Obama Tax Plan

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by phatboy, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    It really cuts back on the amount of othes stuff you can acquire for sure.
  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy some Enzyte, Lomo?

    I liked you a lot better when you collected video games.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    So, you're essentially saying that I'm wasting my money?

    Video games take up too much space, Jefe. I was thinking about converting a Centipede machine into a locking rifle cabinet, though, if it's any consolation... ;)
  4. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    I think he's scairt of the new you with the firearm collection. Never call your collection an arsenal, people will think you're a "gun nut".
  5. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You're really losing it, aren't you?

    Do you watch a lot of Fox News? My dad watched that station 24/7 for a couple years and it caused him to become paranoid.

    Turn off the tv ... then hook up a video game system to it and turn it back on again.

    The only gun you need is red and grey, made of plastic and only shoots ducks off your television screen. :)
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yes, arsenal is tough, use cache. That way they dont know what your really talking about. "Yea, I have a small cache at home"

    I actually watched the Palin speech on CNN, just because I was watching it in HD, and she has a nice turd cutter on her. So anyway, I dont think Fox is anymore biased than CNN. CNN just leans the wrong way. I dont like the way they 'report' the dems 'retort' immediately after the speeches. I didnt see that during the DNC.

    But I dont think America in general is as stupid as the Dems think. If we are god help us.
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Losing it? Hardly.

    Fox news? That would require me to both have cable or satellite, and watch television. Innocent on both counts. ;)

    If you're talking about the Nintendo Zapper, it was actually orange and gray, and if it matters any, the original ones were the same two-tone gray as the NES console itself. And yes, I have both. :)

    There, are you happier when I'm an asshole about video games, or should I continue to be an asshole and talk about the building of my "cache?" :confused:

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