God bless the UPS guy. And damn him at the same fucking time for leaving this upper receiver on my fucking doorstep when I wasn't home. DPMS M4 upper, 5.56/.223, chrome-moly 1-9 twist barrel, & quad-rail. *30 rd. 5.56 magazine does not match the finish, but this will soon be fixed... Vs. the AK-47: Stocks folded/compressed: Stocks extended: ...and the gun show is coming to town tomorrow. Looking for more mags, optics, etc. I'll cream my pants if I can score a 7" kitty kat upper, or an AK pistol chambered in .223. Not ruling out a .50 BMG upper, either... :biggrin: So far, December is starting off verrry nice.
He needs to be butt stroked with a gun with a wooden stock, the fucking moron. I'm surprised there was not a signature required. Nice looking AR. I'm jealous, I'd much rather go to a gun show than be working, oh well. Hope you have a long range to shoot a .50 BMG at. have a nice gun show.
Very nice Lomo.I can't believe they left that on your step.Would have been nice if a kid in the neighborhood found it.Could you pick me up one of these I need to get rid of some squirrels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qHvHAnW5xM
UPS...DHL...Fed X .. I find it odd that some companies will not require a signature... I come home and there are huge boxes filled with narcotics on the porch (valium, ketamine, bupra-morphine, euthasol, acepromazine..etc. But yet the company that we buy our syringes from- and a company we buy heartworm test- makes someone sign. WTF Lomo - seriously, Why in the hell do need all these guns, how much do you spend a month on weapons? Where in the hell do you put them? I would be scared of my house being broken into and all those on the street... of course while you are not there. Does your collection scare off chicks?
I hate DHL. I bought a computer from overstock a few years ago and they shipped DHL. I guess there is a reason that the shipping is so cheap. They left the computer, no signature required, on my porch steps. Back then, I was renting a house a street away from ghetto land. Luckily, I tracked the package at work and saw that it was left on the porch and left work and got it. About an hour later it pissed the rain down. So not only could it have been stolen, it could have also been potenially ruined. That was my last purchase from Overstock.
Fucking hell... That place was crazy today. Anything "Black Rifle" was flying off the tables - and at outrageous prices. Oh, to be a gun vendor during these times... Obama has to be the biggest salesman for gun sales in history. Got nearly everything on my list, however. The only things I missed were things I doubted would be there (SS190 & SS198 5.7x28mm ammo, the former restricted by law, the latter restricted by FNH,) and AK-47 mags (much cheaper online) - hell, they even wanted $200 for a 75 rd. drum! I did pick up a few 'impulse buys' (of course) that weren't on the list. I'll post my plunder after I get it all sorted out...
I can't believe they left it there, either. Granted, it was just the upper receiver, not the actual FFL portion of the rifle itself - but still. No 50 BMG's to be found, I'm afraid - but with prices as they were, I shudder at how much that upper would cost. They had a DPMS "Kitty Kat" 7" upper that I almost ordered online for ~600 - with a price tag of over a grand! When I went back an hour or two later - it actually had sold for that price! Insanity! What's your address, and when are you placing your next order? :biggrin: It's not so much of a "need" - more of a "desire." I'm only 6 days into December, and I've already spent about $1,500... I think I'm going to take it slow for the rest of the year... Still have to Xmas shop...
Here be (most of) me plunder: Main things in that pic: 33 rd. Glock clip, 9mm 80 rds. of Hornady TAP (red tip) 55gr, .223 Rem 2-6 x 28 scope (w/ring mounts) for the M4 until I acquire a laser scope, & then for the U22 Neos. Bayonets for the AK & the AR "Hotter than H" beef jerky. *Absolutely necessary* - that shit was fucking delicious. ...and a few other impulse buys. Of course, there is one oddball entry into the Lomo arsenal... Something I'd heard of a few months back, researched online, and had since forgotten about. It's a mini .22 Mag 5-shot revolver that comes from the factory with a fixed grip (the "Spyderco-style" folding grip is an add-on, and I happened across a used (can't even tell) one with the folding grip and the original wood grips in the box, as well as a mini zippered case & all the tools.) Since the average Joe was looking for AR-15s (and believe me, people were paying out the ass for these, up to 2X retail) - I went for my accessories first, and saw this little mosquito on my way out of the show. Oh, and I seem to have miscalculated. Chalk up 1,200-something for the month so far (not $1500.)
