You guys remember my pt that we brought back a while back? Well I'll be damned, the old SOB did it again. This time ending up on a respirator for 3 or 4 days. Comming back and once again asking for something to eat and ready to come back to dialysis. Tough old man. Hes funny too, he will fuck with us, act like he cant hear us, making us repeat ourselves over and over and laughing if we get aggrivated.
I'm jazzed he made it out, his personality is great. Makes the long ass hours I work seem not so bad. Plus, I get to stick needleds in people.:biggrin:
Hey What do you do? Working in a dialysis company, or in a hospital just kinda interested. I'm a CNA bottom rung and trying to work my way up to be a midwife I love the baby part its someone elses but cooters all day, well idk
Why do I imagine metal working in a hospital like on scrubs? And how did the Beer Commissioner become a doctor?
I work in a dialysis clinic, we dialyze 40 pt's a day. It wouldnt be too bad working with coochies all day, as long as they dont stink. And plus theres always the comforting thought of thank god that isnt my monkey being turned into a gorilla. You live wayyy down south dont you? I bet shit falls off the back of trucks a lot there. Let me know if anything better than Lovenox comes around, street value around here might get ya a few bucks in food stamps, but thats about all. Aside of the few pt's who crack me up, it can be long and boring, all I do is start IV's and monitor pt status for at least 4 hours per pt, 8 pt's a day. UNLESS my best friend is working with me. We've been known to bust off into song and dance a few times, or play tape the tail on the nurse.
I only know of one prostitute in my small town. If you can overlook her meth mouth and scabbed up skin then we could work something out....