guess my parenting book will have a chapter about religion as well. My 9 year asked me about it... I told him the options of different belieifs-customs-gods. I sort of felt like a cell phone company "with this plan you believe ______and have to ______ and ______and you get ______" then he asked what plan was best. I told him if wants religion, I will get up early every week, and take him to a new place of worship... and he could choose if he wanted to be Baptist-Muslim-Hindu- or whatever. Then he said... "um I want to be the religion of the church I saw on tv... they have skateboard ramp and game room... " I said.. " are you sure you just dont want to go to the Factory ?" (a skater place with a game room) He says, yeah we can go there... but going to the church place is better, they said the lord keeps you safe and it showed kids doing 360s and jumps real easy.... and they cant get hurt" WTF? I am dying to see this commercial.
What you didn't know, Jesus was the armor of the lord in the good old days. But with all these extreme sports he had to become the protective padding of the lord.
seriously... am I a bad mom for not taking my kid to church, saying prayers, telling him stories of Jesus... I mean- I have been sitting here thinking about it, and half of me says (you suck) and the other half says (let him do what he wants when he is older) ... the another half of me says (damn I want a pizza) I am pretty much ANTI religion. I do hold my tongue around my kid and not say things I say in response to stupid god comments made by people. I HATE it when people say "everything is gonna be alright, god will not let anything bad happen" HMMM - I guess you dont find earthquakes, tsunamis, and child rape bad... Thursday night I was almost hit by a tree... came like 5-6 feet from my car..the back of my car is scratched up and I still had pieces of pine bunches in my bumper. This chick I know (she works at a pound) saw me the next morning at QT... I told her about it... she said "well god was protecting you" I tried not to talk but it came shooting out of my mouth... " well I am glad god protected me from a tree , why didnt he protect Casey Anthony from her mom? " yeah- I am in THAT mood. I am heading out, and I am sure god will stop protecting me, and I will end up dead... god damned god karma.
I hate when people can't think of a good answer to your questions so they just say it's "God's Will". From what I have always heard, God seems like a real dick anyway. You get free will, but if you don't chose the accept the Lord as your Savior, you will burn in hell. Why give us the choice? I think that if there is a god, he/she wouldn't be that asshole that Christians make him out to me. I wonder if it is Satan making me misspell that word every time I write it? I always spell it christstains.
Its called evil and free choice. God cant control the actions of everyone, its kinda the downside of having free will. Not everyone chooses to not kill.rape/etc. If someone is killed by an eathquake, then there probably was a direct or indirect reason for that, ie someone will turn a new leaf from someone's death or act better. At least thats how I see it. Just like there are people who make religion look bad and dumb, theres also those on the other side who muck it up because they know nothing about it. Why give us the choice to spend eternity in heaven? Hmmm, I dont know, I guess it must be so tempting to want to go to hell. /sarcasm/
Religion ... hmmm a man made idea. God truly must get awfully disgusted at the foolishness of man trying to out smart each other and God as well. I do not believe in the stupid ridicules "Big Bang Theory" there was a creator and their is no getting around that. Stick to your god given intuition that tells you what is right and what is wrong. Pursue the right path with an open and alert mind and get what you can that is positive about mans religious ideals. But NEVER worship ANY religion. Choose God over religion.
As a student of theology, I have to tell you that most of you are morons. Dating back 1000s of years, all modern religions come from worship of the planet Saturn. Yep. You got it. Jews, Christians, Muslims, you name it! All from the planet Saturn. Ever wonder why we have wedding "rings"? Why halos are golden "rings"? Or why there are pictures of Saturn in Egyptian tombs? Because it all started with Saturn. Face it people. There is no God. He's just a construct people invented to explain the unexplainable. If I walk into the rain forest and build a house... then some native tribe who has never seen modern buidlings came across what would they think? GOD BUILT THIS FOR US! Idiots. Same as us for believing that an invisible man watches everything we do and plans to burn us for eternity if we don't do what a book written 1000s of years ago tells us to do! He allows pain, death, suffering, torture, murder, rape and corruption to beat us all to hell...... but he loves us! Get real.
Oh hell lets shed a crocodile tear for the pussys of the world that did not get treated fair. Whaaaa waaaa waaa Cry me a river why don't you. People are miserable because they have to work eight hours a day and drive a Honda while their neighbor has a Lexus. And they hate the big evil corporate Microsoft but secretly love to play with their X-Box till all hours of the night in a faint heartened and failed attempt to fill the void in their life. How about getting a clue dumbass. The world did not just slowly evolve into its present state as a product of time. If that's true where the fuck did matter come from in the first place. You think its a cruel cruel world and poor pitiful you feels all jaded that your a piece of shit trucker 2 seconds away from death by heart attack so you want to mock the existence of God. Life is pretty fucking awesome for even the most pathetic among us even for you. All you have to do is take the time to step back and see it. If your not struggling you're not living your just existing. Just get through this life be a good person, respect others and the man upstairs. And your pathetic 40-50 years here on earth will be over and nothing but a wisp of smoke compared to eternity. Or take it to the grave proudly proclaiming that there is no God and believing that you will be worm dirt within a few short months after you die just about as long as the time it takes us to forget you ever existed. But when your sitting in hell remember that Christian who got sick of your bellyaching and told you to fuck off if you cannot take a joke.
Hypocrite much? You just belittled him, called him a piece of shit and said he was going to burn in hell. WTF? You got my blood boiling now.
Hahaha! Double standard. Sorry tired of dipshits sitting safely on the other side of the fence not worried one bit about any retribution dogging Christianity. I'm like on a crusade. LOL I don't have to play by the rules do I? All that turn the cheek shit. I'm more of a smash that mouth bust that lip wide open kind of guy. Besides I watched "Gran Torino" last night and I'm feeling all Clint Eastwood. Clint knocked it out of the park with that one. Another modern era movie that is as good as one of his westerns. That One with the chick boxer was awesome also.
