Muslim MAMA

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Oct 22, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    well not really... but I am a liar .

    this lady at Publix said to me... I was with the baby.. " well aint he purdy..look at all that hair" I said Thank you ... she said .. "Yeah those Spanish babies have the best hair" oh well he is not Spanish... he is Arab.

    She touched my arm and said "Is he adopted?" I said " no... made him myself.. with a little help" she says with a wide eyed look " you are married to a Muslim?" I just said Yeah... She said ... "honey does he beat you?" this other guy starts listening and smiling... I said... " Allah said it is ok to beat the wife if she is bad. So I am good"

    Well you need to read the bible and know the true word of christ...but you should know better than to mix your race and religion - you will get whats commin to ya" So I just said... yeah Praise Allah

    By this time .. arab baby is screaming for candy in line... Evan eas sent to get lemons... I just want to hurry up and get out... She pays... and starts to leave... and says "I wish death to your people" The older lady cashier looks at me and says , you want me to call someone? I am laughing and say... no- those words from a bible reader... The cunt walks out I pay, run to catch up with her. I get Lic number... tell her I am reporting her... and I have witnesses... she says " I LIED, YOUR BABY IS NOT PURDY"

    what A fucking bitch...

    I put the baby in the car, realize hmmm where is Evan... he comes running out with ONE lemon said " I only had enough money for one lemon" poor kid.

  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Who was the old lady gonna call?

    After you ran after the lady and scrambled her lic plate down who were you threatening to report her to?

    Who where your witnesses?

    Witnesses to what?

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I have no idea... other people were concerned with it... I wasnt... I just got Lic number to make her nervous... I think the whole thing was funny. as I was pulling out the manager came out ,,,, the Jew blood in me was wishing he had like gift cards ... hehe but he was nice and wanted to know if I was ok.... I laughed... I am more upset that everyone thinks my baby is a mexican.

    I just hate southern women... they always be up in everyones business
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Heh :biggrin: Ok whatever I mean you did hurry up, pay, then run out to get the plate right?

    LOL What was the manager concerned about also?

    This is one of those "examples" we hear about people telling their grandchildren concerning the dark days of racism they remember from days of old.

    "I remember one time...."

    But a muslim could call for the death of all patrons because a supermarket carried Kosher products and no one would ever repeat it. Never mention it. The manager would probably remove the Kosher produce promptly.

    No stories of "I remember one time.. "

    BIGMAMA New Member

    Im just pissed that she said ... my baby was not purdy. I would like to run her tag find her address and ... shit in her mailbox . But I want this for like 2-5 people I meet everyday.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Lighten up baby!

    Hows that workin out thing? I'm thinking bout going Nutrasystem and see if my cholesterol goes down. I dropped it a bunch already. Also looking into maybe 24 hr Fitness. I think I'll wait till I get finished playing catchup on bills first though.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    fine but did a big fuck up today.... lets just say the new Subway buffalo chicken- kicks ass... feel like shit now, but damn it was gooooood ... and I added Texas Pete to it... my buthole gonna be burnin
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Does not sound all that bad really. Sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it" and go for what you want.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well I over ate... I went cause the kid wanted a sub, but when the smell of hot wings hit my was on... then I saw it was a 5$ foot long ... I got a foot long. Ate half, was gonna save the other half for the sand nigga... but all night went and got another small bite... I just handed him a 3 inch sub. he was like WTF ... ate it in 2 bites... and said go get another one that was good. we have 24 hour truck stop Subway one exit down... I aint goin out for subs.... at 11 pm.

    but yeah try it... its mighty tasty
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Funny thing is I always gt the foot long and load it with everything but the cucumbers cause they give me major heartburn. And I used to think I would do the half now then half later thing but now I just admit that I cannot stop and eat the whole thing.

    If I take my lunch to work some times it is gone by like 9 AM. Then its McD's for lunch.

    I have noticed though I used to could do that and it not have much effect. Now days my metabolism is not what it used to be.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I just put the chicken, ranch, bell peppers, banana peppers, ... it was good... And I feel like sucha fat ass still talkin about it. hehe sand nigga is gone to get him one.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    BM honestly it does not sound like you eat that much. I'm sorry about that ...whatever , condition you have.

    Have you looked for alternative cures?
  13. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Preach, brother, preach! It sucks being this old, doesn't it? My old habits do more damage to this old body now.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    When people wrong me, I always want their personal info. It just makes me feel better. Just the thought of being able to track them down and do something bad makes me feel calmer.

    I can't believe the nerve of some people. A lot of Christians have the worst time with the simpliest way to be.

    Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31 (the golden rule)

    Oh, and I am not Christian. I had to look that up.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    There's something called the "Feast" or the "Beast" at Subway... I don't know, but at $8, they pile damn near every cold cut they have on that footlong. I'm not one for the veggies, if anything, I'll guilt-trip myself into putting some spinach leaves on it, but 97% of the time, I just tell them to toast it, and then put a shitload of olives on it, Parmesan, pepper, and chipotle sauce.

    On Italian Herb & Cheese bread, of course.
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's amazing how stupid people are. Really.

    Consider this, the next time you feel somewhat 'put out' when it came to the promptness of your prescription refill: Everyone behind the counter HAS access to your personal information. Everything, your SSN, address, employer, insurer, doctor, and by the time you come to pick your shit up, there's a good chance they have a look at your license plate while you're either in the lot or in the drive-thru.

    Think about it before you decide to pitch a fit at your friendly local pharmacy.

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