Oh, so get this. I go to the mall today which I do about once a year (if that) and bought some stuff at the dept store and decided that since I was there, I would go down to the shoe store and look at some shoes. I go in and look at some shoes, try a few on and look up and see two mall rent-a-cops. I'm thinking,,, "Hmm... that's odd. Why are they looking at me?" And go about my business, looking at shit and trying shit on. I had a box in my hand of a pair that I decided to buy and am about to go up to the register when this sawed off 16 year-old bitch comes up and starts questioning me about the empty box of shoes I had and where did I put my other bag and all of this shit. I am totally confused and baffled and I'm like, "What are you talking about? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must have be confused with someone else." And she's a total bitch because at this point, she had two mall rent-a-cops and about 5 other employees behind her. All the while I got the rest of the people in the store looking at me like I'm a fucking shoplifter. So I'm like, "You got a video camera in here? Play it back and see everything I did because I didn't do anything wrong." And so the ugly skank goes up to the register with her posse and the rent-a-cops and I am standing there seriously pissed and thinking, "There is no way in hell I am buying these shoes or anything from this store ever again" And she's looking at the video screen which I can't see at all whispering to the other ugly bitch and I'm like, "Well... do you see me?" And she just says, "Well you have a twin out there because this girl had the same colored hair and the same stature. Did you come in with someone?" And I was like, "No. I came in alone and I came in with one bag. Can't you see that" And keeps looking at the screen and I'm getting more and more pissed and finally she says (without even looking up at me), "You're good. You can go." So I walk back and hand the shoes I was going to buy to a girl and I was like, "That was totally embarassing, I'm feeling bitter about this and I don't want to spend any money here" and I leave... everyone is staring at me and I'm pissed. I decide to go to another shoe store because I didn't want to let some idiot high school kids ruin me from getting some shoes so I go down to their competitor and look around and I don't see anything I like so I leave and then I leave the mall. On my way home, I'm getting more and more pissed. Thinking that they should have at least apoligized to me or offered me a goddamn coupon or something. I mean, I would feel like shit if I did that to someone. So I get home and tell my husband and at this point I start bawling. Crying because it hurt my feelings to get ganged up on and crying because I am mad. I mean, I hardly ever go anywhere because of my anxiety and panic attacks and I was all proud of myself for being a big girl and shopping on my own and then this happens. So he decides to go down there and get some names because at this point, I decide someone is going to apolgize to me. So he goes down there and the plot thickens. Apparently the only reason they let me go is because they couldn't get the footage from what they claim I did (which was hand my accomplice a bag of stolen shit and they left the store) then they say that I had been in the store during Christmas and stole from them and shoved an employee and the girl that I allegedly shoved swore up and down that I was the same person that shoved her and that there was a court case against me and that I wasn't allowed in the store. WTF? Oh, and they also tell him that I was followed from their store store to their competitor after I left today. Guess to see if I was going to steal from them too? WTF? WTF? First off, they should have the name of that person and could easily check my id and see that I am not that person. Second, where are the alarms that are supposed to go off when someone steals something? If I allegedly handed my invisible friend a bag of cheap shoes and they left the store, shouldn't the alarm have went off? And why aren't they going after that person? They had the alleged stolen items. Not me. Third, how can they not find footage of something that literally JUST happened? I really think that they made the whole shoplifting thing up because they thought I was that girl that came in and pushed that one bitch around and they thought they were going to get me in some kind of trouble or something. I don't know what to think. I hate the mall, but I don't feel like I should feel like I am not allowed in there or feel that I am going to be followed around like a shoplifter when I go. What would you do?
Honestly if that was me, I wouldnt leave after they dismissed it. Im the kind of person that likes to make a huge scene when they pull those kinds of stunts on me. I like to make them look like total asses in front of their customers. I think I would be so raged and I think I would call them out and threaten to call their manager and corporate on the spot.
