I can see it now... The two of you, sitting on rocking chairs on a patio somewhere, knitting quilts as you spin yarns back and forth...
That sounds like good bonding time. I kinda hope I'll be dead before I get old. I don't have kids to have to live for so I don't see why I need to stick around. It's all downhill from here, I'm afraid.
Just feeling sorry for myself. Sorry. I married a man with a daughter, so I have a step-daughter. I don't see her much. She lives two states away. I never planned on children. I don't have the maternal instinct and I am neurotic as hell and would probably end up with munchausen syndrome by proxy or I would try to keep them in a bubble. Everyone tells me that I shouldn't have kids because I would be a terrible mother because I am so paranoid. I'm sure I would think everyone was a child molester and their baby food was poisoned, so my kids would have no fun. I bought some rawhides the other day for my dogs which I hate doing because I think they will get a bowel obstruction, anyway, I bought them and on the way home I noticed that they were made in Taiwan, so I wouldn't give them to them because I don't want to take a chance on them having some toxic shit in them. I'm going to a therapist Dec. 1st over my paranoia and depression. I feel like the old guy that lives across the street has one of those "Listen Up" things and listens to everything that goes in at my house. It makes me laugh, but at the same time I secretly think it's true. Bad thing is, I know I will sugar coat everything that I tell the therapist and they won't realize how bad off I really am.
If you are going to put the effort in to go to a therapist you should at least be honest. I dont know if there is a cause for depression/anxiety or if it is just a gene trait. They will try to put you on anti-depressants, which will only lead to other issues. I think you need to move somewhere warmer and not so dreary. Arizona would be a nice state for you. Get out of that musty old coal mine air and get some fresh air. That would depress me. Dont let other people you would be a bad anything. All that negative energy just weighs on you, and after a while you start believing it. I never had a goal, or dream, of getting married and being a dad, but I really underestimated how great being a dad is. Im sure back in my promiscuous days people probably never would have pegged me for the best dad EVAR, I was pretty self centered. Now, all those ole skanks be all jealous cause they see I was more than just a pocket full of ding-a-ling. Seriously, my boy changed my whole life.
Talk about mom material ...The day I found out I was pregnant with Evan (almost 10 years ago) .. I woke early to get ready for a photo shoot...pissed on the test, and just sat there in shock... I was going to be 1999 April's cover girl of popular fetish magazine, and was supposed to host a fetish ball that night... and was just on the cover of an Atlanta Magazine. I hung out with club kid queens, partied 3-5 times a week. Never was into drugs (unlike all the others) I think I enjoyed watching people get fucked up- so I could indulge in my clepto activities. In other words - I was no Martha Stewart. I had I fully equipped dungeon that took over just about every room - I never ate at my house. Yuk Me telling people I was pregnant... haha no one believed me. That all thought I was so weird that I did not have sex. Everyone thought the little film nerd I was hanging out with was a fag. Many "club acquaintances" thought I was post op Tranny. My life turned around 93.2% ... No I am not a typical suburb mommy ... never will be..and No matter what - I will never dress like the mommy next door...I dont care if I have 9 kids. Kids change your brain and life... for the better. As for being paranoid ... every mom is. You get over it. If not... your kids will just make fun of you when they are old enough to... and have some great laughs Dont sugar coat your shit with the shrink... I over exaggerate my issues ... except for my urge to kill random people - that deserve it ... I sugar coat that one. You need to relax, you need a vacation --- and escape this package you put yourself in. Just go somewhere - get out and have fun...I bet you are stuck in a rut... a creature of habit - Seriously - wanna go on a weekend adventure? I am due for one (with all the crap goin on here) . Where do you live, and where do you wanna go??? My treat
I think you meant to say, "A certain pencil-dick, shadow of a man, whom I raised from the ashes and made whom he is today... soon-to-be, ex-husband of mine's treat..." :biggrin: While we're at it, I could use a new dishwasher. No, I'm not proposing - I just need a new electrical appliance.
