Beggars at interstate exits

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    God, don't they make you feel awkward as fuck? It's just you and a fucking red light and a guy holding a sign. I gave money one time. Actually have it on video tape somewhere... but today, I just felt pissed off that he would be out there with a sad signing preying on the unlucky bastard at the red light. I wanted him arrested.

    A friend of mine's husband picked an interstate beggar up once, got him a hotel room, gave him money and got him a job (paid under the table) and when he went to pick him up for work, surprise! He wasn't there.

    Ya just never know...
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    They make more money begging and it is easier.
  3. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I hate beggars of all kinds. Very few are actually poor. None want to work. The guy in my city who begs near the Royal Farms drives a brand new Ford pick-up truck. He probally makes more money than I do.
  4. battlesausage

    battlesausage New Member

    I always carry an apple or banana in my back pack when I am in the city. When bums beg me for "Money for food" I offer them the fruit. I have been begged hundreds of times and never once has a bum taken the food. If you give these shitbags money, you are retarded.

    Even in the suburbs we are starting to get the odd beggar outside LCBO (Liquor stores)
    How lazy can bums get?
  5. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I wouldn't take the food either if I was a begger. Think about it. Would you eat anything a stranger just handed you? That banana could have been up your ass for all he knows. Now if he turned down something that was packaged and wrapped.... thats different.
  6. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    I have given money to only one bum in my life, well besides my X-husband.
    This old cat with a beard longer than the ZZ Top fellas, holding up a sign saying "Why lie I need a beer". I took pity, hell its hot in Houston.

    The bums that spanged in the area I lived in would sleep under I-45. I would have to walk past these smelly bastards to and from work everyday.
    One day around X-mas time I passed under the interstate and noticed someone in the holiday spirit went and bought these fuckers bags upon bags of Whataburger. I was in disbelief, not one single smelly fucker to be found, just a shit load of food. Seems someone also felt extra giving and gave cash, cause I then noticed all these smelly fuckers were wayyy up on the concrete slab passing around a community crack pipe.
    As tempted as I was(after eating ramen noodles for 2 weeks)I declined and I preceded to stomp the shit out of their Whataburger.

    Most folks are too gullible when it comes to these parasites.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I didn't read the sign but I did notice the world cancer on it.
  8. battlesausage

    battlesausage New Member

    How do they know my change hasn't been up my ass all day? Do you think they would turn it down if I pulled money from my asshole in front of them?
  9. battlesausage

    battlesausage New Member

    The point of offering them fruit is, getting them to leave you the fuckk alone. Once you offer the same bum a carrot twice, he won't keep asking.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You should like this then


    And you know what happens if the hospitals do not give them their luxuries.

    There is a radical Democrat trial lawyer awaiting in the wings to file a lawsuit on behalf of the bum.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Perfect example of why our healthcare system sucks. There are people out there who will not go because they don't have insurance and they really need to go.

    That shit pisses me off. I'm glad I'm not a nurse, because I might accidentally euthanize those guys.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well sadly it is only gonna get worse. I hate trial lawyers so much I'd just love to see a hundred of them writhing in pain in the middle of a street with their throats slit and blood spurting out. As their vision grows dim to total darkness and their brains shut down from lack of oxygen and then they die thinking "Oh shit I should have been a more honest person in my life"
  13. battlesausage

    battlesausage New Member

    It's the same in Canada but instead of just the bums being able to take 1000 trips to an ER everyone can do it. All I ever hear about is "Canadians wait 70000 years for medical treatment"

    Truth is, if you enter an ER with an urgent or life threatening problem you see a doctor in minutes. If you are a crazy drunken bum you might have to wait 18 hours.

    We still have to pay for the bums but at least they are inconvenienced and I would imagine a lot of them just leave cause they need more drugs or booze.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah I get people who bitch about American health care and think they are making an argument against private health care.

    The bums getting treatment is guess what?


    The trial lawyers leaching off of society like the bloodsucking scumbags they are is a product of the class warfare mentality that is brainwashed into the minds through the public education system, communist in the collages and universities like Ward Churchill, and the left wing media.

    More Socialism.

    The problem no matter which side of the border is Socialism.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't get ERs... I have seen scummy people go before me and I know I am worse off than they are, just not all dramatic about it. Those are the pain pill junkies, crying in pain for their fix. They should give them a line of isopropyl alcohol. I saw some welfare baby go before me once and it pissed me off. I quit going to that hospital and went to a different one that doesn't seem as bad. I don't get the pecking order at all. Never have.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    What pisses me off with beggars... the ones with dogs- now those dogs probably get more love and attention then mine... but I worry about them not eating well...

    9 years ago... my last apartment, I was pregnant with Evan, and we lived in Atlanta... there was a homeless guy that collected cans... I would save mine up in a separate bag for him... he was nice and thankful... sometimes I would give him a soda or sandwich... hell one time I gave him a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread... he sat and ate it on my stairs. Then when Evan was a newborn... Husband was at work and would be there late late, we had snow..... I hear the can man, I ask him if wants a blanket, he said Yes ma'am... I gave him one... I chat for while about the upcoming Ice storm, said I had no candles...he said he would run to the store for me if I gave him money... I figured he would run with it, but I gave him 20$ anyway... we had the ice storm, no power, for about 2 hours, in the dark, then he shows up with almost exactly 20$ worth. And went to hand me change... 1$ and coins...

    its funny when we moved, I worried about him. He looked like a 50 year old fat Bob Marley.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Ah, bless his heart. It's hard to tell what the real deal is with some of those people.

    The only beggars I worried about when I moved once were my raccoons.
  18. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    In the words of Marie Antoinette, "Fuck 'em, feed 'em beans".

    The only thing worse than bums begging is those mormon (or is it moron) fucks that try to drop tracts off at the house to save my soul.

    Kill 'em all but six and save them for pall bearers. :)

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