don't bee offended

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by funkyflea, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You have to stop wearing your panties so tight, and develop a sense of humor you pickle sniffer. I personally don't give a rats ass what you or the other ball grabber thinks of our country.

    Please stop trying to impress people here with your imagined intelligence and compassion, you canuckian cocksucker. Have a nice night and sleep well knowing that the defender of the free world is still here taking care of you and all the other wannabe mounties.

    Thanks again for listening. :biggrin:
  2. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Of course being compassionate is a flaw in the eyes of a spoiled american brat like yourself. Fine, I'll get a sense of humour and play ball with you. In the words of Al Murray the pub landlord: "The American Dream! Do you know why Britain and Canada don't have a dream? Hmm? It's because unlike America, we are awake."
  3. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

  4. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You sir are a moron.
    Firstly I wrote "imagined" which you chose to ignore.

    Secondly, without the USA, Britain France and the rest of Europe would be speaking German you maple leaf fucktard.

    Thirdly, not having a dream to strive for is what makes Britain so stuffy and Canada so blah.
  5. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    What's the matter? Got your panties on too tight? Can't take a little humour?
    What is that dream anyway? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Bunch of puffs. I'd be embarrassed to write that down if I were you. But it's fine, I like americans. You are simple folks aren't you? But anyway, you should really grow a sense of humour, or some balls. G'day my simple american friend. :biggrin:
  6. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    My, my, my, aren't we touchy today. Are you menstruating again, Aballgrabba?
    Nice touch, using my words on me, evidently, you are simple folk.
    Have yourself a nice canuckian day, loser.

  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Aballgrabba? What are you? 12 years old?
    I'm not too sure what a canuckian day should be like but thanks anyway.
    Glad to see you have your sense of humour back; you were starting to act like a retard. I'm starting to enjoy how pointless you can be, flaming posts for no other reason than the fact that you're bored.
    G'day my dreaming friend.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I love this fight. Two people defending two different countries. Neither of which gives a fuck about either of you.

    "Ask not what your country can do for you.... but what YOU can do for your country. Because your country isn't going to do a damn thing for you anyway."

    (Almost) John F. Kennedy
  9. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I just enjoy fucking with Aball-what's-his-name. He never seems to learn. Here's an anonymous patriotic quote, could be about any country in the world.

    "I love my fucking country and my country loves fucking me."

  10. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Learn what? There is no learning here. This is Fugly, you cum bucket. Hahaha! I have better suggestions for your obsession with my name: Aballgrabster, Aballickster. Dare you to find better. Bullschlog666
  11. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Where did this influx of stupid come from?
  12. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Hard to tell. It's a stupid collective born from the sick minds of shit talkers such as Rats Tool, Dwaine Scum, Bullgod666, and myself. Join in the fun.
  13. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    That you are a moron and being fucked with you sperm burping canadian piece of shit.

  14. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    mostly Canada I think.

  15. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Touchy aren't you? Obsessed with my name first, then with sperm burping. You have issues my dreaming friend. Where did the humour go? Can't take a little joke? Hmm? You're such a puff. If you go back a few posts you will see that all I'm doing is fucking with you. A little slow? Hmm? A result of the american education system? Don't be so mad you sperm-obsessed yank, it's all good and fun. Maybe you should go to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so cranky.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  17. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    And Canadian Bacon, it's just like ham!
  19. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I mentioned sperm burping once, mayhaps it is you obsessing with male genitalia my perverted cousin from the great white wasteland up north. If either one of us takes this shit seriously, you need your head examined (not the little head) Nanook.

    Now you can get a good nights sleep with your sled dogs.

  20. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    My sled dogs are awesome and they run very fast. They are useful when I try to visit my buddies at the igloo down the road. How are the indians down south? Still attacking caravans?

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