don't bee offended

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by funkyflea, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I bet Aballgrabber or whatever his name is likes shrimping. :biggrin:
  2. Cousin Geri

    Cousin Geri New Member

    I dont like the new crowd... and to be honest I dont read the stupid shit they post.

    isnt shrimping like ... injecting shit under the skin... or is it sucking the cum out of a butt or something like that.
  3. Rat's tool

    Rat's tool Member

    hey are you my 2nd cousin? Want to hook up? Did I mention I like pudding?
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    so that guy likes to watch men get oiled up and rub on each other in there underpants (wrestling) yet he thinks i'm gay?
  5. Aba|lister

    Aba|lister New Member

    yes I like shrimping. carry on
  6. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Real good man, using my name to make a lame comeback. Is this all you have to do? You actually spent the time to create an account with a variation of my name, get it verified, and then post this shit? Pretty lonely life you got there.
  7. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    yes on the second guess, with a straw
  8. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You're more of a tool than rat tool, tool.
  9. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Now that there is a few guys out there on my case you decide to come out of your shell? You're still just as lame. You started the whole trash talking fest and you wait 'till you have a few buddies on your side to talk back? You're quite the tough guy.
  10. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    So it's you? Pretty miserable existence you lead my friend. You like to butt your nose in people's business just to flap your gums. So you're the awesome Fugly pirate or something? Am I supposed to feel amazed by your comebacks? I betcha that's all you do all day, thinking about all those comebacks you're gonna say online? Go get laid or something. Go outside and ride your bicycle, or jog a little. You'll feel better.
  11. Rat's tool

    Rat's tool Member

    thanks for favorite pudding is tapioca.
  12. flyboy21

    flyboy21 New Member


    A lot of hate here....i feel warm and toasty! Besides we call America...Canada's basement. It's where all our junk goes eventually, I belive we still have a few draft dodgers hanging around that don't know the wars over. So if you hate us that much come get your chicken shit soldiers and be off with ya!:biggrin:
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Dont be upset just because Canada couldnt beat Vanderbilt.
  14. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    Only slightly off. Canada is The attic of America where all the things we don't want are kept. The coward draft dodgers went to Canada because they wanted a place to fit in, and they found it. We consider Canada and France in the same, cowards, nothing personal. You seem to be Upset with us in the USA, is it because you need a passport to come into the land of the free now?

    And whilst you're trying to send back our cowards, send back the jobs we sent to you guys, you frog fuck. :biggrin:
  15. flyboy21

    flyboy21 New Member

    Don't be offended

    I'm sorry but the "Attic" is where treasured items go, the basement is where junk go and NOOO your dodgers weren't looking to fit in they were running away from the responisbility of being an American. Home of the Brave? Really? You send jobs our way because if you want a job done right you don't do it yourself you outsource. Don't cry because you sold half your country so you can appear King of the heap. As for the passports, i'm confused is that how you got all the problems with Illegals you let them in via a passport? Because as we hear it they're all scrambling in, gun toting vial criminals are basically waltzing in. You call it a "melting pot?" we call it a dump. Huddled Masses is another way of saying depraved criminals. Not that we don't have that same problem, we do but we call them tourist and we're really nice to them. I don't have a problem with America i visit alot and i do love it there (Colorado especially) but you do have a habit of making yourselves sound better than everyone else and its' a bit annoying. I also understand we're not exactly a country of ourselves with England and all but still, we're not bragging, fighting and scraping with other countries, we don't have a president that struggles with the native language (Bush) or getting head in the oval office but we're pretty happy, we have high taxes but we have free medical, education and programs to help our elderly. I do not hate America i just don't think your all that you brag you are.

  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't get "out" and "about". It's like, "oot" and "aboot" in Canada.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The U is silent.
  18. flyboy21

    flyboy21 New Member

    Out and about

    Yeah me either, umm i hear some people here in america say Roof as Roooof and others as Ruff? Car and CA with no r. I love American dialect there are so many every place i travel i hear yet another dialect or slant on certain words. Not that we all talk the same we don't it's just the melding of so many cultures you have your own hitches. Espeically Boston, Pennsylvania and such....Amish are cool we don't have anything like that i don't think.
  19. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    Sorry to tell you this, but the attic is where we keep weak, infirm and slightly retarded cousins, much like you and your kind. I have some friends and relatives in Canada (not draft dodgers) and they all say your socialized medicine sucks. You're country is only allowed to exist due to the fact that we don't want that dump, you have contributed nothing to the human race.

    Thanks for listening. :biggrin:
  20. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    You're being a little harsh. Certainly you wouldn't want to lower yourself by generalizing a whole country based on the behaviour of one individual. France might have said no to helping you guys out with the war but we sent troops to Afghanistan, sure our military isn't as strong as yours but we are a peaceful nation and don't see a need in being armed to the teeth. We are by no means weak or crippled, just ask George St-Pierre. Canada is a great place to live and your friends and relatives would probably agree since they are in fact living here. Our health care is different than yours which doesn't mean inferior, sure the waiting times are longer but we believe that everyone is entitled to same level of care wether you're rich or poor. It's a different collective consciousness. Your country is going through tough times right now trying to find a new identity for itself in a rapidly changing world, we understand but don't try to mock my country, we can be fiercely patriotic.

    Thanks for listening :biggrin:

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