Arab baby is now ... um .. like 16 months old.. as soon as he shits, he hides and takes off his diaper, and many times steps in the diaper, then I have to clean up little shitty foot prints. I was feeling like a bad mom thinking I was behind in potty training him. I got the baby potty, but it is on the carport... still in the box. so today I tried to start the training... had his brother pee in the baby potty... and well... he wanted to splash in it. (the baby not the 9 year old) so I turned to the internet.. to see when kids start potty training... WTF more than a quarter of parents dont start till 4 years old... that is crazy... to have a 4 year old walking around with a turd in his pants. That is crazy
That is disgusting at four it would no longer be little mashed pea and carrot looking goo. If I knew someone and their four yo were in a diaper I would not think well of them unless the kid has some learning disability or something like that I would think. But what do I know about kids? Not much.
Let the little prick walk around carrying shit around with him - and introduce him to other people/kids. He'll quickly learn to associate waste products with in-acceptance, and maybe learn to get it taken care of quickly?
We were lucky with Austin. He's kinda OCD, so he quickly learned he didnt like the pooh on him and he would go potty. We had the little one that sat on the floor of the bathroom, before he grew to the one that clipped on the big potty. He might have wet the bed like 4 times in his life, he was a big Buzz Lightyear fan so we would use that as motivation. Like, "you wouldnt want emperor zurg to pee on buzz would you?" I think he was pretty good to go by 2. Of course at 4 when he was in Pre-K I had to talk to the teacher after school because he had an accident on the playground. Me, thinking he fell and got hurt. His teacher explaining that he bust his noodle out on the playground and whizzed on the leg of the swingset (while people were swinging) and his pants around his ankles. Leaning back with his hands on his hips like 'dundtadun'! We camp and he loves peeing on trees.
I cant remember when Evan was trained... I know when he had a surgery at age 3 ...he was potty trained now wiping his own ass is another story... I dont know what age he was when I stopped hearing "come wipe me"
An accident? Sounds like he was just practicing his aim. Boy's going to grow up to be a sniper, I can feel it. Good job, phatty.
my brilliant child loves to pee on a big ant hill... I bust him all the time. He did it today, got off the bus, went to the hill... I have told him not to do that, and I watched him today, then he denied it, so I walked him over to the hill and asked "what is the liquid all over the hill" haha busted, now he is cleaning out my car for punishment
What does "I nipped that" even mean? The commonly used idiom you are looking for is "to nip in the bud". Hence "nipping the turtlehead" i.e. "pinching the loaf" in the "chocolate bud" i.e. your son's anus? Yes? In future I'll put lots of :biggrin: to help you determine whether or not the post is intended as a pun or joke. Come on phatboy. I know those shoes are quite clumpy, but you really must try to keep up!
Damn... They used that same song on the Poltergeist II movie. I'm not even kidding. Kinda makes me wonder what in the fuck it is...
??? I'm sorry, did I ask you to explain anything? I wasnt looking for an idiom, but alas, I found an idiot. Everyone has seen at least one episode of 'andy griffith' so nip it in the bud shouldnt be a big reach for anyone to understand. Sorry, if my reference of nipping it caused you such headache.
Yeah, we rehearsed it in a private message. Don't get yourself in a flap though, P.B. Nobody is laughing at you behind your back or anything.