Got some awesome deals this weekend. ok so Sunday I find an ad on craigslist... for a huge lot of Star Wars crap, all unopened, and like 20 minutes from my house. The ad was placed at like 2:10pm and I called her at 2:17pm. Turns out her husband was dorky collector and she was mad at him, and already had 2 calls for the stuff. She said whoever gets here first with cash...can have the collection. I run to my car throw out the stroller and fly down the road. I pull in knock on the door... and she says- You are first! YEAH so we start loading the shit up. 84 boxes total I did not even care what it was... it just meant not mall shopping for X mas. As I pull out these 2 cars zoom in and block me... I am thinking OH SHIT its the husband. But no it was 2 other grown geeks coming to buy the shit. They cuss and scream, offering her an extra $200 - I say 2 late, and drive through the was country house and you could tell others had drove through it many times before. Well one of the assholes in a big truck starts following me... right on my ass. I start thinking ... Im going to be killed for Star Wars WTF? I get away... dump the load at my sister's house. Start heading home I see a huge yard sale - hmmm - lets just take a look. It was 2 crack head women, selling the most beautiful stuff, all of the antique furniture was already sold... the guy went to get a Uhaul truck. I see a huge antique cello (like almost as tall as me) I asked how much... She said "that big ol Gee tar... $75" I start to walk to my car to get the money... and she yells - I WILL TAKE $50... woohoo ... so I do some more shoppin.... I got a like new drill, a new chain saw, the cello, and a set of golf clubs... an expensive set,... all for $160. Then as I drive away I realize ... I can't play the cello, scared of chain saws, and hate golf.... I dont even know anyone that plays golf. Why in the hell did I buy all this crap? Since it was most likely stolen... I cant even resell it.
The cello is cool. The chainsaw may come in handy one day and I don't know what you can do with the golf clubs. I obtain weird shit that has no purpose. There is this sign at an abandoned hotel that I want sooooo badly. I would pay for it but I have no idea what I need it for. There is also this old coke machine that I am taking home for no reason and a really old cash register. I have a couple of old cash registers and they serve no purpose whatsoever. I just wanted them. I have an old church pew that collects dust in my garage that I just had to have when they tore the building down and still won't part with. I have bricks, blocks, spindles, furnace grates, hinges, doorknobs and glass from old buildings that have been torn down just sitting in the garage. I plan on doing something artsy and memorial-like with them one day, but who knows if that day will ever come?
I know exactly what you mean. When I divorced my X - I left a 2 car garage full of my junk treasures. In it was an old cash register (they used the same one on Little House of the Prairie) 2 old slot machines, and a 70's Juke box... Why do we obtain this crap? I know if I live to be over 50 - when I die... my poor kids will have go through all this crap. Most of the time I would sell stuff... I would find the right buyer/collector ... that was my house wife money. But now I never sell the crap I collect. My biggest and most profitable abandoned ransacking was about 5-6 years ago- this old abandoned farm house. No one had lived there in over 7 years... it was like they just vanished , leaving plates on the table... and not packing clothes. It was very weird, and creepy- going through everything. This was the only abandoned house I had permission to be in.... a builder we knew bought the land and was tearing it down... all that land in now a subdivision. In the barn/stables storage room we found tons of fancy horse saddles. I spent like $150 in supplies and 4 weeks - about 60-70 hours to cleaning them up and condition them. I made $8,500 selling them... but I am sure they were worth more. Not bad for a board house wife's side project, I also gave 2 away to family. I had no idea saddles cost so much. My mom almost sold all of them to one guy for $500 before I cleaned them up.... I threw a fit, got them, and had a huge "I was right- I told you so" moment after selling them ... ahh I love those moments I am keeping the cello as decor in the library... no I dont have a mansion with library- but a room that came full of built in book shelves... but I do like to say "put that in the library" with a snobby, old southern lady tone. Now that I have a big ass cello... I feel the need for piano for some reason.... I guess since I have no talent, I want to at least look like I do. WTF is wrong with me? Chain saw- is still in a box, and will collect dust in garage... until the end of time.... or until I need to dismember someone. Drill will get used- I lost my charger thingy for mine. Golf Clubs... I will probably sell, To be honest I have not even looked up to see if they are a high dollar set- They are Calloways or something like that. They look new, never used and to me look expensive - but then again the whole set could be worth $50 for all I know. I just know I dont want them.... and they dont match my theme of collectible weird junk.
