The fat kid crying was funny. I think that was posted a while back. It was just weird to hear people say, "". It's like seeing your hometown on tv. I'm such a dork.
I had no idea it was a well known site... I kinda figured only 100- or so people knew about it. huh, I wonder how I got here??? I cant remember. do you think there are people out there that read our crap??? I mean other then Lomo, Phatboy...and the other 10 or so? Seriously... how many people read this shit?
I am getting paranoid now... A few weeks ago I googled my YIM name, and my work web site cam up, and so did my fugly profile... I nearly crapped my pants .. so I ran and deleted it off fugly profile.
Yeah, a lot gets revealed here. I know not many people post, but I bet people lurk. I think you should have to register to read the forum. That way less surfers would be here.
I was watching Americas funniest home videos at my room mates parents house (that movie is a hoot with them) and I'm fairly certain there was a clip of people doing the scary maze and freaking the fuck out. So, yeah. Oh, hi, btw.
I know I lurked for a while. I read a lot of old post before I even thought about posting anything. I think Dio and Spoon were the most consitent posters back then, even if it was just the international drinking game.
you know you all might think im just some random retarded surfer...but ive been here for years...and i happen to like randomness:biggrin:
but the funny thing is i never talked to any of you...(oh and p.s. i think bigmama is never gonna leave that guy...shes been saying it for like...a year now?
I just came here and read a few posts and starting posting. I had never posted on a message board before here. I had been to Fugly and looked at stuff but it was a year or so later before I started posting. I miss Rat. I don't know what ever became of her. But we got Bigmama back and I am happy about that.
I started stalking here when I got my computer,I think someone I work with told me about the video section and then I started reading the forums.It then kinda became like driving by a car crash,slowing down to see the wrecks,until finally in a drunken stupor I couldn't just keep looking I had to crash myself just to see what it was like.I think it is the sheer randomness and fuckedupness(new word of the day)of the topics that keeps dragging me back at all hours of the day,that and the fact that most of the mouthbreathers I deal with day to day don't talk about anything past the latest Big Brother or American Idol show.I may not post much but I think it is because I don't want to read how fucked up I really am.:biggrin:
thats why your here isnt it?...i personally find bigmama the most in the fuckedupness...with all the shit storys...tales of deception being planned and devorce pinned over the heads of two innocent children...tragic really...
Hey, now. I'm big into the shit stories. I personally think the people who talk about stuff are far more sane than the people who hold it in. It's the quiet ones that you have to worry about. They are the ones with barrels of human sludge in their apartment and jars full of heads and dicks in their locker at the chocolate factory.