I think her body is great -especially for her age ... I wish I had it... but then I would add a little meat to it. Its always easier to add - as opposed to subtracting
She looks like she is about 6 months into the Meth diet. Thats nasty, nothing like an scrawny old slut to make you feel bad about rubbing one out to her in your younger days...... Rub Rub Then there was that ray of light phase.... But then again it was 10 years ago....
Why does man climb a mountain? "Because it's there." I would do it for bragging rights, and bragging rights alone. But, yeah... I'd do it.
That is actually a picture of Dan after tossing the salad on a man whom grabbed the Black Cat fireworks instead of the anal beads... He promised me not to tell, but y'kno... fuck him. Li'l bitch still owes me $20 for one of my hoes...
I don't tell many people this. It isn't until I call a li'l bitch out in public until it's known... Where my fucking money, Michelle (Dan)?
She's got some Italian in her if I'm not mistaken. That's pretty much par for the course for them as far as facial hair is concerned. I'd still do her.
we have the same sun glasses... but mine were 10$ knock offs at the the little Asian place. yeah I want to wax her kid's eyebrows. I have a feeling Amir will have his dad's eyebrows, I wonder what age you can pluck/wax a kid... and it not be considered child abuse.
are you talking about the fuzz on the chin or that stuff on her jaw bone... The jaw bones lines, are not hair, those are veins...
The chin. And why do you wear those big sunglasses? I have always wanted to ask someone who wore them why they wear them so big. I was gonna buy some of these just to be sarcastic and wear them around one day.
***I hate those big ugly sunglasses too*** Im not sure how the 70s style sunglasses came back into style. I always think of that song, 'betty davis eyes' when I see those big old porn star sunglasses. ***I hate it when people where glasses and dont even need them*** There was this retarded chick that worked at monsanto, she would wear a little head trinket in the middle of her forehead from time to time, and these tiny little spectacles that had no lense other than plain glass. She didnt even look through them, just over them. Sorry, rant over. C