Commander-in-chief of the US Military files charges against Navy SEALs

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I vote for nuking the whole fucking region.
  2. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    When I said the other way around I meant the conservative media covering for Bush.

    Actually Canada isn't socialist and her media is privately owned. Why the cheap shot?

    Coming from someone who just called another country "socialist" without provocation.

    Americans are notoriously self-centered, if it wasn't for this pesky thing called Wikipedia I would gladly measure my knowledge of your country against your knowledge of mine.

    In Canada we have this show called "this hour has 22 minutes". In it, this comedian by the name of Rick Mercer used to go down to the states and ask questions about Canada. I don't know if it's because you guys don't care or your education system is garbage, but some funny shit was said.


    So next time you want to give me heck about judging without knowing. Look up Rick Mercer.
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Oh wow, rick mercer, kind of like Jay Leno and 'jay walking'? You want to know how funny it is that the same people who dont know crap about canada dont know crap about their own country? If wikipedia is your primary source for information then you are just as bad as the 'Americaner' who speaks American.

    Please show me an example of conservative media covering for bush, since the majority of media in America is liberal, it should be easy enough.

    I say 'socialist' because the Majority of Canadian, and American for that matter, societies are like a school of fish. One brain. If all the other fish are going this way, I should go this way too.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  4. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I mentioned Wikipedia in passing. Didn't realize you would take it literally.

    It's not about covering, it's about taking a side. It's a conservative myth that the majority of the media is liberal. You guys tend to forget about FoxNews, the american spectator, washington times, newsmax, the new republic, and etc.. Or about monitoring organizations such as: accuracy in media, media research center, parents television council, and the center for media affairs.

    Socialism is a financial and political style of running a country. It has nothing to do with "collective thought" or "one brain". You judge my country even though you most likely never lived here, never watched her news, never payed attention to her democracy and government. But you go around complaining that I judged another country or people from the comfort of my living room. You don't know shit about what my countrymen think and you probably don't care.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Ha ha ha ha

    What? You lived in America? You hit wikipedia or some conspiracy theory site and you know all about America?

    Socialist/One Brain/Government Controlled

    So the 'one brain' isnt in your head.

    "Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." - Ronald Reagan

    If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Rick Mercer is "Liberal Media" as well as "anti-American Propaganda".

    What ever you want to fill your head with. He learned that propaganda trick no doubt from the liberal media in America.

    Finding an idiot in any city in the world is as easy as a blind hog finding an acorn in a forest. And if you filmed him for a day or two finding acorns and cutting out everything else idiots in Canada might watch it on YouTube and conclude that there is a whole shit load of acorns in the woods.
  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I was actually quoting your post. You're the one who came up with those terms.
  8. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Actually Rick Mercer is on record saying that he votes conservative. Poking fun at americans isn't "anti-america propaganda". Grab a sense of humour. Americans are self-centered in a lot of ways.

    If you watch the video you will see that he interviewed Mike Huckabee, George W Bush, Al Gore, and etc... Why do you take some Canadian comedian's joke so personally? Man, learn to laugh at yourself. Conan O'Brian sent that Triumph the Insult Dog up here tons of times. Just to poke fun at our ways. I didn't get offended. Unlike you I can take a joke.
    You guys should really stop taking yourselves so seriously.
    No wonder the rest of the world hates your guts. Are you guys all like that?
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I have no idea I did not watch the video here is your quote:

    You were not joking were you? You said Americans were stupid and you were smarter. You then used the video footage (propaganda by definition) to make your point. :rolleyes:

    I could easily make a video to make Canadians look like closet fags, Nazi's, idiots, schizophrenics... whatever. With a stupid enough audience I can have them believe it also.

    That being said I'll admit as I do all the time the population is being dumbed down that's a fact. But those interview on the street videos are a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Funny if you understand them for what they really are. Scary when your see stupid people's reaction to them.
  10. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    What they are Joe is a joke. Anyone who watches those clips knows it. By your own admittance you didn't watch the video yet you label it "liberal media" and "propaganda". Propaganda serves a political agenda whereas Rick Mercer serves more of a laughter agenda. Geez, grab a brain. Just take the joke. The more you argue about it, the deeper the hole your digging for your self.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So basically you use his 'laughter agenda' to propogate your 'political agenda' to show how much smarter and better you are. You use it to back up your statement, but then when pressed about it you simply try to weasel your way out of it by more name calling. I guess we know know which part of the 'mounted' police you are.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah Phat that's how the libs work and have for years.

