Sucks. I'm supposed to have diarrhea, not constipation. I hope to hell my bowels aren't obstructed again. Anyway, just venting. I'm off to the hippie store to buy some marsh mallow root and slippery elm.
I dont trust hippie stuff. If I get stuffed up... I use Correctol... take it at night, wake up shittin at 8am. Its what my parents always used when I was a kid. I remember my mom always running through the house yelling "CORRECTOL " ... still to this day , whenever my sister and I see someone running, we say .."correctol???" I guess my mom used it a lot So I take it when needed... or eat a can of turnip greens. I have not been constipated in forever. But when pregnant... I would only crap like 2-3 times a week... I had to take prenatal vitamins that had a stool softener in it. when my X husband would get constipated - he would just eat at Krystals ... when people call with constipated dogs... we tell them to feed it canned pumpkin.
Go to the pharmacy and ask for their generic Docusate Sodium or Docusate Calcium. They usually keep some behind the counter because docs write scripts for them. The stuff they keep behind the counter is much cheaper than even the "store brand" generics out on the shelves, and you can usually get a hundred for the price of one box of 24... You'll be crapping in no time! If you can get past the taste, Magnesium Citrate solution works well, too (chill it first to reduce the flavor.) Trust Lomotil for all your shitty questions... :biggrin:
This wouldn't cause explosive shits, would it? I seem to go first thing in the AM but not much and then it's just little bits throughout the day and it's frustrating. I would call it constipation. I'm forcing myself to drink more water.
I forgot to mention that I am on a low residue diet. I think it might be playing a major part in this. Basically everything I eat has 0 fiber in it.
You have to eat to shit. Simple fact. Eat a whole lot of food, and you will either shit or die. now shut up.
wow, someone took a double dose of dickhead pills low residue - isn't that a low fiber, small meals... to make you poop less? If I remember it is to give your body more time absorb the nutrients... cause your food moves slowly through the body. so I guess it is normal to be constipated
Yeah, I found a website that had a diet that said, "What to eat when you have a partial bowel obstuction" and ever since I got out of the hospital I have been following it. I think it, combined with the iron in the vitamins and the lack of water is causing this problem. I'm trying to drink more water but yuck. It makes me feel sloshy. So I'm taking probiotics and started on this slippery elm stuff to see what happens. I fired my gastroenterologist and waiting to get into another one. Small town living is no good when you need medical care.
Why dont you do like icenhour and let the hubby hit the hershey highway every now and then to see if he can break up the log jam....... On a serious note, wouldnt you want fiber to get you going, or are you wanting it to stay in your body longer (the food)? I dont remember what it was, but when my wife was on some meds that did that to her they gave her these little pills that worked pretty quick. But then you'd get dehydrated. I thought water hardened up stool?
No, lack of water will make you constipated. Fiber bulks up your stool and you need water to soften it. Fiber is not good for people with certain diseases of their digestive tract. Like me, fiber is not really good for Crohn's. Your poop comes out of your small intestine as green liquid and as it travels through your colon, water is absorbed. The longer it stays in your colon, the more water is absorbed and the harder the poop gets.
gross "log jam" gross and funny. and BTW ... my current husband's dingdong could not break up a stuffy nose... he could fuck you in the ass and you would never know it... little dick bastard. (can you tell I am pissed off at him)
You hide your anger so well. Maybe you two should go to counseling and resolve your issues, I think Barry would do it for free, as long as you assist with the reach around.
no a lawyer is taking care of it its all good, just having a few income questions not being answered... it sucks trying to prove what the self employed makes (when they only accept CASH) ,,, but its on like donkey kong . I made copies of every clients paper this weekend. Lawyers assistant is adding it all up. ps I would assist Barry with a reach around... maybe he would not be such a dick. And Nauseous... once again... I caught your illness. I am having sympathy constipation.... and gas... not farting type gas, but cant fart - gas. uggg painful .
That sucks! I hope you are feeling better today. I've been drinking prune juice today like an old lady. I think I have hemorrhoids now. It keeps getting better and better. I finally got over the thrush that my antibiotics caused. Thrush. That was something I could have went w/o experiencing in my life.
My baby had thrush a few months ago. I felt like the worst mom ever. He liked the medicine..and it cleared up quick. Ugg nothing like a yeast infection of the mouth. From what I read it is common for babies... I did not know you could get from a medication.. or is because your meds weakened your immune system? I know antibiotics can cause the cooter yeast infection.... never thought about the mouth. I think it is the same fungus ... I wonder if someone can get thrush from eating a yeasty cooter. GROSS I have to look that up constipation ended today... now I have the runs. Nothing ever works normal.. feast or famine glad you are feeling better
I was taking Cipro and Flagyl, but I totally blame Flagyl for the thrush. It kills all of the good bacteria in your mouth so there is nothing to fight off the yeast. It does it downstairs too. I don't know what my deal is. I feel crampy and poopy today. Maybe the prune juice/apple juice combo worked too well? I dunno. If I decide to ever kill myself, I'm totally shooting myself in the gut. I want to blast my stomach, small and large intestine all over the place.
I must say that I have learned more in this Topic Specific set of threads than anywhere else on the internet. I have learned all kinds of new things that I never knew about before (wether I wanted to or not). I hope you both are feeling better. If not I suggest taking some of 'Dr. Phatty's Two Ball Tonic and Root Oil'....
Thanks... I just had a funny thought .. every time I am around my parents or any old people- all they talk about is medical ailments. Can you imagine if Nauseous and I are friends when we are old ladies. My god we would have so much to talk about. I already know I am going to bore the shit out of my kids.