He is not happy unless he is womanizing. He is going to be in trouble when he gets really old unless those old bags start looking better.
The Rubber Dolls you're womanizing think it demeaning to refer to them as 'bags' - nevermind that they're made of plastic, I'm sure you can think of a better term for them. As for 'getting old' - I'm sure they'll have a plethora of new synthetic polymer placebos available for your imaginary coital needs by then. Way to go, technology! We don't even have to kill these people anymore to prevent them from multiplying! Just fashion them an attractive cum dumpster that won't nag or complain about the toilet seat!
No period = not natural. Dan does not mind girls having periods. He sees it as one of the more interesting aspects of women and is glad women are the way they are. Does that make you all warm and fuzzy inside Nauseous?
As far as Dan's "disease", I stick by my original diagnosis. http://forums.fugly.com/showthread.php?t=8166&highlight=narcissistic
I think the only "disease" Dan needs to worsy about - is that pesky rash the Asian massage girl gave him. I am sure he always pays for the "hoppy ending"
I don't think so. I know this girl who I think has it. She was diagnosed Bipolar. Big shocker, but after getting to know her, I know that she's a narcissist. She's a total asshole. She's one of those people who try to convince you what a nice person they are by constantly talking about how nice they are to people and how people shit on them. I hate people like that. I hate people who talk about what they do for people and how nobody appreciates them. I hate self-made martyrs. They deserve being taken advantage of. Anyone who cries about people being mean to them and taking advantage of them deserves it because they are weak. And I don't even know if they are weak or it is just part of their attention seeking game. Regardless, they make me angry. I'd rather be around someone who is an asshole and admits it and makes no apologies for it. I think narcissists are sneaky. They try not to appear full of themselves but their actions will tell you otherwise. They think they are actually pulling it off and that's the funny part. I keep thinking about that stupid bitch and how she acts. She goes to bars that are really skanky. I asked her why she did it and she said because she wanted to be the best looking person there. I don't get that logic. If I were surrounded by skanky people, I wouldn't want them eyeballing me. That's gross.
http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-are-you-a-dick-pussy-asshole-test This test was stupid as hell (at least it was short) and apparently, I am a pussy.
I'm just joking Nauseous. I am like every other guy. It is true that females with a lot of boyfriends are usually bipolar.
Is she really hot? I have dated some 21 + year olds and I am about 18 years older but I could probably still pass for 26 because I am in pretty good shape and seem to be a "slow ager".
Nauseous am I detecting some background sexual feelings for the girl with the 9 year old male body? On the other hand maybe I don't want to know.
Apparently you already know. You are the one detecting them, so you are the one with them, I presume?
Dan, please change the email address in your account to one that works. We are getting bounced email notifications meant for you.