Can you take a pic of the star wars stuff? Im really curious as to what it is. (yes im a full grown geek).
The piano would be a good idea for that room. I used to want an old organ. Actually, I still do. I have an acoustic and an electric guitar and a big ass keyboard and I can't play any of them. The keyboard does all kinds of stuff but I don't have the patience to learn any of it. I have tried to play the guitar, the piano, the drums and my latest musical instrument that I just HAD to have because I though it was my calling was a harmonica. I can't play it either. When I do, one of my dogs howl. I thought I had some sort of musical ability because my dad's side is very musical, but I have none. I like to sing and that's about it. Too bad I hate female singers for the most part.
I will stack it all up and take pics before I wrap it... shit I dont think I will wrap it... that would be a huge mess to clean up. Yeah I cant play any musical instrument ... except for the skin flute
I'm going to need some verification on your claim to be proficient on the skin flute before I give you that credential... As for the golf clubs - if that's the brand, and the condition is as described, then you might be looking at several hundred dollars (of course, depending on your location, and average online prices, should they be higher than local - unlikely, but then again, I don't know your niche.) If they're graphite, they'll be worth even more. It sounds like you have a complete set, and probably even a matching bag to go with it. You've got an equitable asset there, so don't let anyone try to talk you into giving it away before researching it. There are sites online that give you rough appraisals on individual clubs, based on brand, model, condition, etc. Google it. You might be surprised.
sold the golf clubs to a lesbian couple I know from animal rescue ... $300 .. it was some kind of fancy ladies golf clubs. And I am sure worth more- but I like those ladies. I guess since they have no kids- they devote all their free time to saving cats from the pound. They came over to get some IV fluids and when she saw the set ...went crazy. Asked if I played and I said no- got them at a yard sale... she offered 300... and I took it. As for pics of the star wars crap... I took pics this weekend, cant find my wire thingy to upload , I always print at walmart and get a CD... I will post them soon. I am going to show the pics to my son (like they are online) see what he likes. I might sell some stuff I know he wont care the Monopoly game and a few big space ship things that he already has, and the model crap you have to put together. He is more into the little action figures and barbie size dolls. God I hope he grows out of this shit... and is not a big StarWars geek when grown.
I think star wars picked up a whole new generation of kids when they did the Clone Wars deal. My son like the G.I. Joe sized guys. So we have a ton of those, apparently they have different colors now and the helmets come off. So thats cool. He's getting a Wii for Christmas so I will kick his butt on that and he will go back to his PS2 and play star wars legos....
Bigmama... you advertise your proficiency on the skin flute... Going to have to call your bluff on this one, and considering your posts as of late regarding the diminutive hubby, I'd say now's a prime time for solidifying your claim... Whip me up some dinner while you're at it, woman...
our divorce is stupid... we were about to buy a house (to live in) and he also wanted to buy 2 shitie houses that are real cheap as an investment. He asks his lawyer about something to do with the real estate laws ... And that asshole lawyer said DONT BUY PROPERTY WHILE MARRIED TO THAT BITCH... He is the same lawyer that represented my last husband in my last divorce.... and we do not like each other. so my husband asks for a divorce... but says we can go right back to Vegas- gamble - have fun - and remarry... with a pre nup ... haha fuck him.. he is a jealous type (but only with other Arabs & Indians) I guess he thinks that is all I like....and because those seem to hit on me a lot. I said flat out- "we divorce ... yeah one day we might remarry... right after I fuck everything that smells like curry this side of the Mississippi." so yeah ... things are rocky at the home front. gettin kinda Springerish , I have thrown him out ...and right now the lawyers are talking.. now if I could only hook up with a plastic surgeon so yeah... throw on a turban ...and I will charm your snake- but only if we can send him text messages with pics and BTW I only play the skinflute well , when it is small... I have TMJ
I was going to say I was closer, but I guess I will just flip you over and play the back 9.... So this whole thing is that stupid? Why did he go to a lawyer that your ex used? Is that lawyer jaded because you kicked his ass in the last divorce? I dont understand your husbands state of mind, but it seems like he is a 'sheep'.
