And I've worked out of Pheonix, Des Moines, and Swanton, OH. But at the time companies were willing to hire drivers in my location simply because when the freight was hoppin big time all over the US; they wanted every driver working for them and not the compitetion. I have another interview tomorrow. I'll see where that takes me.
Hey Cheeze... I know this guy that wants to move some cargo from south of the border to the states... The pay is good, but the way I understand it, some of the cargo is prone to spoilage en route. I don't remember if the guy was talking about the boxes of talcum powder, or the crates filled with live humans... Don't worry - I will make sure any pink tacos on board are without cheese...
LOL. I gotcha brother. But its been so long for me that right now I'd take a pink taco with the works! I'm gonna have to pass on the "coyote" transport though. Those fuckers down in Laredo are crackin down on that shit hardcore! On a better note, I am now semi-employed. My potential new boss is going to try me out for the next couple days and pay me cash... just to make sure that I like the job and I'm not gonna quit on him after a week. If I like it he will hire me full time in a salaried position. Little does he know that I'm so desperate that the job could involve shoveling pig shit and I'd say "THIS IS GREATEST JOB EVER!" Beggers cannot be choosers in this day and age.
Well damnit. Things just aren't working out for me. I started working under the table at my job. They wanted to make sure I would like the job and also make sure they were gonna like me. Four days of rain here in Salisbury has meant that I haven't been able to work. Now they are telling me that it looks like things might be slow so they might not hire me full time. The suck part is that I had an OTR job offered to me three days ago and I turned them down because I thought I already had a job. Now I'm back to square one. No job and no prospects.
I suffer from both selective hearing and selective reading. I guess I'll just have to settle for a lazy fuck, then. C'mon over then and get on your back - looks like I'm going to have to do all the work.
You can be my hand... Plenty of duties to be done 'round here. Don't worry, I'll provide you with a stable next to the cattle - and once a year, we'll have a "all help invited" cookout, where our finest dairy cattle are hand-picked to provide the evening's steak buffet... Interested?