Iran Election was it legit?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The media and the Democrats created the economic meltdown. :rolleyes:

    Eight straight years of economic doom and gloom. Now you see the media ironically taking an economy that is much worse then Bush ever had and talking like its all coming up roses. It's insane. Been to New Orleans lately? I have and I can tell you business is booming and if you want to work there are construction jobs due to the Billions that bush pumped into N.O. for Katrina aid. But that's not the message they intend to get out to the ignorant liberals out there.

    I see you had nothing specific just repeating the same liberal talking points.
  2. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    The media and democrats created the economic meltdown? Amazing, and all this time I thought it was the creation of false wealth by the banks and federal reserve, over-speculation, leveraging of anything possible and then the abrupt end of the road as none of this could go on any longer. As for Katrina and New Orleans, yeah there's going to be jobs wherever there is reconstruction and the possibility of growth, like the no-bid contracts Halliburton was awarded by Bush co. and friends. The problem is that we just can't grow anymore and you can't force that on people.

    But I see you just keep repeating the same ass-hat talking points like you always do.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Wow. For a moment there, it almost sounds like you understand the basis of our 'lend-to-the-ill-equipped' mentality.

    I'm almost inclined to think that you fell for the same bullshit handjob that Bush did when he was first seen on the tele as the motherfucker that started this whole 'bailout' scheme. He betrayed his party with that one, and for that matter, McCain followed in his murky footsteps, pissing off enough republicans (whom I thought would have an actual understanding of economics,) causing them to not vote, and now we're stuck with this socialist figurehead whom is granted special treatment because he has been socially oppressed. Y'kno - being born overseas, not a typical US color, etc. :rolleyes:

    Despite his adoptive upbringing, and his Ivy-League education, I emphatically support him. Not for any racial manner - but for an inherent support of the social norm.

    The first time he tries to touch our guns, or my Goddamn money, however...
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You need to listen to Lomo and use your two brain cells collectively to form a clue as to what happened last election. Bush I will say again was in many ways a liberal Republican not a Conservative Republican. As the country slides further into the Socialist abyss, enough Republican voters were unable to hold their nose and elect yet another Liberal Republican coupled with the frenzied infantile cult like Democrats coming out of the woodwork we got a Socialist rather then a Liberal Repub. Not a lot of difference between the two.


    It is what it is dumbass you bring NOTHING new to the table. What I'm supposed to come up with some new reality different from the current reality? There IS NO COMPANY that can do what Halliburton does dumbass.

    Who the fuck was supposed to get the contract? Wallmart? The Teachers Union? Who dumbass tell me who?

    Who Smurf?

    Who should have got the contract?

    I already know you will not answer like you never have in the past.

    Same old ass-hat talking points I see.
  5. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    How about one of these companies listed in the "Related Companies" section under the graph in this Google Finance page?

    Parson's Engineering is another example not listed in there. Or even the military itself can oversee some of the reconstruction with the enlisted help of some local Iraqi companies.

    Oh look, I did answer. Dumb ass. There are plenty of other companies worldwide that do what Halliburton does.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You have no idea what your talking about. I got a buddy I work with he does concrete jobs on the side, stuff like driveways, but that does not mean he is ready to bid on a five mile section of I35 and an overpass through Dallas.
  7. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    And neither do you if that's the best you can come up with.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I don't think Bush was liberal at all. The things he was tough on I agreed with. He was pro death penalty. He was pro guns. He believed in a smaller government and as little government intervention as possible. I just don't think we should have invaded Iraq.

    After we didn't find WMDs and set a date for withdraw, we should have. Bush was an asskicker and during the first few years of his presidency and that's exactly what I wanted. We didn't need an economist. I was soo pissed and sad after 9-11. Just like every other red blooded American, I was swept up in the MAKE THEM PAY attitude and Bush's "Let's take em out!" war on terror policy seemed like the proper response.

    But the fact that I was misled with lies is something I just can't overlook. The internal corruption, anti-gay marriage and invasion of privacy was too much for me. Trampling the constitution is one thing.... trying to rewrite it to fit your needs is a whole other level of evil. And definetly not "liberal".

    If it comes out one day that he had a hand in 9-11... I will personally shoot the bastard myself. However, until that day... I will keep my gun loaded for the next nigger to break into my house.

