Black men tend to like "thick" girls. Mainly from what I've heard it's because they like big ass tits and asses. And I have no New Year's resolutions. I never keep em so fuck those things.
My new years resolution is to be nicer¹ to the people of Fugly Forums and visit them more². 1. This is not a guarantee. 2. Not very likely.
Not trying to be racist here, but I think it's a construct of "genetic memory" - in African tribes, mothers would typically carry their young while traveling by literally 'sitting them' atop their ass. The bigger the ass (and the ledge created at the top) - the more children she could transport. As in any species of human or all other animals, the male (as well as the female) are most likely to mate with the most capable host of their offspring, to ensure survival, and the passing of their genes onto future generations (this was before government handouts and socialist programs that really give no incentive to having a second thought when it comes to procreating.) So, naturally, African males have a subconscious predilection towards, and are genetically attracted to, women that fit that description. If you see a black woman from the side and she looks like a Laz-y-boy - she's kept true to her genes, and will be the envy of genetically-predisposed males for as long as she's fertile. I'm not making this shit up. I'm strictly drawing inferences based upon documented facts about ancestral lifestyles and trends.
Hi guys. For New Years I resolved to eat pesco-vegetarian, drink less, walk more, and focus on work. Oh, and then incidentally I broke up with my best friend. Also, I'm divorced now. Fucking 2009 needs to be better than 2008.
Whoa! Where you have been? Welcome back. I agree that 2008 was a shitty year. I hope 2009 is better as well for all of us? Pesco vegetarian? Is that where you eat fish and vegetables? I am just a plain vegetarian. Every time I have went full-blown vegan, for some messed up reason after a month or so I end up sick with a Crohn's flare.
Yeah, fish and veggies I dunno, it seems OK so far Last year, after my husband decided he was gay and moved out, I had this boyfriend who was kind of my best friend, then he got back with his wife. Now I'm pegging this blond surfer from L.A., viva la Craigslist.
Congrats on the divorce... I am in the middle of one myself. So how much did ya get? I myself have a NEW- new years resolution ... be more whorie - gettin started on it this weekend.
Just for the record, any of yew homeownin' bitches feel the need to be a sugar mama, then I'm your open mouth to feed.
He rubs feet and trims back hair too! And will even show you his bruised bean bag if you'd like him to.
What the fuck is all of that? All's I know is sitting on the couch and being waited on. Severely detrimental, when one lives alone, for sure... But at least my cat keeps me company.
I second that. Would be nice to be able to go to the bathroom or take a shower(or do anything for that matter) without someone bothering you with I want.What are you doing?Can I go?Will you make me? The list goes on and on.......
I like cleaning up just my messes. Things are always tidy when it's just me. Other peoples stuff just drives me crazy. Like the kitchen table. I can't stand shit on the table. It drives me fucking nuts. The only room that has zero clutter is the living room, followed by the bathroom and on good days the kitchen. My room is clean and the extra bedroom is clean, but my husband's room is a nightmare, although with my constant bitching, it is improving. Yes, we have separate rooms. Phatboy will have a conniption fit.
I know a couplre that sleep in separate rooms, they both snore so loud that they keep each other awake. :biggrin:
Yeah, he snores really loudly and it makes me want to suffocate him with a pillow. It's hard to sleep when someone is snoring beside you and you know they are sleeping all good and you're stuck listening to it. I always ended up going in another room, so a couple of years ago, he just started sleeping in another room. I can still hear him sometimes so I sleep with the TV on.