Well in the case of impacted bowels it means the colon is packed full of poo that is unable to pass. I have heard from a friend in surgery of a time he watched the dr remove a football size impaction out of an ol lady.
They are usually hard as a football as well, so you may be able to get at least one touch down in........
While I was in Iraq, I've seen Iraqi's that had been shot in the head, body parts lying all over the ground after an explosion, some burnt up bodies, and the Iraqi Police driving around with dead bodies in the bed of their trucks like it was any normal day.
True, when it's a screwed up country like that, I guess it would have to be a normal day. We had mortars and RPG's and bullets fired at us for a good five hours, and the Iraqi army soldiers kept asking me what music I wanted to listen to at the time.
Bohemian Rhapsody? While acting out the scene in Wayne's World? Headbanging does make for a more difficult sniper headshot...