    So I mean it.. truly mean it when I say "Thank you republicans for letting me keep my gun!"
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I am far to fucking aniheberated for a debare right now.

    I would like to ask what specific "internal corruption" or invqasion of pricvacy. but scewit why argue.

    Yhe most corrupt administration in the history ofg earth is pulling the bifgest scam in histtory and the mediav making you think you smell rose s,

    I cannot compete with thaart. so fucj it
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    What's happening in this country right now is enough to drive any man to drink. I'm not even kidding.

    If you juxtapose our timeline, we are on the downward slope of the bell curve. We are on a crash course with demise, and chutes are starting to fetch a premium price, second only to the cost of mental sedatives. Throw out a buoy, send up a flare, the ship's going down. Rome has fallen.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And while its all happening they just distract the idiocrats with bells and blinky lights.

    Hey did you hear Mike Jackson died?

    Oops for a second there I forgot that unemployeement is at 10% and communist dictators backed by our president are taking over Central and South America.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  12. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    It's good to forget, Joe. It's what people with terminal cancer do. They see their demise only weeks, months away but there's no sense in dwelling about it every day. Likewise I see the downfall of America on the way but there's no sense in having a stroke over it. It was going to happen REGARDLESS of what the administration would have, could have, or should have done. I've been talking about this shit for years now and I saw this economic crisis slowly unfolding.

    There's nothing anyone could have done to stop it.
  13. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    First of all... DRINKING RULES!

    Now with that said I'll answer your questions. The invasion of Privcay came with the patriot act. Thats the easy one. As for the internal corruption, let's just go with Scooter Libby and Karl Rove for right now. I could also go into Dick's involement with the Geo Group (The outfit that runs Guantanomo Bay) and his ties to Halliburton (The only big business to profit from this war)... but that's wayyyy more involved.

    As for this administration, I'd like to know what tricks the media is pulling. Last night on the news I heard the reporters SLAMMING Obama and talking about how citizens of America are demanding economic recovery right away. They also showed how the stimulus plan is putting road workers to work in Arkansas and creating new jobs for people there. The only response the president had was "This plan was set up to work over the next two years. Not overnight." Frankly, I didn't expect it to happen overnight. If there is one thing I'm not smelling right now..... it's roses. I wish the media would make me think I was.

    Many Americans are stupid. Give an idiot 10,000 dollars and he will think he's rich. Go and buy rims for his car or spend it entertaining his friends at a bar. Give it to a smart guy and he'll pay down his high interest debts or invest it in a profitable business.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thats just it the money is being taken from the productive and being given to the idiots.

    There are inspector generals to watch over things. Five who tried to blow the whistle on Obama corruption have been illegally fired. 85% of the media that is supposed to inform you of these things have zero concern about this. But they do report to the sheeple that they should disregard the 5% reporting on the illegally fired inspector generals as being right wing zealots not to be trusted.

    Meanwhile how has the Patriot act infringed upon your privacy rights previous to the year 2009?

    How does said patriot act infringe on your rights post 2009?

    Please give me an answer to these two questions.


    Look at your history books what recession has ever taken TWO freakin YEARS to start getting better even without a stimulus?
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    I cannot believe it. No shit Sherlock!!!.

    This truly is an idiocracy we are living in. The fucking moron gets to extend a slump caused by Democrats and blamed on Republicans into a recession. 1.5 years beyond what it should while at the same time using money supposedly for a stimulus to make political payoffs and then pat himself while the rest of the liberal media also does for things finally getting better.

    Hold Fucking Shit! That is insane.

    This should be over already. Look at the Bush numbers for GDP, and employment. GW never had a stimulus to help him out he did it on his own. This fucker .......

    Look its like as if a lower middle class family who is doing OK trudging along except that mom likes to use credit cards to much. Is just besides themselves sick of not having a car, and home as nice as the Jones'. Then along comes this guy making no more money at all than the father of the family but with mad credit cards to create the impression of income five times more then the poor sucker who works to put food on the family's plate. This new guy hits on the wife and gets her to leave the father. And basically takes the family away from the first guy. Talks about all the money he is bringing in. Uses credit cards with the wife now as cosigner at the new 30% rate. The kids the wife think he is a real hero. They ain't got shit to show for it really but are thinking their on top of the hill now.

