It was an illustration. I don't know where mine came from. It was prettier than that. Glass is glass for people who aren't into it.
I dunno what an "ice pinching viggaro" is and Google does not help but anyways I prefer crushed ice myself.
a viggaro is three indentions, they are used as Ice pinches, and also in slides to help airflow on a pipe
Sounds like you make some "bad-ass" pipes. Not to be confused of course with bad "ass-pipes". I put my stash in a safe place. I have no idea where that place is so the next time I need a pipe will be no telling when from now maybe years. I made what I thought was a pretty damn cool bong once out of a pasta jar nice and tall you know with a cork top. drilled a hole for the tube that was a hard plastic one that came from a drink bottle. I fashioned a bowl from a real pipe I had that was broke and epoxied it to the plastic tube I put another short piece and a carb. later I put a straw in the carb to bring air to the bottom and push the smoke up if you can picture that. It was the bong version of a 65 six pack GTO. hella good at what it did in one respect. But not very efficient. Like holy shit my quarter is gone already!? My idea now of a good pipe would be one with a small bowl you can tightly pack and able to cover like a sneak a toke. You may have to reload often if entertaining a crowd but efficient as hell no waste.
I remember smoking out of pop (soda for you southerners) cans and tin foil. I shudder to think what I inhaled out of it. I'd still like to try vaporizing.
Seems like if Dwain was REALLY all that cool he would make you a glass vaporizer pipe. But what do I know.
Your office looks better organized than mine. When you do the base of that green pipe do you make it extra thick? I'm thinking of more weight at the bottom making it stable to sit without getting knocked over. Also I suppose so when you sit it down hard it does not chip or crack.
no kiddin.. enough is enough! nice stepping in the dwane.. and nice glass too.. my girl broke mine, but still got my spoon and 90 percent of my smoke goes through it..