It's not like I was having DT's or anything, besides, we've had Dan/Michelle/TaintStain to use as a punching bag up until recently.
mistake or not i couldnt give a fuck,ive been waiting all my life for a girl to call me that,but nauseous will do.
Does it ever occur to you that the audience you attempt to voice your opinion to simply doesn't give two shits what you think? I put it to a vote - anyone that cares what Tommy thinks, reply with a simple "I do" (this will legally secure your online agreement t0 marry said individual, but nevermind that)
Well, Thomas - so far, you've secured four marriage proposals, minus the two accounts you posted under, so that leaves a total of two. Oh, wait, one wanted to propose to your mommy... so that leaves a paltry one submission. Still, is that legal in your country? If you truly hail from England, I know that you're quite limited in what you can and cannot do legally - I just want to make sure it's okay with your goddamn queen, that's all... By the way, I don't think I relayed this yet, but I wanted to make sure to personally deliver the message - Fuck you, Tommy. Thanks for listening! Love you all! Stay tuned for next week! Ciao!
what marriage proposals are these?and you seem to know more about me than i do lomo,are you holding a torch for tom? Who can blame you your only human. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx