So what are yours? Mine like every year - lose weight. However I think the extra blubber adds to my comedy. Today they had a gym trying to get people to sign up in front of the grocery store. The guy said "Why not make it your New Years resolution to get in shape this year" I said "I have a nice round shape thank you" and went inside... as I came out another person was pitching the gym... said "we are offering perfect prices, to help you get the perfect body" I stopped and said "This IS perfection" Some other fat lady overheard this and could not stop laughing....also an old black guy said - "aint dat the truth" and did the flirty head nod to me as he was walking in. I would love to join a gym, if it had nothing but fat people in it. Last thing my fat ass wants to do is work out beside some skinny bitch doing things 3 times faster. Hopefully I will naturally lighten up since my last pituitary surgery. If I can get down another 25-30lbs- I will join a gym. And why do black men like fat chicks? Is it because of a physical attraction to lard... or is it because most fatties are easy/desperate and will take what they can get? Maybe a little bit of both.
I never liked the idea of New Years Resolutions. I always thought if I needed to change something, just do it, not use a certain day of the year. I sort of have the same feelings about xmas and the such, I'll buy people gifts, but i hate having to do it on a certain day. Though I could stand to lose a tad bit of weight myself, damn beer belly. But really the only right way to lose that sort of weight is cardio, and I hate jogging. Mama, maybe we can exchange exercise tips?? So I guess I have no resolutions, I resolve to have none!!
Well I have been working out my right arm today- lifting spoon fulls of banana pudding... then I work out out my left arm, drinking milk out of the container. However I dont this is going to be successful in my quest for weight loss. ahhh fuck it- It all starts January 1st. I weighed myself on Xmas- however I am sure from that meal, and this left over pudding... it has gone up. I like the idea of new years resolutions... because it is an easy date to remember... people can say- I have not ____ since 1-1-09 - and you can say I lost ___lbs this year. It will be easy for me to keep track ... I printed out a sheet for weighing myself everyother week. Its the same sheet I use to keep track how much my 1st X husband owes in child support. I kept the dates... changed the title. I also have the most unflattering fatty pics of myself to stick on the fridge. I think I have the opposite of anorexia... I look in the mirror and see a chunky girl... then someone takes a pic- and I look like a giant lard ass 5 x bigger then the girl I see in the mirror. WTF??
I'm like that about my face. I can look at myself in the mirror and think I look like shit and then I get a picture taken and I'm like, "Jesus Christ. I am fucking ugly." I think I look a lot better in the mirror than I do in pictures. So my face actually looks better reversed. Maybe that's the deal? I'm used to seeing it one way and then it's the opposite in pictures. I dunno, I'm pretty deformed. Eyes aren't even, nostrils aren't even, one ear is way bigger than the other one. My boobs only look good if I have my arms raised to the side and only look great when they are over my head. Gravity is a bitch. I would like to get in shape. I have no strength and I get winded too easily. I would also like to be less angry. That's what I would change the most. I would like to lose the anger and anxiety. I think it's physical and not psychological, so I am not going to be seeing that therapist. I don't feel like paying to talk to someone every other week. It's a waste of money. I can talk for free all day to anyone who will listen.
Physical Exertion can be a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. Just dont have a heart attack while you are doing it.
I just get shortness of breath and rapid heart rate. This is the first time I have had high blood pressure, 140/100, and the doc said it was fine a couple of months ago, and my heart rate is up, it's really hosing up my golf game.
You should get a cuff and take it at home. Sometimes bp run higher at the DR office. 'Whitecoat hypertension.' Check it at home when you're just chilling out and see what it is.
I get light headed when mine is 98/53. My diastolic (bottom number) runs really low sometimes and so does my heart rate. Other times, my heart rate is well over 100. I notice that when I feel strokey, my bp is usually low when I think it is high.
I checked it a couple of weeks ago in the office, we have medical staff on-site, and it was the same, this is week 4, and I am taking a dieuretic (SP?) that is supposed to have some affect on it, but I havent done it lately, maybe tomorrow when things here slow down again.
my BP is low as well. I forget the numbers, Docs are always surprised at it. Even while pregnant and when I am fat fat - my numbers are low. One time after going to the ER after falling from a horse, they would not let me leave because they said my BP was too low. They had to call my docs to find out it is was normal.
I just took mine and it was 114/73 and my pulse was 93. I usually run around that, but sometimes it drops out on me and my pulse will be 53 and I feel weird. I think my heart is bipolar.
I had an annual physical in early December. I was 25 pounds lighter, BP was close to perfect, cholesterol was down to 177, eyesight still 20/20, hearing near perfect. I resolve to have more sex...........with a partner. Happy new year!
Low BP and energy, weight gain... ever been checked for hypo-thyroid? As for me there is nothing a there is nothing a chronic skeptic can to to motivate themselves except getting over the hump so to speak. I mean when the house is like shit I feel like shit, but once I get moving and see improvement I get motivated. The trick is staying that way.
I have Cushing's. I get a pituitary tumor, get fat... I have brain surgery... get skinny. Its a back and fourth thing. I just had surgery a few weeks ago. Right after my Thanksgiving trip. I actually weighed myself on Xmas... and had lost 9 lbs since the surgery... But I think banana pudding added it back. I dont know.. I will weigh myself on New Years... and actually TRY to lose weight... but it should start creeping off by itself since the surgery anyway. I think the low energy right now is mental...due to drama going on right now.
My eyesight isn't 20/20 with corrective lenses. The best they can do is 20/40. Just took my bp. 107/67, pulse 71.
Good for you. The nurse just took mine and it was 109/65. My Newews Years resolution is to quit spreading venereal diseases.
My god that's insane to think about having someone cut into your head on a regular basis. I guess modern medicine has got it down to a simple science by know though.
They dont cut my head... they go up my nose-No big deal. however I walk around with my nose packed, and have black eyes I look like I had the shit beat out of me.
Still sounds scary. I remember reading about that when they were looking for prolactinomas and freaking out.