That I go to the dentist and have my grill drilled on. I am hoping to get all three cavities done at once because I can't take going again. I don't know what my deal is. I had braces when I was a kid, I had my wisdom teeth cut out, but I am afraid of getting cavities filled. I just don't like being in that chair in a reclined position with people in my mouth and a bright light in my face. It's terrible for panic disorder. The last time I was kinda freaking out in my head and so tense that I was really dizzy when I left and felt like I was going to pass out. Any good advice? I'm drugging myself with benzos and taking a beat blocker for my heart. Anxiety sucks.
Will they do that? I've heard yes from some and no from others. Maybe it's just different from dentist to dentist. I hate this dentist office and this is my last trip there. They aren't nice and don't thank you. I think I should eat a bunch of oreo cookies before I go in.
Gas is good. Ummmm Good. Take a bunch of Benzos. You will do just fine. Remember, tooth pain is intense because it is so near the brain stem. In truth, it really doesn't hurt that bad, it just feels like it does.
Are you trying to scare me? I'm not worried about pain. I don't think it should hurt except when the jam the needle in your gum and that's more like a pinch. I don't wig out literally. I flip out inside my head. It's like total chaos in my brain and heart.
You need to find a better dentist. My dude is cool. and the people that work in his office are really nice. Ive never been gassed, but I have had a headache before when I left, I think the drilling does that, you dont feel it at the time but all that vibration on the head cant be good. I take two rapid release tylenols now before I go in if they are going to fill a cavity. Get all smoked up and then go in there. You wont worry about nothing. Unless you have a panic attack because they all know you're high.
Yeah, finding a new dentist after today. I didn't want to do it now because they took x-rays and if I went somewhere else, they would take x-rays and I would have to pay for them. Insurance isn't going to pay for them twice. It's hard to find a dentist around here that takes metlife. I think there might be one other dentist in town that does. Eww... yeah, forgot about a headache. I can't take any kind of NSAID, but Tylenol is okay. I'm starting to feel jittery and I've already had an Ativan. So I am going to take a Xanax before I go in and I'm taking a beta blocker in an hour. If I quit posting after 2PM today, they killed me or I stroked out from fear.
Who is your dentist? Steve Martin from "little shop of horrors"? I think if you explained it they would gas you. Or they are A-holes.
The squeeky wheel gets the grease. If you went in there with needle tracks on your arms I could see it. But I think you are a sane enough looking person....
I went w/o gas, I was shaking like a mofo until they got down to business. Parts of it sucked, parts weren't that bad. I'm glad it's over. I look like Mary Jo Buttafuco (sp?). My face is numb on one side... even my ear is dumb. I got three shots on that side. The drilling at the top felt like it was going up through my brain and the vibration was really weird and I hated it. Whatever cap like things they put on your teeth hurt because my back teeth are so close together. Next time I may not do the clear shit. It was nasty as hell tasting and the spit sucker girl disappeared and I had a mouthful of the junk. The clear shit takes longer and is a pain in the ass. The dentist was really friendly this time, so I may go back.
I took Xanax and I think it helped a good bit once it finally kicked in, but at a couple points, I was freaking.
yaayyy you made it- I have never taken any pills... I dont like being mellow. I took Valium when my son was having open heart surgery- but that is it
Did you ask for gas? Shouldn't have been a problem to get it if you explained your anxiety to them, it does cost though from what I'm told.
No. I told him I was freaking out and he said I would be okay. I had taken Ativan, Atenolol and Xanax, so I eventually calmed down.