Call a lawyer and sue the shit out of them, it's the only thing they understand. Little miss shitbag will be fired as will her friend I'm sure.
Yeah, I'm not letting it go. What they did was actually illegal. You can't confront someone for shoplifting when they haven't even left the store. They have to be past the last place of purchase. How is that even shoplifting? And why did the rent-a-cops let them do that? There job would have been to wait outside for me to leave with stolen merchandise. And why weren't they asking me about my accomplice? I didn't even know I had one until my husband told me the story he was told. None of it makes sense. More is being done tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
Lawyers will jump on this like flies on a turd. Hope you know one you can somewhat trust. You seriously have a case against these people.
I hate it for you Pukey I read this when you first posted it. Its the kind of thing that would infuriate me to no end. I hate trail lawyers but this may be a case for one I don't know. Sounds like they hired some punk little kid with a power trip for loss prevention. Have you cased the place found out what she drives and where she lives yet? Is her house made of flammable substances? Apartments are a drag due to innocent bystanders.
This is a case where you want more than a pink .22 pistol, shotgun with buck shot is best for these kinds of things.
Where's Reiz when you need her? I don't know much about these kind of situations but I would think with your pre existing conditions there would be a case for them causing you mental anguish or something similar.
GAS! Damn you! Forget about all that you got me hooked on Burn Notice and I have not seen a new episode in a few weeks now I'm jonesing. When is the new season starting?
No doubt. You Aussies are just getting over your summer and enjoying the cooler weather now aren't you?
I would love to do that. True. This shit is infuriating me. I will find out what she drives and where she lives as well as the other one who swore up and down I was the one that shoved her. She couldn't remember the name of the person who shoved her, but she can remember the face. If someone shoved me, I would know their name, their address and any other info I could get a hold of. I had someone today go in there and ask to talk to the manager. The bitch that accused me claims to be the manager. She also would not give the corporate information and said that they weren't going to press charges. WTF?! So she got cussed out, a scene was made and she called the mall rent-a-cops who DID provide the corporate info for the store. Again, another big fucking mistake. If someone asks for the corporate info, you goddamn give it to them. Just makes me think that she knows she totally fucked up and is trying to cover her ass. Too bad because I'm not going away. Dropping it would only make me look guilty which I am not and I will be vindicated. I am going to look for one and call around Monday. I was thinking about that. I have a therapist and a psychiatrist and have been in treatment for anxiety. This shit has not helped in the least. I mean, the fucking employee(s) followed me from one end of the mall to the other and then called the fucking store I went in. That is totally overstepping their bounds. I seriously can't believe this shit. I didn't do one damn thing that would cause someone to raise an eyebrow to me. This is what has me so dumbfounded.
Dearest Pukey - Why infuriate yourself over the actions of idiots? Surely you have a better use of your time and energy than trying to punish stupid people.
What the fuck ever. If that was your wife or your daughter that went through that, you would be singing a different tune.
I had something similar happen to me, a few years ago... and was just bitching about it a few months ago on a local forum.... http://www.topix.com/forum/city/douglasville-ga/T9VPT8RQALA3Q59R4 scroll down I am Rhonda_1977 I posted the "nice" version of happened. This was at a ghetto mall... when I want shoes I have to go to ghetto malls because I wear size 10-10.5... in white malls it hard to find my size. Black malls carry them, because black chicks have big feet- like me. It pissed me off because I was spending a lot of money at that mall...unlike all the black teens just hanging out. After my release I did mumble the N word as I walked away...and also when high and mighty pointing out I spent more money on shoes then the fat ass mall cop earns in a week. I was SOOO mad. SO I know how you feel - I was held for almost an hour.
Barry is just playing the devils advocate and showing you a different perspective. We don't want to see you in any more shit for stalking the bitch or something like that remember the fact that they falsely or not accused you before makes you #1 suspect. I get in trouble with my wife when she is all worked up by trying to give her the other perspective so she clearly sees all sides. She takes it as me turning on her and that's not the case.