear or too stupid to fear?

    We agree, you are the smartest and greatest country on earth. So there. Now you can go down on yourself since you are so great and smart.
  19. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You have nothing to fear because you are like France, a country full of pussies that wouldn't say shit if they had a mouth full. Mind your countries' business, not ours, you caribou copulating mounted moron.

    It's no wonder no one on these forums likes you, you "I'm you better than everyone from America and know more than they do about The USA" piece of frozen sled dog droppings.

    Don't come crying to us when your pussy starts hurting oh neighbor from the frozen wastelands.

  20. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Why do you post stuff online if you don't want anyone to comment on it? If you don't want your opinions challenged then keep them to yourself, or grow a pair of balls and learn to take criticism.
    Stop being such a whining bitch and learn to debate. Better yet, learn to know when you're wrong. I know that it's hard for an american fucktard to realize he's wrong, but yeah, it happens.

    By the way, my country isn't crippled by debt, governed by a muslim, owned by the chinese, and filled with violent extremists. Do the math.

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