    SNL funny as it is is embedded constantly with propaganda.

    Borat, Michael Moore movies, twist their propaganda into being categorized differently. Remember Mikey stating his movie is "not a documentary".

    Humor is one of the best ways to influence public perception and behavior. It really works well on the ones with weak character. You do a sitcom and put some political humor in it like Fresh Prince or something of that matter and make fun of the conservative guy. Sub conscientiously the dumbed down masses get the impression that the world like them is watching also, and when that guy i the sound studio makes the laughter sounds electronically the dumbed down masses feel as if there is an agreeable consensus. Liberals witty and smart while Conservatives are unlikeable self centered idiots.
  13. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    The video was meant to point at your previous posts about "judgement without knowing" and all that bullshit you were throwing at me. It was meant to show that even though you don't like being judged it doesn't stop you from judging others. The video was meant to reinforce the notion that americans are self-centered and really don't care about anyone else but themselves, even Canada (which happens to be a $1.5 billion trade partner). Your reaction to the video is even more convincing than anything else I could have said. You claim I used it for a "political agenda" even though Joe was the one who brought up the term. I actually never said much more than "learn to take a joke". Go back and read my posts more carefully.

    Classic american behaviour, you guys like to dish out but can't take it. I don't weasel out of anything, I honestly believe that you guys are self-centered. If you would have read my posts you would have seen that I have said that before.
  14. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Dude, you are completely batshit crazy. Fresh Prince is propaganda? So the liberals have somehow found a way to implement subliminal messages into sitcoms to brainwash the "masses" into hating conservatives? This is by far one of the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my entire life. I have argued with people who believe that there are reptiles living underground and controlling all of the world's corporations, people believing that the earth is flat, people believing that the government puts "mind control" chips in flu shots. You have passed the admission test to get accepted into the "Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists Hall of Fame". Take your place amongst holocaust deniers and 9/11 theorists.

    Your hatred and paranoia must be eating you up like a cancer. I can't imagine what it's like to live the way you do. Anything that doesn't agree with your peculiar views is instantly labeled "liberal" and "propaganda". This is so laughable it's almost sad. You have so little faith into your countrymen. In your mind the "masses" are brain-dead liberal zombies. This is paranoia, Joe.
    Event though conservatives get elected regularly, it doesn't stop you from hating your own people and seeing ennemies everywhere.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Dude, you are completely batshit crazy. americans are self-centered and really don't care about anyone else but themselves, even Canada (which happens to be a $1.5 billion trade partner). This is by far one of the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my entire life. I have argued with people who believe that there are reptiles living underground and controlling all of the world's corporations, people believing that the earth is flat, people believing that the government puts "mind control" chips in flu shots. You have passed the admission test to get accepted into the "Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists Hall of Fame". Take your place amongst holocaust deniers and 9/11 theorists.

    Your hatred and paranoia must be eating you up like a cancer. I can't imagine what it's like to live the way you do. Anything that doesn't agree with your peculiar views is instantly labeled "stupid" and "American". This is so laughable it's almost sad. You have so little faith into your neighbors. In your mind the "masses" are brain-dead American zombies. This is paranoia, Moot.
    Event though we subsidize your welfare with out tax dollars, it doesn't stop you from hating your own neighbors to the South and sea enneminies everywhere.
  16. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Maybe if you articulated your thoughts properly instead of making a collage of everything I've said you wouldn't appear completely insane.

    What's that you're saying about american tax dollars subsidizing canadian welfare? Do you even read what you write?
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    See how easy it is to flip your baseless accusations around on you there Moot?

    America subsidizes the UAW car companies so they do not go under and end up costing Canadians thousands of jobs.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    If Mercer was so great he would have done a ton of 'skits' on how many Americans didnt know crap about the election. They took "Commercials" of SNL skits that had Tina Fey acting as Sarah Palin 'I can see Russia from my house'. There were tons of videos that had people who actually believed Sarah Palin said that.

    Dont get me wrong al, I like Canada, I really do. I have a lot of friends and coworkers up there. The funny thing is when we discuss politics its never 'yea you stupid americans' or 'you crazy canucks'.

    I know there is the exception to every rule.
  19. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

  20. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    This still doesn't explain how deranged you are to think that the Fresh Prince is propaganda.

    Um, bailing out car companies also saves american jobs and the canadian government bailed out GM so... My tax dollars also saved american jobs. It works both ways.

    Careful when you go out to buy smokes tonight. A liberal could be lurking around the corner...

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