Damn, I'm sorry that you are going through all of this BS. Why is he dealing with the same lawyer? I live in a small town and even we've got a selection. What's up with that? What's his deal? Does he think that you are going to take him for everything or something? Remarry w/a prenup? Sounds pretty retarded.
Ok so in my last divorce ... a certain veterinarian Arab guy's name was mentioned in court...along with my old profession , had big displays of photos taken way before I ever had a kid... - Judge was cool and said it was the past... and he took his time reviewing the photos way after saying so, lol anyway I kicked ass and...I won, even though they thought they had shit on me. Oh and that lawyer ended up not getting paid by my X husband ...and I dont get paid either anymore -child support ..he went to Germany. Fast forward about a year... We had started the Vet business, and the lawyer forgot all about me, then comes to us as client - and remembers ... He even said "do you swear under OATH my dog will be ok?" we all laughed and all was cool. Then about a month after that my current husband runs into him at Office Max, and he said you need a pre nup if you are going to marry her, and gave him a card .... that was THREE YEARS AGO... he hands me a prenup in a Casino in Vegas ... I literally wipe my ass with it.... and go to another casino/hotel and did not see him till flying home, That was it. we never mentioned it again. Then after I had the baby (3-27-08) I figured I deserved marriage , after building him a business, and having his baby... Gave the old ultimatum ... he said no, so I said "ok so, I am a free woman..." he said SURE so I went on a date with a rich - cute- older- but short Indian guy on 4th of July. He saw the pics on my phone on 7-5-08 HE freaked and said book on the next flight to Vegas... so got we married on 7-7-08- no prenup now dont think I am gold digger... when I met current hubby, he had vet lic for Morocco... not the USA. Was working as a tech and still learning English (he won a citizenship lotto to come to the USA) He was making $8 an hour, working behind the scenes doing all the surgeries at a clinic, and the Vet that he worked for had brain washed him saying - oh the US veterinary equivalence test is impossible to pass... plus no one would hire you...since 9-11 and all" He even lived at the clinic in a room upstairs. ( he was fine with it- beats working in Morocco) Well I scooped him up, helped with the English (I speak a little Arabic) Helped with the test -He passed and we started the Low Cost Spay Neuter thing. So he went from being the stupid monkey working for peanuts... to bringing in 38-46k a month gross (subtract about 13-16k business expenses) and only works about 12 days a month. ... So you could say - I MADE HIM... I created this business, if it was not for me (and my love for animals and cute sand niggahs) he would still be at that clinic with no US vet lic, doing all the work while the other vets play golf... probably making 10-13$ an hour by now. .... so yeah I think I deserve a big fucking piece of cake. Now I did get any money invested back already ...a few times over....but still . He is being a dick and his offer is way low. Plus he is using a retarded lawyer that I have beaten before. so this shit is about to get ugly. I busted my ass on this project, worked beside him... up until I had his baby, then just did the office crap. and right now the phones are forwarded to his cell, and he making our tech answer them ... anyone wanna prank call? weeww felt good to vent. I have a feeling I will be changing the website to some kind of blog about the divorce and post all his embarrassing photos. The website is in my name, and he does not even know how to update it - passwords or anything. oh well, I probably hook back up with the short indian. ... woohoo - never have to pay for gas or gum in several cities .
Whatever. He doesn't have a leg to stand on and it's pretty shitty that he's trying to dick you when you got him to where he is now. Great. You start dating that other guy and your current husband will probably end up stalking you and I will have to watch your story on American Justice or better yet, Snapped!
I cant believe I typed it... I guess since I am not talking clients on the phone all day, I type faster.... and Im all hyper today.
That is retarded. Have you tried to explain to him, in a rational manner, how retarded it is? To go through all that you'd think someone had cheated or something.
His lawyer fucked things up...trying to drum up some business. Oh and BTW I did not win WIN in 1st divorce... when I said I won... The only thing I asked for was my kid and some child support....and my shity X wanted the same. Sure I got a tiny chunk of money... but nothing to get excited over. I could understand that lawyer saying that to him ...if I had taken my X for huge amount. Truth is I should have, but I did not....guess cause I was guilty (for fucking the Moroccan) I just wanted my kid. And I fought like a bitch from hell.
You need to change your name to 'bigmamadrama'. Is there an exuberant amount of arab-americans in the Atlanta area? We get quite a lot for MCG but they usually move on in a couple of years. So did he move into his hotel when you kicked him out?