I just watched where the wild things are today and I gotta say, that movie is going to scare the shit outta kids. Like...hardcore. I'm serious here though, there is so much in this movie that is just NOT for kids. Revolving themes that some things can never be happy and some severe mental disorders. Yes, mental disorders. Each of the Wild Things represents how he is feeling, angry like the main thing, boring like the big nose guy, hateful like the horrific girl thing and secluded like the goat. But the problem is, they throw rocks at the goat, and make him bleed even when he tells them to stop. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm sure we at least had that happen once in our lives. It gets worse though, the main character fucking rips the bird guys arm off. Yes you read that right, he rips his arm off and then sugar comes pouring out of him. He doesn't even seem phased, just saying that was his favorite arm. If it can't get any worse, the main character gets pissed and wants to beat up the little shit for lying to him. So where does the kid hide, in the main females belly. Yes, he crawls into her mouth and talks with a raccoon in her gut. I wish I was making this up. Kids will be rushing out of this movie, maybe in the first 5 minutes, seeing as the opening scene is Max chasing his dog through the house with a fork.
You are all fucking retarded. Carry on. Fucking movies. I'll tell you where the wild things are, go to a public fucking high school any day of the week. That movie sounds weird.
That is weird and WTF the previews are a bit misleading aren't they? How it is a movie gets away at that level without the media spoiling the dirty little secret. In other words is it not news worthy? Seem like conditioning. Like someone wants or needs outraged parents to complain that we need more government monitoring more regulations on the movie industry.
Just got home from the movie.... WHAT THE FUCK..... the weirdest to me was the kid freaking out on the mom and taking a bite out her ... and trying to kill the dog with a fork.... but it was ok.