I went to the international farmers market... picked up a sample of this weird lookin fruit, liked it, brought a sack home... just ate like - all of them... I have no clue what it is.. no name on anything ... I think it was from Honduras... it is pinkish... round, size of small plum, covered in spikes ... you cut it in half, eat the slimy part that surounds the seed. I feel sick now... I ate like 10-12 ... but really that is like half of cup. I have weird feeling like I might die
just wait it out. thats a lot of that stuff to ingest. cant remember its name, but had something in china that my brother tried to get me to eat a lot of. the variation there was slightly hallucinogenic, so if ya had too much, somehow you started to understand the people speaking to ya.
Look up pics of lychee. I bet that's what they were. The only deaths those things cause are people choking on the seeds.
im ok.. overslept. Kid has school (makeup day from the week out due to the flood) woke up to almost shittin in the bed. damn flood- we were gonna go on a littl vacation... but school messed that up.
yeah thats them... tasty little bastards. yeah to eat 12 of them... is like prolly a 1/4 cup... so I did not eat a lot. Evan wanted to outsides to make something in his Star Wars town... so yeah, his room will be full gnats and rotted fruit. I woke up and could not move... knowing if I move, I shit. Was not a good way to start the day
I couldn't eat them. They are scary and look like rolled up catepillars. They are scary like those things that I used to step on walking home from school in the fall. Came from a tree... I wasn't stepping in catepillars.
Found the tree http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=osage orange&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi