I was talking with a friend of mine today about Sarah Palin and whether or not she makes a good VP candidate. My friend brought up some interesting things about her that I didn't know until today. I want to run them all by you guys to see what you think. 1. Sarah Palin is a Creationist and wants Creationism taught in public schools. This all sounded ok to me until my friend explained that Creationism basically says that, what you read in the book of Genesis.. well that's EXACTLY what happened. The Earth? It's only 4000 years old and all those whacko scientists who say that things like the dinosaurs are more than 4000 yesars old, well they're just wrong. 2. Sarah Palin supported the secession of Alaska from the United States up until as recently as 2002 when she joined the Republican party. 3. Sarah Palin continually injects religious beliefs into her policies and at one time tried to ban certain books because, 'ome voters thought they had inappropriate language in them.' When the .... oh, here is the quote from the page: Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor. and the link to it: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1837918,00.html Anyway, she had a lot more but these are the three things I remember. Is Sarah Palin as much of a whacko as it seems?
She has a bitchy voice and I probably wouldn't like her if I had to sit down with her for any extended period of time. But then again, I wouldn't like any of the candidates, I'm sure. I don't trust ANY politician.
Creationism does not necessarily insist on a literal translation of the Bible. In it's more liberal form, creationism basically states that order cannot emerge from chaos without some type of intelligent influence. Only the most ridgid and simple minded person would believe that the Earth is only 4000 years old. But then again, She is a member of the Assemblies of God, which proudly stands behind their long and storied record of being simple minded and rigid. Who cares. Anything is better that voting for a man who would dance with Ellen Degeneres.
1) She's kinda hot, in a sexy teacher kind of way. 2) I, as a southerner, cant object to seccession. 3) I agree with Baz on the creationism deal. It is what it is. Tom Cruise believes aliens dropped us off. Darwin thought we evolved from apes, but there are still apes. The first debate is scheduled for the 29th, should be interesting. I see Palins speech is at 10 tonight, I will have to give it a watch, hopefully she is wearing something speical just for me.....
in reply to 1. 5 Kids in reply to 2. Word in reply to 3. Don't suck up to me. It won't help the Boodogs beat Bama.
1. Teaching creation of another word for it divine intervention. Should not scare you. The big bang theory should scare you. If all the schools in the country included creation theory in its curriculum. What would you stand to loose? Nothing to fear here but fear its self. 2. I understand Sarah has associated with members of the Alaska independant party. Some members of which entertained the idea of succession. ....... And? I have associated with radical crazy members of FuglyForums..... And? As far as that goes Sarah Palin has associated with liberal Democrats...... And? Nothing here AFAIK. 3. Are ALL library books available at public libraries? Then if so go down to your nearest middle school library and get me a copy of "The Bell Curve".
Did anybody watch her speech? I have to tell you, I kind of like this woman. I haven't done it yet but one day I plan to make some money in this country and it would be nice to keep some of it and not pay it all back to some bloated government who will just piss away on social programs. Not that I think that social programs aren't worth while, it's just that it's nice to see someone talk about personal accountability. I've been in plenty of positions where I could have taken teh coward's way out and sucked on the social teat but I didn't do it. I have friends who I respect a lot less now because they turned to bankruptcy and handouts and now are driving around in nice cars where I spent the last 5 years paying my debt and live in a run-down rental house and drive a 11 year old pickup truck. Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is something I deeply respect. There are a lot of things I don't' agree with but I really like that about her/McCain.
Somewhere around age 30 sane people begin the transition from liberal leftist to conservative rightwinger. Anyone that isn't a liberal as a youngster probably has issues. Anyone that stays a liberal once they grow up is probably unemployed and living on the dime of others. Welcome to the conservative party Jefe'.
Again: And, as an added bonus, a great quote - (Props to Joeslogic) - I've used this to story many times to diffuse innate dependent types. I've modified it slightly - but the message is still the same. Most of them still don't fucking get it, and it's sad. The future of America. Embrace it.
On a serious note I really respect independent minded women that keep themselves in good shape. Like Jazzercise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiVTbdSR6Sg&feature=related
One more thing to add. Palin is now under investigation for her abuse of power for firing Walt Monegan, who she fired because he refused to fire a State Trooper with whom Palin's sister went throgh an ugly divorce. Appartenlty for no other reason at all. This chick is drunk with power... in freaking ALASKA. Imagine what she's going to do as the VP of the United States.
So if you’re married to anyone related to a Senator, Mayor, or Governor. Simply get divorced. Then you can do WTF you want to because the poor bastards cannot fire you or they will risk being involved in a smear campaign against you and possible "investigations" of "allegations". As a politician I would hope she would associate with members of the Alaska Independence party. Basically I would consider it part of her job description. What you have is a political group for the most part consisting of people who do not identify either of the other two parties. There were person’s within this group who advocated succession. There we have a very loose association and to try to make the leap that the Alaska independent party is a succession party. That’s like saying that an organization like the boy scouts of America is a nudist group because three of the scout leaders are nudist. Then you take that loose association and say that some one who has spoken with or in any other way associated with a boy scout is therefore a nudist. Did Palin fire a librarian? Really? Is that what happened? *Yawn* This is the same group who is fine with Obama's father being a terrorist. His brother associated with anti-American group who is responsible for the slaughter of thousands. It is fine that Obama attended Rev Wrights church who advocates massive terrorist attacks on America because "America deserves it". You folks do not have a leg to stand on whatsoever.
It's not rumor and innuendo. They are verifiable facts, well-reported and documented with interviews and quotes from primary sources. It boggles my mind that the GO AMURIKA! contingent doesn't care when someone tries to stomp all over the Constitution. Since when is being a patriot, being American, being part of the greatest country on earth, about pissing on the foundations of our nation? And by the way, that Obama list is a mess. First he's too black, then he's not black enough. Then he's not American enough (lived somewhere else, speaks other languages!) and then the fact that he lived somewhere else means nothing (that's not foreign policy experience! He wasn't there for long!). He's too ethnic (scary exotic name!) and in the same breath he's not ethnic enough (he doesn't know where the names come from!). Which is it? At least make an effort.
Statements like the one above irritate me. Obama raised 10 million because he sent out a planned email solicitation to 1000's of known supporters the day after Palin's speech. "Her speech last night" may or may not have had any effect on the amount raised. How does anyone know that he might have raised 20 million with the email if the choice had been Lieberman or some other Republican? Why does anyone assume that raising 10 million is a negative response to Palin? I think it was a fear based response, like "Oh shit, this lady is impressive, we better get more money to the messiah.
The money was raised because the Obama campaign directly used Palin's speech as a fundraising hook in an email sent hours after the speech, funneling their supporters' anger over verifiable untruths into dollars. Seems like pretty direct cause and effect to me. Of course it's reactionary and negative. So is your idea of a "fear based response". So I'm not quite sure what you're arguing. My point is that the Democratic base has been just as galvanized - for their candidates - by the Palin pick as the Republican base has been for her...and that if the polling numbers are any indication, the independents are following the Dems. Can I just ask - what exactly about her is impressive? I am genuinely curious. I do think that she's pretty savvy - she seems to know exactly how to strike the right tone and when. I have no doubts that she's smart. But what about her record as Mayor of Wasilla or Governor of Alaska is impressive?
While it is true that the Democrats are chauvinistic pigs who are against the idea of and in fear of independent conservative women. Not sure that’s a good thing though. You say: "Can I just ask - what exactly about her is impressive? I am genuinely curious. I do think that she's pretty savvy - she seems to know exactly how to strike the right tone and when. I have no doubts that she's smart. But what about her record as Mayor of Wasilla or Governor of Alaska is impressive?" Sounds good let’s compare your Democrat Presidential candidate’s record against the Repubs VP candidate. Shall we? Show me what Obama's done? Next we can compare Obama to John McCain. LOL