Vinyl siding

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Aug 20, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I like a house... but it has that ugly old rotted wood siding. I am meeting a guy to look at it in like one hour... I want a contract but have no idea how much vinyl siding is,,, and when they put it on would they remove the wood or put it over it, will they need to replace the wood?

    here it is

    I have no idea if it is 5 k or 25k to redo the outside .. no idea
    the back is already done... it needs to be prettied up on the inside as well.

    I need to jump on a house soon... every damn cheap house is flying off the market. I called and drove by 9 houses today,. all are gone. except this one
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's a cute house.

    I will try to find out for you.

    BIGMAMA New Member


    I am leaving now... if you find out text it or call me... so I know how much to offer. I'd hate to buy this shitty house only to find out I need to dump 30k in it ,

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well I put an offer in, and gave the ernest money, should know if they take the offer by noon tomorrow ...

    now to price all the shit that the house needs. roof, hardwood floors, light fixtures... siding
  5. red364

    red364 New Member

    When they put new vinyl siding on my house. they just papered and padded over the old wood siding and put the new stuff on top.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If it were me I would put my own siding on it is easier then you think just wait till you see them do it and you will be pissed you paid them to do it when it was so easy.

    Also pull the wood and see whats under.

    Also take the opportunity to fix the front windows its missing about six windows

    When you do the siding it the best time to do that.

    I like the big room with the view in the back. Somewhat private unless a peeping Tom decided to climb a tree at night.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    OMG I went back over there today... there was this area covered by wood on the back porch.. Both me and the real estate guy thought it was a place a jacuzzi... and that might be what it was ... but looks like a perfect for a pond. I will take pic tomorrow... that is if they accept my offer. I offered 49k - reason... if I offer under 50k ernest money was 500... 50k+ ernest money was 1000. and since my friend might find some big thing wrong with it.. and I change my mind.. that money is gone.

    I will get a 5k tax break on it as well.

    so if they call me and say offer accepted... I will be nervous... thinking about all the repairs
    If they call me back and say - not accepted... I will be pissed, but kinda relieved.. I dont know

    I really jumped fast on this one, since every damn cheap house gets sold in like 5-10 days these past few weeks.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So what was the asking price?
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It was on the link dumbass. :)
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont click links from bigmama since the mcauly culkin one.

  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Looked like a pretty sweet deal but I dunno the area the link however was safe. :biggrin:
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    May not be a good indicator, but I am always leary of a siding job. I watched the neighbor's house before they moved out - it was tiled on every side but the brick front, and the people just came over, nailgunned pink insulation on top of whatever surface they saw on the outside, and then nailed plastic siding on top of that.

    Be careful... Someone may be masquerading a shithouse under a makeover that only masks the problems.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    WTF? That's 22 yr old wood siding... probably t1-11. Where are you seeing vinyl?
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    The add on in the back was vinyl.

    Did you look at all the pictures?
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Damn, I'm blind.

    Move along, folks... nothing more to see here...
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Nice looking place, really... I love all those trees. And, now that you've posted your address, Phatty's kid can have a field day pissing on all of 'em.

    Speaking of trees, is that a treehouse without the tree on pic #7?
  17. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    I thought that was an elevated outhouse so that you could come in with a bobcat and take the shit away. I could be wrong though............:biggrin:
  18. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    to the left of that looks like cedar clapboards, a real hodge-podge of sidings on that house.

    Prolly be a good idea to pay the extra and have the old sidings removed to see what it looks like underneath. the sheathing under the wood out front might be shit up. nice looking house though.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    thats the plan... I have no idea what color to do. My brother in law sent some hungry workers over there today to give estimates

    looks like
    4500- roof
    4000- siding

    I figure 2 pretty but cheap fan/light for the kids rooms, and 4 nice expensive fixture for other parts - 1000

    paint 300

    countertops, cabinet fixtures, sink... 1000
    I can put off cabinets, and hardwood floors - it has new carpet.

    The house is ugly as is... but seriously I have called about every damn cheap house in my area... all under contract, or sold. Cheap houses (-80k) are flying off the market.. so I felt like I had to jump.

    Also the basement is half finished, and stubbed for a bathroom. My sister claims 1500-2000 and that would be an awesome HUGE master BR. I will look into that on down the road... but knowing me, that will be the junk room, full of collected crap and never ever gonna complete this type of projects.

    as for the little play house. It is cute, not in a tree..
    some things you cant see...
    a huge beautiful well built dog house under that sun room thingy.
    a pond off the porch.
    .8 acres fenced in with the tall fencing
    the house may be ugly, but it is a lot bigger then you think.


    in other house news... The arab bought a nice house... I mean like MTV Cribs type... 8 BRs brick, on a lot land. My nephews moved him there today. He has bought the ugliest furniture you have ever seen to fill it, along with ugly ass decor. If you broke in ... you would swear "gay proud to be Africans" lived there.

    anyway at 11:55pm - few minutes ago, he calls, and says he is scared... would I like come spend the night- I said fuck no... then he asked if he could come get Brian (one of my dogs) I said hell no.. then he asked if he could get Deedee (a small jack russell) I am like WTF. He then goes on to say... "Why you wanna buy that ugly house, just come live here" my response... " I hate you, and I hate your decor, fuck off" and hung up.

    haha, my dogs were JUST barking... I look outside and he is calling Brian... Brain and all my dogs HATE him... all the lights are off... he is trying to steal a dog. now he is lightly knocking at the door... and now calling my cell. what a dumb ass . Im not moving from my computer chair.. would be funny if I called the cops. hehe.

    this was just what I needed to top a shity day

    my mom ODing and going to ER ... hamster died, I ran out of gas with 2 kids and an Alzhiemers granny... she forgot to wear a diaper, and my seat got full of old lady piss. . . and now a damn scaredy cat arab trying to steal a dog.... to help him not be lonely in his fancy monster badly decorated house.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    And Mumsy if you are gonna do all that which is great then go ahead and add some front windows for what 2k tops? I would not call it an ugly house at all. I'd call it a steal. But what do I know about real estate over there? Very little.

    The dogs will love getting out of the heat under that porch.

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