Hers a few pics of the early end of my Spidey collection, the picture is missing the only issue I have had CGC graded, Amazing Spider-Man 14 (graded at a respectable 8.2), and also I recently bought issue #19 which is not pictured either. (Hey! if Lomo can post his guns...)
The most valuable comic I have is House Of Secrets 92. First appearance of Swamp Thing. Right now I think its worth a little over a grand. I also have the first appearance of the Alien Suit, Venom and Carnage. Those are probally worth something.
Here's the difference... What I now collect can prevent an assailant from robbing your house, your car, or your person. What you collect... ...well, you have to be Gambit to do the same shit with. :biggrin:
Or the death of a thousand paper cuts! I'd be willing to bet our collections are worth about the same though.
Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed? Or have you been sober for too long? Or maybe you just need to get laid.
Wrong side of the bed, what I should of said is that I am not a photographer so I'm not gonna go spend more money on a camera, this one was $350 two years ago (meaning its worth 25 bucks now I'm sure) that and those comics are encased in a highly reflective Mylar sleeve. And then I say sorry for being snippy. Damnit.
I brought a AUD $300 camera and it has a flash that you fold up and down, so when it's up it's well over an inch from the lens. This will stop the horrible glare from those things. I was giving you photography advice. I can see that you're not a photographer. I compared some pics of my friend's wedding cake; ones I took and ones my dad took, and mine didn't have the glare and gleam from the shiny bits that my dad's did who had a little compact Canon IXUS 90IS with the flash right above the lens. I have a Canon Power Shot SX110IS which has a flash that folds up. The pictures were excellent. Some people just don't realise this. So, just some friendly advice for the next time you purchase one. The more you know...
Just a thought here... but... You're comparing pictures you took of food versus pictures a man took of the same food? No wonder the images turned out shitty... I guarantee you, it isn't the quality of the camera, or the shutter speed, it's the fact that you had a grown man take pictures of something edible and highly desirable. You're bound to lose a little bit when all is said and done.