mom is dying

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by BIGMAMA, Apr 27, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I spent all day at the ER... well from like 2 pm-9pm. Seems that my moms neighbor came over to borrow something and found my mom on the floor... called 911. Turns out she ODed on her pain meds.. she would have been dead in another hour. But my mom had some weird bruises all over her. Once she was able to talk, she admitted to taking a shitload of pills because she was in really bad pain. She had fallen a few days ago from a step stool trying to get something from a tall cabinet, and well was in bad all over. They took her to do some X rays, and some CT scans, turns out she is in bad paid due to a huge mass/possible cancer in her belly and a few non major fractures, also has 3 huge kidney stones - 2 the size of peanut m&ms and one the doc said he had never seen so so big... and it could be some sort of mass.

    here is what is weird... they said "you know your mom does not much time, you may want to look into a hospice care facility" ok

    now for the funny part...

    because she had taken so many of her pills (that were prescribed to her) oh and pot was in her system... by law we have to release her to a state rehab -when she is able to leave the ICU, she will be transported straight there.

    OK so put her in rehab- make a dying person ate up with rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, broken bones, painful kidney stones... make her go through withdraw, and pain, for the state authorised amount of time...then put her in Hospice- a place that keeps you drugged up till you die. WTF???

    here something else to bitch about... she has no insurance, she has NO medicaid, or any gov help, no disability or anything.... she has paid out of pocket for her pill docs and her Rxs... when I asked who pays for this rehab, they said the state will cover the rehab and the transport. She gets evaluated tomorrow to see how long she will be in rehab.

    My mom knew she was fucked up all over and in pain, and was pretty much doing her own hospice care

    anyone else think it is odd... to go from ER to ICU to rehab to hospice
  2. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    That's a sad story.... and NO... I'm not being sarcastic. No one wants to see a love one suffer and/or die. It's brutal. I know the failure's of our medical system all too well (Considering my father is a doctor and my mother a nurse practioner). I wish their was something I could say to ease some of the burden and heartache you must be feeling... but I don't know any that could possibly make it hurt less.

    The only thing I can suggest is a "Mercy Pardon". I think thats what it's called. Some people are given a "pardon" by the courts for certain things they've done when death comes knocking. Otherwise its considered cruel and unusual punishment. Forget about the medical bills. The hospital and doctors can stand in line behind all the other creditors after she dies.... and they usually have to settle for about 30 percent of the bill (Again, i have parents in the medical field and most patients are poor).

    Again... I'm sorry about your situation.

    *Don't any of you others get the wrong idea. I'm still an asshole. Just not to a woman whose mother is dying.*

    BIGMAMA New Member

    thanks, and I you can be an asshole.... I am not torn up about her death, I kinda wish it would hurry up and free her of pain.

    I just dont want her to suffer in rehab with legitimate pain...then put her in place that fills her with drugs. I mean it is a waste of tax money, and just makes her suffer.

    its like digging a hole, just to fill it up again. Does not make sense to me.

    Definition: A model of care that focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Hospice involves an interdisciplinary approach to provide medical care, pain management and emotional and spiritual support. The emphasis is on comfort, not curing. It can be provided in the patients home as well as freestanding hospice facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

    they comfort you with DRUGS.

    I will ask tomorrow about the Mercy Pardon. Thanks Cheeze

    I think I will also ask ... hmm since the state wants to pay for rehab, why not help treat the shit wrong with her while she is there... oh and how will look if she dies while in the states care.

    I know if any of us went to the ER with ONE of her ailments, they would send us home with script for pain meds... even if we had never taken a pain med in our life.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hook her up with some Oxycontin...
  5. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    Sorry to hear about your mom.

    And yes, it does seem weird that they are going to get her clean and sober just to send her to hospice to dope her up so she can die painfree. Will she be hooked up to a morphine drip while they try to detox her?

    You might want to talk to a lawyer about getting her straight to hospice.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I have no idea what they plan. I could understand rehab if she was young and healthy.

    Funny thing. They want to detox her.... if someone had a DOG in her condition, and they did not have it on pain meds or put to sleep... they would go to jail for abuse/neglect .
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That sucks.

    It reminds me of the death penalty. They want the prisoner to be in good health, and then make sure the room, needles and all are sterile before the injections.

    The mercy pardon may be the way to go.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I was only calling you because you have such vast experience with items being stuck in various orafices.

    you kinky truckers at your rest stops,,, I know what goes down, dippin down in the brown ... I believe yall be poppin more then the clutch.

    Love ya
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    Dippin down in the brown. Freaking hilarious.
  11. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Yes. The perils of being a Power Top. At least I'm pitchin' and not catchin'. Cause that would be gay.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yep nuffin beats being ball deep in a hairy trucker's ass, while eating one of the pecan logs from a Stuckey's.

    one of life's simple pleasures

    just teasing ... you know I will be your lot lizard any day ... then you will be balls deep in a nicely waxed fat chick... while she is eating a Stuckey's pecan log.
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    As long as it doesnt look like a pecan log when you pull it out....
  14. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    NO WAY! If your hubby found out he might have his family fly a plane into my house! I've spent alot of money on this two-story cardboard box. Not to mention beating up the two kids playing "Fort" inside when I found it.
  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The cool thing is he could probably crash a radio control plane into it and knock it down! No Callateral damage! Maybe he'd just tape a couple of m-80s to his chest and run in and suicide bomb it.....

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I always wanted to sedate him ... tape a bunch of fireworks to him with an alarm clock...and leave him somewhere. that would be a funny news story right there.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Really sorry about your mom and yes this is irony at its best.

    And to think the media is telling us the world is falling apart and what are they proposing as the ultimate solution to the perceived chaos? MORE GOVERNMENT.
  18. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Sorry about your mom. The whole story doesn't seem to make sense to me. I think you are missing something. I think you should go back and talk to them and the first sentence should be "let me get this straight" and then repeat back what you thought they told you. If it still comes back like that ask to speak with the attending and then again start out with let me get this straight. If it is still coming back like that then talk to someone in patient relations and start out with let me get this straight. The whole thing sounds implausable to me and I am on the other end of the patient care.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    trust me I went over and over it, and sister even recorded 2 people explaining it... However, they moved her to a normal room (not ICU) for one day and someone discharged her yesterday. My sister went to pick her up. I went there today at 1pm... found her cold, and fucked up as hell. My sister and I took her to my sister's house (we literally carried her) she had taken I dont know how many xanax .... we got her to come around and be able to talk around 6pm. She is just doing shit, not making any sense, and is out of ALL of her pain pills and could not get any.. (that is why she bought some xanax from some shithead)

    anyway my sister just called me at 11pm... and said my mom is now moving around great... actually tearing up my sister's kitchen looking for pills. I have a few Hospice places I am calling tomorrow... and my sister and I will split the costs. This is a very sucky time in my life. My mom is 59 looks 99, and weighs in at 81 pounds right now.

    Oh and I guess I will be taking her 2 Great Pyrenees dogs, and 3 cats ... great, just what I needed - and extra 220 pounds of dogs and 3 more cats.
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Wow... I didn't realize the dogs were underweight... ;)

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