Wait wait. So you were fucked up and about to have sex but took the time to take a myspace picture of yourself beforehand? I call bullshit.
that was at the end of the night right b4 the corset thing (see post what turns u off) and we dont have any pics of us together figured why the fuck not
Yeah, big time. I love me some Indie and Lo-Fi Rock. Am I that transparent or are us Indie people really intolerant of other music?
Obviously! Don't get smart with me, boy - I'll send a sealed Rubbermaid container with Kitana's rotting corpse in it to your work, with some flowers... and I'll make it look like it came from Dan. You wouldn't want that now, would you???
you know, LAST WEEK< i got a PM from someone asking me if she was really dead, STILL. ugh I hope so, i am going to start telling people she committed suicide by sticking a 12 gauge shotgun up her pooner.
Nah it isn't you, I seem to have developed a sort of sixth sense for indies/scenester/hipster types. I can smell em a mile away.
I had to look that up. "The term is sometimes used in a derogatory manner, referring to someone who moves from trend to trend while claiming to be outside of mainstream culture." Okay, I guess liking the same music since 1992 makes me trendy.
Holy fucking shit! You mean to tell me that two random people, by accident, happened to think about her pitiful, useless existence during the same time period?!? I'm gonna have to call you on this one, bro... Seems too bizzare to be true.