    Who is gonna pay off that 30% interest after the party is over? When they finally find out this new guy is a dud but their credit is ruined and they have to foot the bill?
  16. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    What's fucking insane is that you still don't realize this is not a fucking recession. You talk about Bush and his numbers, the GDP, and what a glorious president he was, then you immediately talk about the abuse of credit in the United States. You can't put those two fucking things together? I mean, really?

    The abuse of credit was going on during Bush's term which made everything seem peachier than it really was. This massive credit bubble is finally ending. The reason why Bush's presidency didn't have to rack up nearly as much debt as this Obama's is because the people were still living off false wealth the banks, world governments and credit companies were creating. Where the fuck was the regulation then, Joe? Why wasn't President Bush and his administration doing anything to stop the train wreck that was heading our direction?

    But now the ended, the people and businesses are hurting because their lines of credit have been cut and the debt is finally to the point where it has to be paid back so all the money is quickly evaporating. In their desperation they are turning to the government to bail them out. All the jobs are disappearing because nobody is spending because the false wealth is no longer being created.

    This problem was a long one in the making, Joe. You could see it rising up right at the end of Bush's term. Or were you fucking oblivious to the fact that the DOW Jones lost half it's worth in the last year of his presidency? GW isn't some fucking God like you make him out to be, he wasn't even a great president. He didn't "do it on his own" he did it with the creation of false wealth in a credit bubble that never should have existed.

    But you're too goddam stupid to realize that you stupid fat fuck faggot.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Hell yeah the abuse of credit and it was the Democrats that regulated the banks to force them to accept bad credit risks. Read up on the Community Reinvestment Act. Smurf Google CRA.

    All we had towards the end of the Bush eight years was a banking delima caused by the Democrats. and Eight years of negative press aimed at decreasing consumer confidence.

    Now with numbers much worse., And dept multiple times greater. Government corruption where Obama is funneling tax dollars to his political cronies. We have a media miraculously attempting to doctor consumer confidence, doing so in a realistically bleak situation trying to make excuses for the President.


    We should be on fucking cloud nine by now. With numbers as good as they were during Bush this should already be over! Again look at your history books never has a recession lasted like Obama is calling for EVER. AND we are supposed to believe in two years if it is better that the reason is because our messiah saves us from the brink of oblivion?

  18. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Two YEARS!!! TWO YEARS!!! AARRRRGGGHHHH... if this were simply a recession then it would last less than two years. But it's not. You're looking at it the wrong way: the moves that the government is making is not extending the recession, it's delaying the crash.

    No we should not be on cloud nine by now. There is still a $600 TRILLION (with a fucking T) derivatives market of non-existent funny money that is waiting to blow up in our face. The governments of the world can't cover all that. There are still TONS of jobs waiting to be lost because people are tightening up their belts and cutting their costs, so TV's, cars, cameras and other things aren't being sold.

    Look at our history books? This is unprecedented Joe. It's never happened before. And you can't forget the geopolitical implications of all this. Countries are turning away from the US. They were already starting to during the Bush era and now they're doing it in full swing. It's just the complete fucking meltdown and it sucks that Obama has to be president right now because he's the poor asshole that has to get blamed when everything comes crashing down and the Americans that are too stupid to realize it's not his fault will come looking for his blood.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah right Smurf Obama is the victim here. :rolleyes:

    Don't you have some atrocities to bear witness to? Wasn't that the reason you tried to enlist in the military?

    Who is to blame for CRA?

    Who tried to stop the problem?

    Who warned us that the regulations by the U.S. government into the banking business was going to potentially backfire big time?

    The Democrats are to blame Smurf and the Republicans warned of the impending problem.

    And whats with this double standard? You dogged Bush all those years while he SUCCESSFULLY defended this country from a terrorist attack. You and you friend Cheesepuff and Schmed and all the others that were chiming in and repeating the talking points put out by the media that Bush was infringing on peoples privacy. I do not see Obama rolling that back yet your cool with it aren't you? Or are you just confused about not getting your talking points yet?
  20. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Bush SUCCESSFULLY defended this country from a terrorist attack? I guess you must have been asleep on 9/11, too. And you're right Joe, the Republicans are completely innocent. If they aren't then they're a little less responsible, right?

    GTFO and go suckle on Bush's teet, Joe. You're done here. Oh, and I'll be gone for a week. Later big guy.

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