The Mighty Mighty Dwaine

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I spoke to him today. He's fine, and alive and well. He's losing weight and blowing glass and he seems happy.

    For some reason, some sinister force is copying things that he posts in the forums here and then reporting them to the Police. For some other unexplained reason, the idiot cops where he lives actually take this shit seriously.

    He'll be back some day soon so all of you that know him personally, please write or call and wish him well.

    I'm looking forward to the day that I log in and see him threatening to hit one of you in the face with a brick. But don't worry, that's just his way of telling you he loves you.
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I stalked Dwaine in 2006, but I stopped once I found out that he was a serial killer. I peeked into his basement expecting to find him wanking to anime, but instead I saw shelves filled with the severed body parts of small children, and cases of snickers bars and twinkies.

    He caught me spying on his handiwork, and locked me in the secret room under his floor. He kept me there for weeks and forced me to watch reruns of Bevis and Butthead while he dripped molten glass on my genitals. It really sucked that he didn't have cable, only an old VHS tape player.

    Eventually he got tired of my wife calling him and demanding that he come over and cut the grass. he finally shoved a twenty in my pocket and locked me outside in the cold.

    I love Dwaine and I miss him. Now that I think about it, I don't think he really killed all of those kids. I am starting to believe his story about buying everything at Henry Louis Wallace's yard sale.

    Come on back Dwaine old buddy. All of us that know you understand that you are really only a tattooed glass blowing twinkie bandit, not the Clayton County Brick Bat Slayer that the police have under constant surveillance.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  4. GAS

    GAS New Member

    You'd have to be retarded to think someone that fucked up actually existed.
  5. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I dont think cops would care if someone posted a dead baby jokes. This is the internet, there are forums for shit eaters and all kinds of great gross stuff. Hell they dont care about all the fuckers out there looking for 13 year old trailer park kids looking to give head for a pack of smokes.
  6. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    3,123 what kind of smokes?

    Anyway, dead baby jokes have been around longer than the internet. Shirley, there must be more to it. It is "Shirley" is it not?
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    The Maj is cruising around with a carton of 'Newports'......

    I think as long as dwaine cuts a couple of holes in his 'hooker box' and only farts in one at a time its not really torture.
  8. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Newports are for ghetto kids... if you want the hard workers... you cruise around with a carton of Marlboro Reds and few cold 99 cent McDonald's double cheeseburgers.

    Seriously I was watching Maury one day , and they had the teen whores on with their crying moms. And this 14 year old fat black girl keep saying "yeah I have had sex with a man for a double cheeseburger" and throughout the entire show they had that at the bottom of the screen whenever her face was "HAS SEX FOR CHEESEBURGERS" That was funny as hell.
  9. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    To be fair the caption should have read "HAS SEX FOR DOUBLE CHEESEBURGERS"
  10. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Amen, Sissah.

    That is sad, and funny, at the same time.
  12. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    I dont know but I lurked here for awhile before posting and that guy seemed like a total asshole. Not very funny in his asshole ways either. I noticed he liked to go at the newer posters especially the ones who could not keep up with him insult wise. Kinda like a big fucking bully on the playground picking on the weaker kids and flexing his e-muscle. Let that fat fuck come at someone who can keep up with him word wise and he would not be shit. I noticed he would even go as far as talking smack about someones kids, I am a member of one of the most ruthless forums on the net and even there that shit is a big no-no. Talk all you want about someones mom,dad,job,looks,lifestyle,religious beliefs,etc,etc but DO NOT BRING THEIR KIDS INTO IT.....EVER. Its low and it just shows you have nothing when it comes to insults so you pull the kids out. Classy stuff there lard ass.
    Well I like Fugly and I like you guys but let that fat retard come at me and I will whittle his fat ass down to a nub!
  13. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Blowing Glass happily? I never associated the word happily with dwaine.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It is sad to look at Mental Illness as entertainment.

    Oh wait, this is Fugly, where I am a staff member.
    How big of a hypocrite could I possibly be?
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You were masturbating while you typed that weren't you?
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Sounds like you used to get picked on a lot, or still do. Dwaine's a good guy, if you take what he says seriously, then thats just you letting someone on the 'internet web' get you upset. Kinda like dan, he is pretty conceited, and very full of himself, but once a blue moon he says something that cracks me up. You just have to wade through the bullshit to get to it. Dwaine is one of the nicest, most helpful people on this board. The hazing is just a part of the initiation. Apparently it became uncool after I got it for some reason. But its part of what makes fugly what it is.
  17. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Fugly edited his post a bit, before it said Dwaine was a "character created by" or something to that effect. And was to be treated that way to avoid (I'm guessing) any kind of legal complications.

    That is why this post of mine seems a bit retarded.
  18. GAS

    GAS New Member

    It's just a hazing thing all the newbies have to endure for a bit like Phat said. Dwaine is pretty cool once you get past it.

    That is until he gets on your myspace friends list and starts calling your Aunt a cougar milf and the like. Made my Aunt kinda creeped out but still made me laugh.
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That's one of the funniest things I have seen all day.
  20. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    go here that might be a little more your speed.

    I have kids... I do not get offended with baby jokes, and I would not get offended over anything on the internet.

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