Honestly. I talk a lot of shit 'round here, but I'm being serious for a change: Everyone that picked this sentence out and commented on it is absolutely right. It defeats the whole purpose if you don't lay everything out on the table with your shrink. Unless, of course, you're hiding some bodies or something, in which case I could understand - but to pay someone for help and therapy, without giving them all the info is like... well... Calling tech support and not mentioning what operating system you have.* *analogy is based on the existence of competent "tech support" - the analogy works great in theory, but I've never met a competent tech support phone operator (and rarely one I can even understand.)
Amen I agree with BigMama, you'all need to road trip, hit up some antique shops. There are some really good one in Tenneessee. The little town my Mom lives in has 3 and everytime we go up we hit em up. Its like whenever someone old dies up there the antique store gets all their stuff.
I hate the heat. I like my town. No coal mining goes on here. I live up on a hill outside city limits where I can see for miles and miles off of my back deck and all I see are trees. It's really beautiful and sometimes I have to remind myself that it's real and not a Bob Ross painting. I'm depressed because I have this stupid disease that causes pain and fear everyday. I can't get up in the morning and just go out to breakfast like everyone else. I can't really eat anywhere because there are so many things that I can't eat. I'm constantly worried about being in the hospital again. Next time could be surgery and then another surgery and another until I end up with virtually no small intestine and have to have my stomach contents leak out of a pouch on my side. Not to mention the fact that I could literally get tunnels (fistulas) from my anus to my vag and end up one day shitting out of my vag. These are all complications that I worry about on a daily basis. And the medicines are just as bad. Chemotherapy doesn't sound like a good time. Six hour infusions of Remicaide made with mouse protein (being a vegetarian for 16 years, that doesn't sit well with me) and shots and steroids that all cause crazy side effects that range from diabetes to cancer. So I'm reeling with the what ifs? and combined with the paranoia that I already have about everything you can think of, I'm pretty messed up in my head. A hypochondriac with GAD should never get an incurable disease. It consumes your life. My problem is going to be the ability to verbalize this stuff to a complete stranger.
One shrink I went to told me that I might be suffering from the beginning of schizophrenia and another told me that I had cyclothymia. Those are two totally different disorders. I know I am neither, so I don't have a lot of faith in those people. I am actually going to a therapist first I guess and then if they think I need meds, I will go to the drug dealer.. I mean shrink. (same difference) I'd like to have fun and go somewhere. But I never know how sick I will be from one day to the next. And then there is the paranoia of leaving home. The only time I spent overnight away from my house in 7 years was in the hospital and it killed me inside. The worst part was being away from my dogs. I don't like to leave them alone because I'm always worried that the house is going to catch on fire or someone is going to break in and shoot them. I literally get panicked when I get about 10 miles from home. Hell, I get scared when I let them out that someone is going to shoot them in the backyard and I am always thinking my neighbors are throwing things over the fence with poison in it. My own husband doesn't like to be around me because of the constant obsessing. Heh... I also have OCD too. A little. I'm a weirdo about public places and germs. I have to shower as soon as I get home from being out in the public and change clothes. The thought of someone's cough germs or stink molecules being on me makes me want to vomit. But at least I'm honest about it. I don't hide these things from people I know, but to tell some random stranger that if shakes my hand, I am dying inside and I feel like sitting in the chair is germing me up with stink from people who don't wash themselves like I do is going to be a little tough.
I don't want them reading all of my personal stuff. I did think about writing it down. I thought it would be better for my husband to go with me because he can really bust out the shit. I hate hearing him list all of the shit that's wrong with me.
type it all out... hand them paper... you just typed out for us. Cut and paste. I wish I lived near you- I would cheer you up. that is one thing I am good at- not so good at it on a keyboard. I dont think there is a pill that will cure all these mental issues . Not unless it makes you so high and fucked up - you dont care about anything. And sugar coating it with the therapist will not help either.
I think we'd actually get along if we lived close. I'm not a big fan of females (which is why I'm not a good fruit fly), but you're different. Actually, the women that post here are pretty cool. Just few and far between.
same here... women are weird most of my friends are guys... in the old days they were fags, now all straight guys.
Gay guys have all of the qualities that I hate in women. They are bitchy, mean, snobby and back stabby.
I have one gay friend and he annoys the ever-loving shit out of me. He's the one of the most self-centered people I have ever met. I have known some cool gay guys, but I didn't know them well. The ones I have got to know better, I didn't care for because they were like women x 10.