And I agree with you that people should keep the right to own firearms but I think licensing and regulations on that are necessary. I'm sure this photo is not of a bunch of licensed firearms, wrestled from the hands of law-abiding citizens and then crushed. With great power there must also come great responsibility and all of that. Not every dumbass and criminal in the World should be allowed to arm themselves to the teeth.
So you must be a democrat. The problem with licensing and regulations are that only honest people will be affected. Crooks aren't going to register their illegal guns or submit to any other regulations. If guns were severely restricted, criminals would just import guns along with their cocaine shipmentsand we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves, much like our friends and relatives in the UK.
Um... how else were they located and collected? Do you think that 'criminals' would hand their guns over? Naaah... You're probably right, this was probably a third-world country, having their annual "handgun buyback" to pass out Wal-Mart gift cards, and get guns off the streets with no questions asked.
Another thing... It's not a bunch of licensed firearms - it's a SHITLOAD of licensed firearms. Wrestled from the hands of law-abiding former citizens, and then crushed. I say "former" because they are no longer citizens. They're cattle now.
They never had the kind of freedoms as we have and don't miss the guns as much as we would. those morons are more than happy stabbing each other on the streets or wherever the mood strikes them. They'll be banning cutlery next, you'll have to defend themselves with KFC sporks soon. You used to be able to buy herion otc in the UK, why would they want to spend big pounds on cocaine?
It's kinda like a saying I once heard, 'a lock only keeps an honest man out' The same way gun control laws only takes the guns out of the hands of the honest. Speaking of, I need to go get one before the election. I got a bad feeling that if something happens to the 'messiah' we will all be going through a race war. You thought the Rodney King riots were bad, hell he was high on PCP.
Do you guys honestly believe that there should be no restrictions or regulations on the sale of guns? Do you think that they ought to sell them over the counter to everyone or anyone who wants one? I think that they ought to at least take note of the guy's name who is buying it. I mean, he might be some lunatic who shoots it off in the back yard, 10 feet from my house. Or he might be stupid enough to allow it to go off in his car, pointed directly at the passenger's seat.
See they have these restrictions, believe it or not. The idiot that shot up Va Tech, he was mentally unstable and had a proper check been done, he would not have been able to buy the guns from a reputable dealer. Of course, if Im going to commit a crime, I dont want any record of my gun purchase, so I buy from someone who stole it, or brought it into the country illegally. The problem isnt getting guns, or putting more restriction on who has them. The bad guys will get them regardless. You make it twice as hard for an honest person to get a firearm, the only people that will have them are the crooks and thugs. So do you think criminals want more gun laws or less?
I think the government out to give everyone over the age of 18 an assault rifle. I have a feeling there would be an inititial bloodbath, followed by many years of crime free living. Statisitcally 10% of the people cause 90% of the problems. Once the 90% thins out the 10% there will be no need for guns.
NEWS FLASH: For those that intend to do harm with a firearm, there are no restrictions, nor will there ever be. As stated before, if someone wants a gun, they'll get one. And, for the record, I don't know how small the back yards are in your state, but I was at least 30 feet away from the fence whenever I popped anything off in my backyard. Now, that one indiscretion, when I echoed the sweet song of the 12-ga, with a wall 8 ft on either side of me was the exception, and not the rule. If you review the picture, you'll note that the projectile was clearly at least a foot away from the seat itself. If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't even at my house when it happened (to ease your concern when it comes to stray bullets) - I was on an Interstate highway, as a matter of fact, and to top it off, I was trying to hide the gun while I passed an ambulance on the left when the damn thing went off. Sleep well...
You should be taking this in, Jefe... Just ask yourself, whom would you rather have as a neighbor when someone is seen robbing houses in your neighborhood late at night? A gun-scared liberal, or someone that's going to exercise their right to defend themselves, their property, and (vicariously) their neighbors? I may pop off a few rounds in my backyard, but it serves a purpose. I play my music loud sometimes. Should any of my neighbors mention the fact that they can feel their couch shake while I watch a movie to anyone with aspirations to steal speakers or stereo equipment (a small, generic example) - I'm letting everyone within earshot know that I don't fuck around. The new young neighbor next door that likes to throw parties might casually dismiss sharing information about how loud his neighbor's system is to his attendees, but rattle his wall with a shotgun blast, and he might mention that instead of the stereo. I don't know about you, but if I were a criminal, and wanted to break into someone's house to steal some stereo equipment, I'd pick a house that is unarmed. If you need further proof of this phenomenon, take a look at the rate of crimes in states that have concealed carry provisions vs. the states that completely ignore the 2nd Amendment.
30 feet?! You are not only being rude to your neighbors, you are also violating your city ordinance. Your neighbors have every right in the world to call the police on you. Liking guns and enjoying shooting them is one thing, but you aren't acting like a very responsible gun owner. SECTION I. USE AND DISCHARGE OF CENTER FIRE OR RIM FIRE RIFLES OR PISTOLS: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to discharge, or cause to be discharged, any center fire or rim fire rifle or pistol on any tract of land within the City limits of Converse, or its Extra territorial Jurisdiction, that is less than 50 acres, or within 300 feet of a residence or occupied building located on another property, or in a manner that permits the projectile of the firearm to cross the boundary of the tract of property, or without permission of the land owner. SECTION II. USE AND DISCHARGE OF SHOTGUNS: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to discharge, or cause to be discharged, any shotgun on any tract of land within the City limits of Converse, or its Extra territorial Jurisdiction, that is less than 10 acres, or within 150 feet of a residence or occupied building located on another property, or in a manner that permits the projectile of the firearm to cross the boundary of the tract of property, or without permission of the property owner.