Ever see things that make you feel gross like this?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BigEddie, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    I went out to a diner downtown today with this one chick I met here and we ate, then when I went to pay, there was some like 50-60 yr old guy in front of me paying, when I notice his head and he had like some kind of golf-sized bump-growth on the top of his head and I instantly wanted to throw up.

    Yeah, I'm easily grossed out, but man, you would think that with something that noticeable on your head, you would at least wear a hat or something. Yeesh, that's just an image that's going to stay in my mind for a while.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Reminds me of the guy that did Anna Nicole's autopsy. He had a weird lump on his head.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, I have a hard time with the skin tags. Some people get them on their face and neck and I have a hard time looking at them.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yeah skin tags are gross. I got a few on my arm pit when I was pregnant, and got one on my neck..but no one but me noticed them... I had them removed. But I have this fear that when I get older I get a million.
  6. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    That is probably his unformed twin that attached itself to his head in the womb and he can't bear to "murder" his brother by having it removed.
  7. dirtylaundry

    dirtylaundry New Member

    I think he's really Gumby.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You can pull them off on your own. I had one on my shirt line that was fucking annoying as hell, where the collar was, so I looked into it. Then pinched it and snatched. It wasnt a good feeling and it only bled a little. I can stop by and snatch them off if you want to save some money.


    There was a waiter at a Mexican restaraunt that had a little thumb on top of his normal thumb. I seen it when he brought out chips and I couldnt eat.

    Then there was this black dude that was a manager at the local mcdonalds, and he had this black bag thing off the back of his neck. Same deal. I was like, 'what the fuck is that?"
  9. bumhitter

    bumhitter New Member

    one time in wal-mart i saw this REALLY fat lady who had a roll of fat that covered her entire foot you could really easily see the purple veins
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Chunks of dandruff all over someones shirt is pretty gross. I guess it could be psoriasis.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    My son's teacher is like half midget... she has a normal head and porportionat body..just tiny, slightly chubby.. like 4'10"-5' ..but she has way shorter then normal arms. It kinda creeps me out. They seem to be like 6" too short.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I know I spelled proportionate wrong...
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    We had a woman today trying to return some shit...

    Now, I've seen some gross shit in my day, buuuut...

    A woman with what appeared to be a BROKEN FUCKING HAND with part of the bone poking through, opposite the palm. That entire hand was swollen, red, infected, and bulbous. Her hand alone had more girth to it than any point in her arm.

    Now, I'm a hard-ass when it comes to people taking advantage of the return policy, and tend to not budge from the policies, but this woman called the store because she had (legitimately) returned some items earlier in the morning, and her shitty bank didn't immediately put her money back in her account when the refund was done this morning. So, this broad left this morning without the two pair of pants she was trying to swap her other shit out for, and because of her bank (and the ineptitude of our 'substitute' manager that is helping out from another store, whom should've just traded the shit out directly,) she couldn't buy some new pants to replace the ones that didn't fit.

    I told her to come in and talk to me. I really wasn't prepared for a bag lady with part of her fucking skeleton exposed, covered by a dirty layer of collagen, to be asking for a couple of pants. Her "bank card" was one of those shitty "Cash Express" (or whatever the fuck those places are called) issued "pseudo-debit" cards.

    I don't know if it was pity or a sense of not wanting to come into contact with that lady's infection, but I just gave her what she wanted. $15 worth of used garments isn't going to break the goddamn place.

    Now, when that dipshit came in trying to return a subwoofer because he dropped the damn thing on the concrete - different fucking story. If he wants a refund on that, he's going to need to push a bone through his epidermis. In fact, I think I'll put that on the sign and make that the new policy.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Back in high school, one of my friends tried to hook me up with a guy who had short arms. I just pictured him driving a car all smashed up against the steering wheel and I couldn't do it. Wouldn't they be all up in your face during missionary?
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Lomo, the last four paragraphs were totally unnecessary because they were not relavent to the topic at hand (heh... hand). :p

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