I'm gonna teach Harlan that song and our band will cover it, all night long Dwaine, right outside your bedroom door.
I swear to christ, if you two retards re-do the "the real Slim shadey Please stand up" Fiasco again, I am going to sale ylu twl drooling simpletons into slavery down in China town. Guhm think of hearing a screechingretard (well two) with a fucking casio keyboard, and you two screech "PWEASE STANDS UP, PWEASE STANDS UP, WHELL DA WEAL SWIM shadee PWEEASE STUDDUP!!! ALL DEW OVER SHADEE JUS' IMATATING!!" pWEASE STAND UP' . for two goddamned weeks!!! Oh BTW, i was the one who "misplaced" his El Debarge, and kids of widney high CD's.
I swear to fucking god... If I ever ask you to visit my storage shed again, and I see you with a camera, they'll never find either.
Are you kidding? All you did was start yammering on about Spiderman, and seeing him in the nude... Johnny Five rose to the occasion and started spitting out his laser... I can't help it... That fucking robot is alive!