Happy Birth day - Hope you get what you want. My hubby always asks for anal for his B- Day gift.. hey its quick, easy, and I dont have to go to the mall or wrap anything... just tell your wife that.
Thanks, Ice. I wish I had thought of that. My wife said my birthday is an annual event and not to get confused about that. I am spending my birthday watching the outskirts of Hurricane Gustav plow through my yard. I don't think it will get too bad where I am, though. I'll post later with minutes from my birthday road trip and pics of some of what I got.
all husband should get at least some annual anal. but no more then 6 times a year - I think thats the only reason my husband takes me out drinking - so he can get the "stinky dinky" as he calls it.
Yes, I laughed. I have never even considered doing such a thing. It seems a mite unsanitary to me. My neighbor (not Major) got a severe case of e-coli infection in his bladder. His Doctor told him to use a condom next time he "missed the mark in the dark." That orfice appears to be designed for "exit only." I have had only one prostate exam in my life, and I promise you that no one will ever stick anything in my bum again. I am a big guy, and I assume that my exit chute is bigger than the standard model found on a 120 lb woman. If a finger was that uncomfortable for me, I don't see how penile sphincter poking could be very pleasurable for a woman.
how could millions of fags be wrong??? p.s. Im not a 120lb woman (unfortunately) your looking at a big ol bitch- 5'10" and well weight --- somewhere between 100-200lbs but I have seen many tiny 80lb women in porn take a big black man stick in the poop shut
How could millions of fags be wrong? Any man that eschews the wonders of the female body in favor of copulating with a man's excrement/pathogen filled colon does not impress me with the reliability of his reasoning.
I dont think the maj would appreciate you talking about fecal complications in his happy birthday thread. Unless he is some kind of fecalfeliac. Happy Birthday (late) bitch!
I was excited to see so many responses to my birthday thread.........then I read them. Thanks for the well wishes and the um, education. I have been activated for a planning cell for Gustav and in anticipation of Hannah striking the East Coast. So, I spent the rest of my birthday on the road to Birmingham, AL. G'night, all. - da MAJ
That sucks. Hey as you come through Augusta, Honk! (they are working on I-20 and it is FUBAR, but other than that smooth sailing. Enjoy the hills on the way to Aiken, once you get half-way to Columbia it flattens out pretty good.) Hopefully they'll send you to Myrtle.
That is funny, I get to walk the dirt path once a year usual right around my b-day. I guess it was a little over a month ago. I always ask for anal or a 3way for my B-day.
You're indeed acting like an wizened old harpy! Dont insult me. You havent got the face for it. My god this place is fucking boring. Stop talking about yourselves for fuck sake.