Steam turbines and later, gas turbines developed continually during the 20th Century, continue to do so and in practice, modern turbine designs will use both reaction and impulse concepts to varying degrees whenever possible. Wind turbines use an airfoil to generate lift from the moving fluid and impart it to the rotor (this is a form of reaction). Wind turbines also gain some energy from the impulse of the wind, by deflecting it at an angle.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what has this to do with my mom being a filthy cum gargling whore? Joe, please don't log in as Pukey again. Thank You Very Much. :biggrin:
If Joe posted it would be been like this: Steam turbines and later, gas turbines developed continually during the 20th Century, (before the antichrist messiah was born) continue to do so and in practice, modern turbine designs will use both reaction and impulse concepts to varying degrees whenever possible until the messiah changes this. Wind turbines use an airfoil to generate lift (but if the messiah passes his new bill, we will have no more air so the rest of this sentence is moot) from the moving fluid and impart it to the rotor (this is a form of reaction). Wind turbines also gain some energy from the impulse of the wind, by deflecting it at an angle.