For those who do not believe there was a creator (God) I'll just take a bucket of sand and put it in a time capsule 900 trillion 426 billion 675 million 98 thousand and 26 years from now a scientist will open it up and of course it will have evolved through molecular generation into a bunch of 144 pin PC 100 Sodimms. LOL and "it" (not a he or she because we will have evolved into some new creature all together) will say "Holy shit man look WTF is this?" In some language we do not understand. :biggrin:
God damn you turds... this is not a "how did we get here " debate... I asked ... am I a shity mom for not making my kid go to church? I know how we got here... it is all explained by the Tom Cruise religion.
You think I'm debating Creationand whether or not life is good? You quarter-brained moron! Of course life is good! It's better than non-existence for most.... but not all. And of course something created all that is the universe! Someone even created the house I live in! Does that mean the guy who built my house is constantly watching over me ready to burn me for all eternity if I don't follow some rules he told the next guy who owned it to post in the basement? NO IDIOT! He's dead! Just as you and I and everyone else will be eventually. And then you believe you will rewarded with a harp and a halo? Sorry. Only oblivion awaits us. Unless you've spoken to few of those "dead" people either burning or living in heaven. Or maybe your like my schizo buddy who claims he "literally speaks" to God and Satan all the time. And they speak back! Please by all means keep worshipping your invisble man if it brings you comfort. I find comfort in knowing that "life" is not a test. BTW.... where was the joke?
if there is a "heaven" I dont want to go... seems like it would be crowded... look at how many people have died.... hell look at how many pets are put to sleep everyday... do cats/dogs go to heaven? what about when a fisherman pulls in a huge bundle net of fish... do they go to heaven? And Fire Ants... did all their little bitty souls go to heaven? Jesus what about all the dinosaurs? just wondering I think , when you die, you are gone.... sucks but oh well... enjoy your time while you are here. I wish I could haunt a place when I am dead... it would be like reality TV watching people... I have been away from my house a few days, and my kitchen is infested in gnats... I am about to send them to heaven.
Well the "good book" says animals don't get to go. Just humans. Some Christian religions even believe that nig nogs are animals and not humans. So according to them, no niggers in heaven. Saint Peter to Lamont at the pearly gates "Fuck You Nigger! You can't come!" Here's some good questions for our resident Bible Banger. What if you are a robot with a human brain? Do you go to heaven? What if your DNA was cloned? Do you AND your clone go to heaven? What if said clone gives you his heart and dies? Does the clone wait until the heart also dies to go to heaven? What if your genes were spliced with a raccoon? Can raccoon-man get into heaven? How about Brain-Death? If your brain dies but not the rest of you.... is your brain in heaven while your body is on life-support? Forget abortion for a minute. Do Miscarriages go to heaven? If so... is it stuck in Fetal Form for eternity? If a baby dies and goes to heaven does it grow up? Do they have school in heaven to teach it how to speak to other dead people? What would you have to know or learn in heaven? It's not like you need to eat, drink, or have a job, or have sex, or anything. Do the people just sit around talk about "the good ole days" back on earth? If you went through life with a small penis... would God reward you with a bigger one? Would you even need a penis in Heaven? Are we all Barbie and Ken dolls up there? The angels obviously had sexual organs. They mated with human girls according to your "book".
so if a monkey dies, it does not go to heaven... that sucks. What happens to the souls of monkeys and dogs? I will be honest, I have never read ANYTHING in a bible..or any other religious book... except "Islam for dummies" I got it at a yard sale - and it come handy while debating about the child molester prophet. My parents never took me to church, except a few times when I was little... I was kicked out for speaking in tongues... like some lady was - I was 5. My dad loves telling people that story. I do believe in evolution... I do not believe in heaven, hell, god, jesus, allah, or anything else. I think we all need to happy we are here, enjoy it while we can, and not worry why/ how, we got here... just live... be merry... do good things.
What difference does it really make in the end? When you are dead do you get a medal that says 'I won an argument on the internet'. I dont think so. Beliefs are just that, they are a persons beliefs. Doesnt matter if you believe or not. It's like opinions and assholes, everybody got one. Joe you arent going to change cheeze, and cheeze you arent going to change joe. You will both probably keel over and be reincarnated as fiddler crabs.
On the Contrary! If Joe shows me PROOF.... I will change my beliefs and believe him. An unedited video of a burning bush which gives off no heat and the thundering sound of the one true God talking with Joe should suffice. Shouldn't be hard to come by. Moses happened across one. Personally... I think you'll have better luck convincing me a fat guy in a red suit flys across the globe every year leaving presents under a tree for good little boys and girls. I have never seen him or heard his voice... but millions of little kids SWEAR he's real!
While we are at it... lets not leave the Muslims out. They believe if you die for the "cause"... you get to go to heaven where you are met by 72 virgins for your personal use. Hell of a motivator... but eternity is a long time... and you only have 72! If one million Muslims die... that means there have to be at least 72 million virgin women already there. If a billion die.... where they hell are the 72 billion virgins gonna come from? We've only had about 15 billion people walk the earth so far. And what about the women? Do they get 72 virgins as well? You think its a good motivator to give a woman 72 first timers as a reward?!? I can give you that scenario right now. Dead Muslim Chick - "Okay Habib. Take a deep breath. Lets try this one more time. I'm just reach down and touch your ... OH ALLAH DAMNIT! NOT AGAIN! I'm gettin' really sick of this shit, Habib!" What a reward.