He took a big suit case ... today was the first day back to work for him... so he came over this AM to get the mobile unit and some crap. He tried hinting about comming home last night... I said "do you really think you could get a good nights sleep - with a pissed off ME in the house?" We have a lotta Indians, Packies, Mexicans, and Asians.... oh and of course darkies . Not many Arabs. But then again most people consider arabs and indians as the same thing. Almost every Arab I know is Doc or a big high up job... Indians are Docs and a few gas stations ... All the Packies are in gas stations... Asians are restaurants, beauty supply stores and dollar stores. and and we have the honkeys, Mexicans and Darkies sprinkled all over the place.
If you want to be entertained for a few hours go to the Detroit Craigslist and look under casual encounters m4f. Just make sure the kids aren't around.
for a hundred bucks, I'll grease my hand up REALLY good, and then, punch you in the asshole, and fist you. what a bargain.