When is enough, enough?

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by izzyanne, May 10, 2009.

  1. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    I was in a car crash 40 years ago and left in a wheelchair.

    2 months ago, in my wheelchair I'm minding my buisness on the sidewalk and a car backed out of his driveway and hit me--broke my left femur

    Oh the pain?

    Will this be enough to suit the gods on high?
  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I dont know about appeasing any gods, but think you should buy a couple lottery tickets.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    at least you are already in a wheelchair...

    why have you been in a chair for 40 years? Are you Paralyzed?
  4. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Someone broke one of your useless legs.... and your worried about God? Why not sue the shit of the driver for enough money to buy yourself some brand new cybernetic legs? You could be like a transformer and shit! First you are worthless crippled old man THEN!! ... a noise goes "WAwaWAwaWa" and you transform into a standing person who can walk! The only question out there now is will you be an Autobot..... or a DECEPTICON! The choice is yours Wheelcrack!

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yeah get some new legs like Lieutenant Dan did.

    if you are paralyzed - you would not feel pain in your broken leg.

    are you a guy or a girl?
    I think this is all BS.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Why did they write, "Oh the pain?" like it was a question?
  7. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    I was in a car crash 40 years ago, age age 30, and left in a wheelchair, as a partial paraplegic, ambulating on crutches until I became older. 65, now 70. I have no pain below the knees and have broken a number of (de-mineralized, when young, osteoporotic when old) bones.

    The femur is above the knee, the thigh bone and
    Oh the pain?--as in would you believe? Have you broken a femur? Well if you are a walkie, they will build it with titanium rod, plates, bolts, screws. I am not a walkie but they did that anyway and it was like putting a nail through an eggshell; everything fell apart and became infected.

    This is not BS

    For the cynical people, I have attached a picture of my left thigh swollen twice the size of normal, and those incisions would not be there if the doctors knew their stuff about how bones deteriorate over 40 years, from poor circulation.

    Attached Files:

  8. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    or do you mean? "Why did you write, "Oh the pain?" like it was a question?

    I am but one person
  9. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    Now I have noted partial para and I am a 70 year old Grandmother.

    Partial means part of the 2 'useless' limbs can be put into motion with assistance.
  10. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    Now that is certainly compassion and stupidity mixed.

    No I just broke a fingernail in a high speed crash and now require a wheelchair to go from place to place.

    At least you are already stupid...
  11. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    See Mama. Your question was stupid... I notice their was no comment on my post because I am brilliant! My only other question was about that thumbnail. If you turn the camera in a 90 degree arc we get to see your 70 year old promised land! That would kick ass!

    Damn I'm desperate... I think I'll go kill myself.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    If I don't know the gender of someone, I'm gonna use "they".

    BIGMAMA New Member

    we finally get a new contributor to the forums
    and it is a 70 year old grandmother in a wheelchair... kick ass

    What is it about THIS site ... that made you want to join?

    well if this is real, I am sorry... ..but I still call bullshit.

    but I will play along... so granny since you are now the oldest member in Fugly Forums...
    share some of your wise knowledge...and some of your handy cross stitch

    CONGRADULATIONS BARRY - you are no longer the oldest.

    oh and many are in wheelchairs that are not paralyzed... you could have been one of those fat asses that just cant walk.

    I asked the "stupid" question because it was my understanding... people that are paralyzed are either paralyzed from the waist down... neck down... or some other place in between... since that is where the spinal cord is... Taking this into consideration... I did not understand WHY you had pain with a broken leg.
  14. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    Someone is not a they. You are mixing plural (they) with singular(someone).

    Someone is generally known as 'he', but some people, inappropriately, type s/he.

    What, pray tell, is wrong with the second person singular?
  15. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    I have never seen such ignorance. Have you not learned anything? A severed spinal cord totally paralyzes a person for life. A crushed one will heal any of the nerves not severed, although I have one nerve to my bladder that appears to have attached itself to my right foot. My foot goes numb and gives me a warning.

    Your other avatar, with the big mouth, suits you better than some princess type.

    Caliper braces signify that the person can ambulate on crutches.
  16. izzyanne

    izzyanne New Member

    the pic didn't upload,

    Attached Files:

  17. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I think Johnny wants to see more granny porn.

    BIGMAMA New Member


    It was this statement that made me think you were paralyzed...

    do you meant to tell me that most people that sit for 30 years in a wheelchair - do not suffer from a spinal cord injury?

    anyway - you did not answer my question... why does a 70 year old grandmother in a wheelchair join this site? Are you interested in doing a little granny porn? Need a little extra money? Have you already spent your disability check on Bingo?

    Anyone can find pics of ladies in wheelchairs, I still call bull shit.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Hmm...all of the sudden someone who doesn't use proper punctuation is the Grammar police!

    "The singular they is the use of this pronoun, where they is used as a gender-neutral singularr rather than plural pronoun. The correctness of this usage is disputed."

    I said *I* would refer to someone I didn't know as "they". I don't care if it is a right or wrong.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Bullshit or a troll.

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