I forgot to answer this portion... Where do I put 'em? -- If I told you, well... Y'kno... I have these things hidden so well that sometimes I even have trouble finding them. (Not really - it just sounded funny to say it...) Seriously, though - do you have the combination to my vault? Most people I know are well aware that their mortal remains would never be found if they dared to try and loot from me. As far as "scaring off chicks" goes... My collection isn't something that I advertise. I post this shit here via relative anonymity. I'm not trying to get into anyone's panties via the Internet, so I might as well engage in discourse with fellow hobbyists on this sick & twisted forum. Is that so wrong?!?
I asked because I have been turned off by a guy's collection...when I saw all the weapons - I started thinking he was a killer. It was not as bad as how quickly I was turned off by another guys CD collection. I really could have liked him...if he would have hidden his crappy music collection. I guess I am weird.. picky...always looking for an excuse - whatever. Everyone is fucked up somehow - I wish I could clone myself and date my clone.
So... I hear you're having marital issues... What's your caliber, baby? I'd date my clone, too - except, it'd have a penis. Kind of a turn-off for me. Go fig.
yeah I know what you mean... My clone would have a cooter, but she could wear a strap on... I would defiantly receive oral ... and maybe reciprocate- I dont think I would be grossed out by munchin my own monkey. But if it was a true clone, and had my personality ... we would probably never have sex- since we would be doing stupid stuff, and laughing all the time. I bet we would fight a lot since she would be a stubborn, dominant, know it all bitch. I know she would be stealing my stuff... making messes, eating my pickles, making fun of me, and spending money on stupid shit, double my collection of junk, flirting with guys I date ... what a fucking bitch... never mind, I dont want a clone. I will just be a crazy cat lady
I've always wanted to clone myself. I would actually leave the house for longer than a few hours if I did. My clone would be the only person I would trust enough to take care of my dogs.
Knowing you, your clone would get attached to the dogs and not want to give them back to the 'real' you once you returned. Then you'd be stuck in a fistfight with your clone over a custody battle that could've been easily averted if you had simply left the dogs alone and not made your soon-to-be-called "evil twin" in the first place. That's my take on it, at least... While we're at it, would you mind sending you evil twin down my way?
harK! yark yark yark yark yark yark hun so gee bo solo har har hark hark hark hark hun so gee bo solo exbrok misa hoohooohoo:biggrin:
Beenjamin: I have a real estate proposition for you. It involves a well. Prime subterranean real estate, no taxes, and I guarantee, your every need will be taken care of once you 'settle in.' Just let me know if you're interested, and I'll make a few calls. I'm sure we can find the perfect hole for you.
No, I would let my clone live with me. We'd have the same decorating taste and cleaning habits. It would be great. The only problem would be that we would both get paranoid that one of us was poisoning the other one so they could be the only one and we would have a bunch of decoy food out that no one would eat. I always think someone is poisoning me. How would you like her sent? UPS, Fedex, ABF Freight?
HOOhoo hoo SOlo bunswabi cawa snaa there be no bargon...yark ...MIGGGITY MIGGITY MIGGITY MIGGITY MIGGITY MOT
seems as though there is a problem with the moron filter not working correctly lately. 'tween "jabba_daduck" here and "beenjamin" I'm worried the infestation may bring the whole place crashing down around our ears. long as the infestation doesn't affect my bomb shelter, I'll be all right, more or less, more less than more errrrrrrrrrrrrrr never mind.