Galveston vs Nwaaleans

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The difference:

    The WORST huricane to EVER hit the United States hit Galveston in September 8 1900.

    President McKinley did not like white folks so the state of Texas and its residents found themselves on their own.

    So what did they do? (Big like Texans do)

    The hurricane that destroyed Galveston on September 8, 1900, is the nations's deadliest natural disaster. Although its death toll will never be known precisely, the 1900 Storm claimed upwards of 8,000 lives on Galveston Island and several thousand more on the mainland. In Galveston, it destroyed 2, 636 houses and left thousands more damaged. The city's property losses were estimated at $28-30 million.

    The 1900 Storm’s tidal surge inundated Galveston, leaving thousands dead and millions of dollars of destruction and damage. How should the city be protected from future hurricanes?

    The first step was the building of the seawall. On September 7, 1901, the Texas State Legislature approved an act providing for the construction of a seawall for Galveston. A board comprised of three engineers, Brigadier General Henry Martyn Robert, Alfred Noble, and H. C. Ripley, organized to draft plans for the future protection of Galveston, including the construction of a seawall and the raising of the city’s elevation. In January 1902, the Board issued its report, calling for the construction of a seawall that ran from the south jetty near 8th street to Avenue D and 6th Street, and westward to 39th Street along the Gulf of Mexico. The Galveston County Commissioners’ Court adopted a resolution on February 5, 1902, that the county would underwrite its construction through the issuance of bonds. On September 19, 1902, J. M. O’Rourke and George Steinmetz signed the construction contract, which provided that the work was to be completed within fifteen months. The initial segment of the Seawall was completed July 29, 1904.

    This portion, made of concrete, was 3.3 miles long, 16 feet at its base, and 5 feet wide on top, and 17 feet high. The outer face of the Seawall was curved to carry waves upwards. Riprap was placed along the base facing the Gulf of Mexico to break up wave action. The initial segment was completed at a cost of almost $1.6 million. It proved its worth first during the hurricane of September 21, 1909. Its critical test came with the hurricane of August 16, 1915. The seawall dramatically lowered the loss of life and destruction.

    A second segment was built between December 1904 and October 1905 to protect Fort Crockett. It received Congressional funding. This portion ran 4,935 feet from 39th to 53rd streets. The Seawall was extended westward to 61st Street in 1927 and 99th Street in 1963.

    I have not found pictures of the seawall in the east end of East beach (where you want to go to party in Galveston) folks none of these pictures do it justice. We used to drive up the side of the seawall incline there and you could fit five cars side by side. If yuo had a bench seat you better buckle up or hang on tight with the car facing East you would slide over to the passenger seat.

    Oh and also Kane West and all those race baiting stupid fucks can go screw themselves. Just wanted to add that part thanks for your time.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Here is an interesting storm track of the 1900 hurricane. Dejavu anyone?

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Will it ever occur to the populous, if you live on the coast - YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH NATURAL DISASTERS?!?


    Don't expect the rest of the country to foot the bill when all of a sudden, the apartment YOU decided to live at, three blocks away from the shore, can't handle a hurricane.


    You chose to live there.

    You chose not to move away.

    You chose to place yourself and your material belongings directly in the path of a natural disaster.

    You chose NOT to consider this.

    No skin off my nuts. Go ahead, piss and moan, complain as loud as you can, about how the government has robbed you of your rights. I encourage it. I laugh at it. Nobody told you to move there - and nobody told you to stay there.

    Let's face it. If you're competent enough to realize that there are structures in place to protect you from "Nature's Fury" - then you should be reasonable enough to get the fuck out of said area.

    If not, fuck you.

    In this scenario, people that piss and moan about the tragedy that struck them and their families absolutely, positively, annoy the fuck out of me.

    You live on the goddamn coast.

    What the FUCK did you think would happen? :rolleyes:
  5. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    well said
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I will agree with that logic as soon as we decide that building on top of the San Andreas fault is a bad idea too.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Or on the side of a dirt hill void for the most part of vegitation.

    Or in forest fire prone areas where enviro wacos have prevented the state from conducting common sense forestry practice of cutting down trees in appropriate areas.

  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    Since when did "We" concur that building on the coast is a bad idea?

    No offense here, and I'm in total agreement, but people have this innate tendency to plant themselves down in areas that are prone to natural disasters, then wonder why their house isn't there after one hits...

    Face it, people, if you live on a coast, or on a fault line, your residence will be destroyed at one time or another. Hint: DON'T FUCKING MOVE THERE.
  9. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Somebody's gotta live there to keep the Gulf Shores Hooter's open for when I visit. But all the fatcat condo owners (except Barry) know the risks.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Nope, they just need to build 'stealth' houses. No flat edges. Kinda like a dome maybe, so there isnt anything for the wind to 'catch'. Also if there is a large storm surge there isnt anything for the water to grab onto either. Kinda like aerodynamics, but for water and stuff too. That or put some tank treads on it and move it inland when the storm approaches, and then back out when the storm is gone. Just watch out for looters.
  11. GAS

    GAS New Member

    When I was living in N.C they built a huge multi million dollar hotel on the north side of Wrightsville Beach which essentially a 10 or so mile long island. Now pretty much everyone knows that the island "moves" south due to erosion, every summer the inlet on the north side is wider/bigger/different shaped. Yet the fucking geniuses who built the hotel chose to ignore this and for the last 10 years or so have been hitting up the city(a.k.a the taxpayers) for money to stop the island from eroding. YOU CAN'T FUCKING STOP FUCKING EROSION YOU MORONS!!

    This thread reminded me of that retarded ass hotel.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    That's a good idea, really... Still makes me think of this, though:

  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Eh? No images?
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    guess not
  16. poop

    poop New Member

    attach a file
  17. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Attach your own goddamn file!

    If you're too lazy to copy/paste the link into a new window, then don't look at the pic... :rolleyes:

    If you're looking for a friendly forum to trade ideas with, look ye no further. Congrats on your accrual of a whopping 6 posts. I'm sure this is probably mandated for you to view content on the 'mother' site.

    BTW: Welcome to the board! Hope you stay! :)
  18. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    I hear ya Lomo! My aunts house got blown away! She wanted to stay at Casa de Browneye till she got her shit together....I told her to kick fucking rocks, she aint sitting her fat ass on my couch and eating my Doritos.

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