The black ball on one end can be pulled back from the main cylinder, it's spring loaded, and extends roughly an inch and a half. On the other end, an open-ended 'cup' is attached, smooth both inside and out. I can't fucking figure out what the fuck it's for! My best guess is that it's to decimate hard boiled egg shells, but I've not tried this theory yet. Anyone have any ideas?
Yes, it says "INOX stainless steel" in silver letters on a round black sticker. The LOST island? Atlantis?
Inox is another word for stainless steel. So Inox may very well not be the name of the manufacturer. Where did you come across it?
Sorry, Joe - it doesn't fit the description of any of the objects you've asked me to be on the lookout for.
Damn, that makes sense. IN (as in in-capable of) OX (as in oxidizing.) Shit, where else? In a box of donations.
could it be... I know this sounds silly but you know on ping pong tables... no not ping pong... dammm ... that game at arcades ... where you pull the little ball... and shoot out a ball , and hit the buttons on the side trying to keep the little ball from going in the hole... FUCK what is that called... anyway could it be the pulling thingy that starts the game FUCK PINBALL .... thats what it is called
It feels much like one - but since the only pin I have is a Baby Pacman machine, I can't be sure. The ball launcher on the pinball portion of the game is electronically operated. You may be onto something, though. I'll have to take a look at the size of the ball on my game - looks like it'd be a match, perfectly launching it without marring the surface...
Judging by the size in the pics it isn't the pinball ball launcher, unless Lomo's hands are very tiny.